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Fork 'em

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Posts posted by Fork 'em

  1. Malthouse was the only 1 at Collingwood amongst those numbskulls that had senior coaching experience .

    The only 1 who would have any incling of what Neeld was experiencing or about to experience , hence he suggested Neeld depart .

    There is no way he sacrificed the 2011 flag on purpose , he wanted that 1 bad .

    Not only would it have made the pressure on Maguire and Buckley more intense after sacking a back to back premiership winning coach , he's now stranded on 3 flags , he woulda loved to be sitting with both Matthews and Sheedy on 4 .

    • Like 1
  2. I understand your pain praha and all being Melbourne supporters I feel most here would have felt similar frustration to yours over the years , I know I have .

    Seeing as you are a member I also believe you have every right right to vent but think you are 6 mths late .

    I feel your pessimisim at our current situation is misplaced as others here have trotted out the stats that show things are finally on the up off field .

    We now have growing membership , top class training/recovery facilities , highly regarded fitness staff , plenty of support staff for the coach who looks to be putting together a big , strong , aggressive team .

    If you read the traing reports you will see that the training is much different to previous years, bigger bodies running around , far more intense with a far more professional attitide .

    Again like others have stated if we can start playing consistant good football putting wins on the board without self destructing like we did last year, membership will jump again , we'll get more free to air coverage and media which will make sponsors easier to lock in .

    Right now we find ourselves in the enviable position that there is so much room for improvement with our young list that it isn't funny .

    One of our newly elected young captains has stated he doesn't play for money , he plays for success , the other is born and bred Melbourne supporter .

    I'm sure they both have the desire not to just go through the motions of being AFL players but to deliver what we all want most .

    My advice is to keep supporting the club through membership as this will prove that we possess a strong supporter base , if our supporters are flaky , how can we expect our club to be strong .

    While were not on the boil yet ,we as a club are bubbling away just nicely at this point .

    Be a shame to chuck it all in just when we take off .

  3. I don't mind Gridiron but not wanting to score a TD due to tactics is not quite right IMO .

    That guy woulda dreamt all his life about scoring a TD in a Superbowl , no wonder he couldn't quite stop himself .

    Not 1 for his highlight reel tho' .

  4. I don't think the captain needs to be in charge of pre-game pep talks .

    Listening to the same bloke waving his arms , yelling red faced before everygame would soon turn to white noise .

    Judging by some of our starts I'm not sure Beamers antics are working anyhow .

  5. Yep ... Just watched Neelds AGM speech and also can't understand the negativity .

    I'm confident his bloke will deliver to me a side that I've been wanting since watching Essendon belt us around during the '80's .

    Tough , strong and aggressive that like him , won't die wondering .

    Any-one who doesn't fit the vision will not last long .

    Bring it on Neeldy ... I am pumped .

    • Like 1
  6. How many WYL?

    Sure they pushed the Cats .

    The 1st final against Collingwood they got lucky when he swung Gilbert forward and got some inspired football from Goddard and Hayes putting them back in it , Collingwood had them on toast till then.

    The second GF the fool didn't learn any lessons from the previous week and went back to the ultra defensive game plan (the only plan he knows) and got flogged .

    Tried to pull the same stunt with Gilbert again but couldn't couldn't fluke it twice in a row .

  7. When he took over the Saints they had crashed out of elimination final against MFC in 2006 in poor style. Hardly in their prime.The side as whole lacked speed and lack discipline. All the key Saints players have played their best football under Lyon.

    Yeah poor style , we managed to fall over them after half their side was on 1 leg for half the game .

    As for all players playing their best football under Lyon , show me the stats .

    Maybe he got more out've Montagna but he stifled the rest.

    StKilda had Hayes who I would rate as better than Ball. And having both these players wth a couple of thers did little for their pace. St Kilda offered him a lower contract in that regard. The Pies had a shortage there and put the feelers out for him. The Pies put the Saints and other Clubs over the barrel when they would only offer pick 26. It did not finish well for the Saints. He wears some of the egg on Lovett but he took Michael Gardiner who became a very good ruck for them.

    Every Club whines about Etihad. Its a shocking lifeless stadium. Crowds of all Clubs dont turn up as they would at the G. Hell, Lyon had them winning more than 65% of games under him including one season where they won 20-2 for the home and away season. Gee that must have really upset Saints fans winning each week.

    Nice try at the melodrama and history revision though.

    Talk about revision , Gardiner might've been ok when he was on the field , problem was he rarely was .

    He could've decided to get Ball right , but didn't . That was left to Collingwood.

    As for percentage ratio of wins ..... Most saint fans I know snored through them , ask Shane Warne and Molly Meldrum what they thought , did a little dance when he left apparently .

    Do ya think he would have a 65% win ratio if he took over Melbourne instead of the saints ?

    If the roll we're reversed and Bailey had've taken the reins , Bailey woulda been the coach getting offered the big $$$ just this past off season , Lyon wouldn't have taken our reins , wouldn't have the 1st clue how to build a list ..

    Clubs like us that struggle to get 20k through the Edihad gates hate it the lifeless atmosphere , clubs like Essendon and Carlton that when playing well can cram 50k in there love it .

    Facts are after Lyon , the Aints have still only 1 flag , still have the party club tag and are now staring down the barrell of 10 years rebuild cause Lyon traded away their youth for roll playing hacks like Dawson and refused to play any they did have .

    They just lost the KP Irish kid cause he wasn't getting a game.

    You can hold him up as a pillar of coaches but for me he's nothing more than a saboteur of clubs he coaches and of the game as a specticle .

  8. People like you think he's a genius , all the hard yards are done before he gets to a club .

    He took over the most exciting list in the league just when it was hitting it's prime , bucked it up by removing all of it's flair and has left it a shambles without the stomach to rebuild it .

    He didn't want Ball , gave him away , a kid who bled for the club but he wanted the destabilising influence of Lovett who Essendon couldn't pretty up and get rid of quick enough.

    The Saints whine about their Edihad deal , the problem is they can't get enough people to come and watch , little wonder with Lyons mind numbing game plan .

    Now he'll do to Freo ,(another club with a blossoming list) what he did to the saints , and they'll deserve each other .

  9. He was huge that quarter..... could of kicked like 5-6 ended up with 1 or 2 "Classic JUICE"

    Had 3 shots in the first 4 minutes reckon, barely anyone knew who he was, me and some other Melbourne supporter were the only ones yelling JUICE like he was a household name, loved it

    Ha , might've been me .

    A fella near us won $600 for him kicking the 1st goal .

    Really hoped he'd take his oppurtunity that day ..... Not to be .

  10. If Mark Neeld wishes to be a career senior coach in the AFL the MFC must be successful...it really is that simple.

    Couldn't said it better myself .

    Mark Neeld will not accept any BS and lay everything on the line for he saw what happened to the last fella .

    If you land the senior coaching with a club like us you get 1 shot at it .

  11. Well one is proven- the other is a kid who probably still has pimples.

    I'm all for Clark but I am scared. How is this going to impact on our ruck division as it is now, and how is this going to affect the Martin/Jamar combo thing we have going? Is this going to push Gawn to look for new opportunities?

    Someone start a thread on this. We need answers!

    If any-one should be worried , it'd be Jamar IMO .

    No way will we get rid of Gawn .

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