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Everything posted by binman

  1. A deliberately misleading headline designed to drive clicks, create faux outrage and trigger men babies. As you suggest people making comment who obviously haven't read the article (spolier alert the AFLPA have raise the vague idea of a joint CBA, the AFL nothing to do with it, the next tv rights likely to be less so less revenue to share with players). We are collectively getting dumber.
  2. Good point Damo. They complement each other well. Max is terrific off field and with his communication. There is no way Viney won't be captain - it would a demotion and and would only create unhelpful strange ju ju and fugazi around the club when the narrative we are pushing is redemption. I have no doubt Max and Jack will be announced as co captains.
  3. Spargo was in full training today apparently
  4. Of that list though only preuss is confirmed being out for any length of time and all of them have got a very strong fitness base down. So not that a big an issue really.
  5. You have to laugh at how the media operates these days. Particularly the footy media. Create a story where these isn't one, in this case based on a vague answer to a question (THE AFLM is coming !!!!!). Media comments on that non story. People (all the better if it is someone half famous - or else just quote twitter) then comment on those comments. Rinse and repeat. Here's an example. https://www.news.com.au/sport/afl/embarrassing-and-unprofessional-jeff-kennett-launches-strong-criticism-of-afl-after-aflm-clarification/news-story/3ffd880bb08c39ed1b7b8d6957bf560d Slobbo has also commentated on the AFLM mania in the same rag. Fair dinkum the world is getting dumber. Interestingly ABC news had a completely different spin on the story, which was how long it took Nicole Livingston to answer the question not a critique of Hocking or god forbid any serious consideration of i becoming AFLM. In fact the article makes it clear it is not going to happen. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-11/afl-has-no-plans-to-rename-the-league-aflm/11954612?section=sport By the by for context here is the actual question and response:
  6. The critical thing is most of the injured players got a sold block of training in before XMAS and have s old fitness base down. Also most of that list is still running so keeping their fitness levels up.
  7. You couldn't move it yourself?
  8. Love it. If for no other reason than to the response from men 'triggered' by the thought of it being AFLM.
  9. And besides you can have two smalls up forward. The tigers have at least two at any one time.
  10. Thanks for the report. Its interesting you have Jay as defender (i assume that's who he has been training with?). I can see him as small defender (but would have to get past Jetts) but i can also see him as a small forward.
  11. On the title as i have previously posted i wonder if the wording was a deliberate choice to create some of the confected huff puffery that played out on SEN. Trolling if you will. #anynewsisgoodnews The other day i was driving at around 3pm and listening to SEN (which i never usually listen to during the day as i'm at work). I'm not sure who was/is on but he was banging on about the doc and in particular the title. He then played the cornes palaver in full, some more comments from him and then played Garry Lyon's response from the day after Cornes (in short pull your head in ****knuckle). And finished with some more of his own comments. About 10 minutes of free publicity for an in house video that had yet to be aired. In addition to all of the previous on air discussion and social media. Gold I listen to RSN sports breakfast and the they were all talking it up this morning. They may not have even known about if not for cornes' comments.
  12. Agree. One of the best recruits from.another club in my time. Was undersized for a chb but gave everything he had.
  13. My god. I watched it. It should come with a health warning.
  14. I am only interested in watching the dees play (and the grand final). But that largely applies to the men too. I don't mind the low scoring and different skill level. I look at as different game to an extent. The arm wrestle has its own fascination. And skills aside the courage to put their bodies on the line they way they do is phenomenal. So gutsy. And tough. And they are at huge risk of injury (without the same sort of income protection) given their bio dynamics, strength, size, inexperience and the fact they are not professional (far from it). But i had a very familiar sense of tension and nerves in the last 3 minutes of today's game as they battled to keep it in our forward half and fight to to hang on for a win. And i was pumped when they did. Loved how joyous they were too. Go dees!
  15. I wasn't referring to the definition.....
  16. Good Lord I thought I could be a bit self righteous......
  17. And Tony Campbell should never have picked. For any game, let alone the prelim.
  18. I've not heard of that cult before. Is it new?
  19. Won't be such an issue id he plays tbw majority of his time as a mid.
  20. Then site would become Vandemonland
  21. Is Oscar still in it or is he gawn? If not i have to go with maxy. So: Gawn
  22. Yes. New idea is a more reliable source of news.
  23. To be honest i can't see how the video could be cause any damage or any real substantive risks. Embarrassed if we have a poor season because we produced a three part doc called Hell and back? Spare me. The players won't need a video to be embarrassed if we have another poor season to be embarrassed. Nor will the FD or fans for that matter. Of course if that eventuates the peanuts in the media will trot out the video for their silly montages but c'mon who cares So why not produce it. Damage to our 'brand'. Please our brand is already damaged. As if the video (which will be full of inspirational training footage and rubbish music) is going to damage it further. Sure the title is cheesy and a bit presumptuous. But perhaps deliberately so. Look at the free publicity we have got for video content that hasn't even been released yet. As i have been banging on about content is king. The proof will be in how many times the video are watched. And its not just about increased membership, now or in the future. its also about getting mainstream media interest (hard to do coming off last years results). Tick. And importantly its also about value for our sponsors. I'll bet London to a brick Jaguar are more than happy about all the free publicity and will be with the views the videos get.
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