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Everything posted by binman

  1. Huh? I never heard this. Not saying it's not true but why would a narrow ground that is not particularly l9ng, so therefore has a smaller area that most grounds, expose slow teams. Geelong might I guess because they like to bounce of hb, move ir through the corridor, and get it forward quickly. But the ground doesnt. We also like to move it from hb so should suit us fine
  2. It must drive you insane that goody agrees with my assessment not yours. Even more insane that he picks omac each week. And will continue to do so. How on earth is this bloke a senior coach you must think. I mean after all he continues to pick a player in a top 4 AFL team simply beca8he is tall. Truly bixxare. And to think they saw fit to extend his contract for another 3 years. You must have wept when you heard that. So look after yourself jnr. Thursday night's this season will be difficult for you. Perhaps you can see if rather than grumble on dl about omacs precence in rge side you can get an audience with goody and make your case.
  3. Well it would be in line with their selection of Viney. Melksham and Jones
  4. That is exactly right. Critical moment. I still think they would have gone on to won but you never no. To be honest though we were lucky to be as close as we were when jonsey fluffed that mark.
  5. By the by i thought Wagner did ok. Can kick, which is a pretty good start, and is hard at it. Pleasantly surprised by Sparrow, but one game doesn't make a season.
  6. Fair points. But Lever won't play big. So to speak. Most sides will play a second ruck against the dees this year and therefore will often have two bigs up forward. Omac and May will take the bigs - and Lever will go back to his floating intercept role.
  7. I have been right about Omac's position in the team thus far. Time will surely tell if that remains the case.
  8. It's remarkable how so may posters don't seem to get this fact. But there you go. May will come in for Frost. Absolute certainty. If there are no injuries Frost will struggle to get another game this season i'm afraid.Frankly i'm pizzed off at May for his stupidity. We needed him round one. People know my views on Omac so no need to rehash them. Except to repeat that Goodwin knows a great deal more about footy than posters on DL and he will pick Omac ahead of Frost (and won't drop him this season). So it is safe to assume he rates OMac more highly than Frost, which will do me. Those that get discombobulated by Omac being in the team side best work out a way to deal with it for the sake of their own well being. He is a lock for the rest of the season (and his career). Even after Lever comes back. The other defender who will come under scrutiny is Hunt. Its all well and good to focus on Omac and Frost (who was poor i will concede) but he does not butcher the ball like Hunt. His first four kicks were turnovers. A woeful kick. I doubt he'll be dropped but he is lucky we have so many out at the moment. Talk about Weed getting dropped for Keilty is just plain crazy. Won't happen. KK might be chance to come in, but really i think the likely scenario is just the one change - May for frost.
  9. Vanderburg is Jack's father. Little known fact. It will get reveled in season 3.
  10. Yep. Never been longer. A brutal, long season and having your team ready for finals is a key. As is a bit of luck to a avoid serious injuries.
  11. Yep. Spot on. This was the key factor, no question.
  12. Good post. I think it is fitness. We looked absolutely gassed after the first quarter. Funnily enough so did wet toast. Collingwood and tigers also ran out of gas. Three of the prelim finalists beaten by teams who either didn't play finals or in rge cat's case went out first round. And tigers were very scrappy against a crap team. No coincidence. The impact od tge combination of a longer previous season and shorter pre season has never been greater given rhe aerobuc and physical dem aands of afl football. The other issue is how many shitt kicks we have. A huge issue. Particularly when combined with poor decision making. It was ironic to watch wattsy nailing both simple and difficult kicks with ease, being cool under pressure and making good decisions.
  13. On what is an extremely tough day i'm making Thunder Cloud my best. Mornington race 6 no 6
  14. Don't get me started. To be honest a very big cross against pert. And for those who don't get what the issue is I respectfully suggest you don't grasp the imporatance in 2019 of effective online strategies (website youtube, social media etc) in terms if fan engagemet, increasing suppoert, building the 'brand' and building tbe value proposition for sponsors.
  15. Mix one part gun recruit with anxiety issues, one part new general manager with small man complex, one part unbalanced CEO, one part gun recruit with dodgy calves and links to bikies and a coach with anger management issues. Mix and stir. A recipie for success.
  16. Makes our comms team look like Pulitzer prize winners!
  17. Lucifer's inn. On Wellington..Opposite Pullman hotel (the old Hilton). Right on Yarra park. Two minutes to gate 1 at the g. In 5 years time.
  18. Good post. Speed of movement is absolutely the key to our game plan. Good to hear they are practicing another mode of entry. It is is important to remember they are still a team putting all of the pieces together and need to get each piece right before adding another. I agree on the need for a good crumber. Would make bombs in much, much more dangerous. I'm not sold yet spargo is that crumber. Really we need Jeffy to get back to his best but that is a long way from a certainty. Could Sparrow play that role?
  19. 1. That's partly true. I think though teams have to do more than match us in contested ball to beat us, they have to surpass us in that area, as was the case in the examples you give. But even if we were to employ a modified game plan if we don't bring the 'Melbourne' style we are in trouble. But the reality is teams rarely match us and we back our model in. But for me the answer is not a modified game plan - it is better skills. We waste way too many forward 50 entries because of poor kicks in and poor decisions. Exacerbating this issue is that we turn the ball over too often at HB or through the middle of the ground. A perfect example is the hawks semi. You're right they matched our grunt but we should have been 5 goals up at half time. We weren't because we wasted so many inside 50s and had some howlers where we gave the ball back, trurninbg potential attacks into Hawks shots on goals. 2. Yep you're right. I was probably being a bit hard on Jones. He has absolutely improved his kicking and is now one of our more reliable kicks, though i still think he makes some poor decisions going inside 50 sometimes.
  20. I agree our game plan is relatively one dimensional, though I'm not so sure i agree that it is an issue for us. What i wholeheartedly agree is that we have weakness with our kicking skills. To me it is our biggest weakness. They have absolutely prioritized grunt over skill in their drafting and trading, and i said at the time i was bit surprised they went with say swallow rather than a player with better foot skills (though perhaps one wasn't out there). Our approach of kicking long to 20 metres out from goal , usually to a big pack was on full display in the JLT. This approach doesn't necessarily require brilliant kicks but it does require good decision makers (ie when not to go with that approach and instead hit up a target) and players who can put the ball in a landing spot that advantages our forwards. Which as i have noted before is much underrated skill and we pretty hopeless at it. And yes Gus is one player that struggles with it. So is Jones, ANB, Hunt and several other key players who we rely on for the majority of our inside 50s. Trac on the other hand is really good at it as rule, but often he is inside 50 and Melk is in the same boat.
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