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Everything posted by binman

  1. Watching at the ground yoy can really see how much running he does and how much distance he covers. Super important with 30 min qs and 75 rotations
  2. You mean like Yarra Park car park on game day at the g?
  3. Given the standard of food and the urinals at the footy, that risk has always been there!
  4. Me too. Sort off. If you include bowey, who they want play at hb, down back we have the following players in the mix: bowey, hibberd, lever, may, jets, Salem, rivers petty, smith and tomlinson. Ten don't go into 6. Salem is in our best 22, so playing him somewhere else would create one spot down back. I used to keen for him to be tried on the wing, but don't think he has the pace or the tank. But I could see him as a high half forward. Would mean his kicking skills would help our inside 50s and accuracy for goal. And his defensive work would be good for forward half pressure. Seems a long shot though, given I think he has been trying with the defenders.
  5. Speaking of alt right bingo Donald trump Jr. was appalled to learn a few days ago that the Washington Football Team's cheerleading program had been axed. So he posted a video on the web entitled: LOL: This is the Latest Victim of Woke Craziness. In it he says "If there was an Olympic medal for woke stupidity, these guys would win, like, the platinum medal. It would be bigger than gold," Platinum medal. Pardon the pun, but that is comedy gold. Talk about triggered. So triggered he had to make a video (presumably in front of his wall of guns). I am convinced donnie jnr posts on demonland.
  6. Is You're going today? I thought it was that long for me too. But I forgot about the practice match against the roos right before it all shut down. Rivers looked good that day.
  7. I wish I had the option of two laughing emojis. Gold. But seriously, are you ok?
  8. Whatever your views are on the gender issue daisy, i'm sure you agree that there was every chance this would become a 'story' (even if you think it isn't one). And I'm sure you'd agree that it is now an unhelpful distraction. An entirely avoidable distraction. So surely you agree it was srltupid for pert and Bartlett to agree to attend. Or perhaps broker a different venue (of which, in the current climate, must be hundreds)?
  9. Nup. When I posted your post wasn't up yet, so I hadn't read it (still haven't- will now)
  10. Jeez, maybe we could all chip in some money to get some psychological help for all the posters who are so evidently triggered and rattled by a benign discussion about gender. Poor things.
  11. You're right with this. I'm guilty in my previous posts about of implying reputational risk is the key issue. But as you say the key issues are club culture and club valued. The culture of any organisation is set by the leaders. And here we have the two most senior people in tbe org endorsing the choice of venue. Forget the message to fans, what message send to staff and the all players? Does anyone seriously think Peggy O'Neil and Brendan gale would accept such an invite?
  12. Geez, mcnamara is a natural footballer
  13. Agree it is nothing to die in a ditch over. But for me i have started having some doubts about the judgement of both Pert and Bartlett. The members forum, the agm bartletts comments after the port game and some other eyebrow raisers. And a lapse in judgement in this case just adds to my concerns
  14. Which reminds me of the irony of trump jnr 'writing' a book called triggered about triggering the snowflake left. Ironic because he and his dad and most of his acolytes gets so beserkley triggered at the drop of a hate (eg donnies response to karl rove and the wall Street journal). And the irony of the Republicans, the party of freedom of the individual, bleating about the evils of cancel culture when anyone who doesn't toe the trump line or has the temerity to vote on conscience get torn to shreds and in some cases censured by their party.
  15. Exactly. Leaving aside any discussion about the choice the venue by the coterie and whether criticism of the club is valid and/or fair, it is a stupid decision by pert and Bartlett to be involved. Without their involvement its just a fund-raiser by some dees fans. At worst it is highlighted and some comments and jokes are made about typical establishment, rich mfc supporters and reinforcement of stereotypes. Maybe a codabeens song. Basically no blow back on the club at all. But having the CEO AND President means quite rightly the club are seen to endorse the event and venue. Now the club is exposed So again, leaving aside how fair this is, you have to question their thinking - particularly pert who is probably on 200k a year. And particularly in the current environment. Where is the assessment of the reputation risk? They made some noise about 'listening to their female members', so they are seemingly at least alert to the issue (though to be honest those comments were cringe worthy - one they didn't need to say anything, two they ended up sounding paternalistic- l mean you change because you think it's the right thing to do, not coz you are listening to the little ladies). And then they provide the media the opportunity to bring that change up in a negative context (by the by the critics of the abc here is ridiculous. They're not allowed to do what every other news outlet does - write something that gets clicks retweets, attention etc etc?). There is every chance they had no idea of the venue. If so that is simply unprofessional. Again particularly by pert. And if they did know and the reputational risk didn't register then, Houston, we have a problem. A stupid own, goal.
  16. Excellent post. Agree with all of it. You are spot on about goodwin having no more excuses. There were certainly mitigating factors in 2019 and 2020 (injury and a pandemic respectively) but they have basically used up his get out of jail cards. If we don't make finals, i'm convinced that no matter what extenuating circumstances there might be, he wont be there next year. Because, as you say where we are at in terms of the list, development etc anything less would be fail. Agree about our list profile and the importance of having a core of key players in their prime age range. Added to the invaluable AFL experience that brings, that group is also at their peak fitness and strength wise. Which will be critical this year with 30 minute quarters and 75 rotations. And credit where it is due, they have finally brought in some players in Rivers, Bowey and Laurie to help address our kicking problems. And in Kozzie and Jackson they have added the x factor every contender need. I watched much more football last season than I ever have. Prior to last season i barely watched non Melbourne games, save for finals, the occasional big game and may be one or two quarters of random games. Watching so many games really reinforced your point about over rating the lists of other teams. There are lot of average players and a lot of players with rubbish kicking skills. We have top 4 list. And i think we are good chance of making top 4. Of course i wont be surprised if we don't. I will be surprised if we don't make the 8.
  17. How many days does vic have to be covid free for no restrictions on entering WA?
  18. 1.30? I assume it is a pretty small pool at this stage, but that is ridiculous.
  19. Actually it is. Presumably Rowell is some crazy odds (i'd be guessing even money?), but leaving that block head aside, Jackson is exactly the sort of player who is a good chance in the Rising Star. Unlike the stupid Brownlow its not purely a midfield award (though LJ will play some mid time, no doubt). And umpies are not the people voting. And like nik nat, LJ has the mix of attributes that stand out even in low possessions game the judges (a mix of footy journos and ex players IIRC) love. Plus i am convinced he is going to be an absolute star. I've convinced myself. A pineapple on LJ it is.
  20. A As per above, yes. But also all the AFLW games
  21. Fair point about the impact of missing a chunk of preseason but the fact the club is talking about him playing round one points to how critical he is to our fortunes. Of course it would great if he snagged more goals. The goals will come but ATM they are a bonus. His two key performance indicators are inside 50 tackles and pressure acts. No other player in our team comes close to the pressure he applies in our forward half. Which is an indictment really, but there it is. Forward half pressure is one of the most important elements of modern footy. Obviously if you can't trap the ball inside 50 you miss opportunities to score, but really the big issue is allowing the ball to be moved out of the forward 50 under little pressure. Lack of pressure not only creates an opportunity for the for the switch and/or easy transition, lack of pressure on the ball carrier means that the clearing kick, the chip kick to a free defender and even a handball, is more likely to hit a target. And it is an area we have been very poor in since 2018. Think of how often the ball has just bounced out of our 50 and pinged down the other end of the ground. This as feature in all of our really bad losses last season. And think of Richmond. Forward half pressure is key to their success.
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