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Everything posted by binman

  1. I get it confused with spooning. When I went to the physio for treatment he suggested I try the Thai 'massage' place a few doors down, above the pizza parlour.
  2. A world of dew, And within every dewdrop A world of struggle.
  3. Reads like a Towkay infused haiku
  4. Agree on both counts. Surely the Fisherman's bend development (which Covid seems to have stopped in its tracks) would provide an opportunity to build a purpose built football oval and training facilities, with community amenities such as those at Arden Street. And would be much easier i would have thought to get State government financial support. A win win, as they will need parks, playing fields and community spaces in that area - unless of course they want to build the docklands mark 2.
  5. The videos of Pert's and Bartlett's speeches (but not Goodwin's) are up on the MFC facsimile of a website. Glen doesn't exactly glow with good health. That said he might want to have a chat to the AV crew - the lighting is not particularly flattering. He looks a bit grey.
  6. I am of the firm belief the film months python references everything. Case in point:
  7. You can depend on me for predictable bad dad jokes.
  8. Understandable then if he didn't train. My wife assures me childbirth is pretty draining
  9. Actually i'm pleased with the remaining options, which as i understand it are replays of all games, in game heat maps and stats and AFL.pro I have the Telstra live pass but I never used the live streaming option as I found it unwatchable on a phone or on a cropped tablet (you couldn't watch it on a PC, tablet viewing is cropped - a bit bigger than phone but not much, and you couldn't cast). I have kayo (but fully get why people don't want it), but even before i got it, I only ever used the replays, in game heat maps and stats and AFL.pro so nothing changes for me. Before kayo if i could not watch a dees game live for whatever reason ie not on FTA, couldn't get to the game, death in the family etc etc) i went into a complete media blackout and told (read, demanded/threatened) family a, friends and colleagues not to tell me the result - actually in fact not single thing about the game. I then watched the replay of the game on AFL live pass 'as live' 12 hours after it ended, which is when becomes available(once 2 full days - a tigers game. We lost). The big concern for me was not having access to AFL.pro, as it is the one function/tool that is not available anywhere else. I have pumped it up before but i highly recommend people to use it if they have access to it. You can watch the video of EVERY involvement (basically defined as anything for which a stat is collected for) of EVERY player in EVERY game. Its fascinating way to view the game. I assume similar vision (perhaps the same vision) is used by the clubs for individual player reviews. One cool thing is that it changes the focus a bit away from disposals being the key metric for involvement. Sometimes a player, like sparrow a few times last year, would get perhaps 15 possessions and you might think he was not in the game much. But watching his vision he might have 30 involvements (egf his 15 possession, his one percenters, his marks, his fress for, frees against etc) And few times last year i enjoyed Petracca porn - edited vision of all his involvements in games he dominated.
  10. This article isn't the one i read but is bout the same report: https://www.espn.com.au/football/australia-aus/story/3970224/study-finds-australias-golden-generation-of-socceroos-was-an-outlier
  11. Its intersting you say that. last year I read an article about a review in to Australian soccer that looked to answer the question why our national team is so rubbish in comparison to the so called golden era (when we had Kewel, Viduka, Alois, Zelic etc etc). One obvious difference was that we had better players back then, as evidenced by how many played in top leagues around the world, a number that is super low now. But why were they better then given all the elite systems and pathways that now clog up soccer? One of the differences highlighted that Viduka etc al didn't go though elite pathways. They were not taken out of their clubs. They stayed at the junior club and played seniors and that was their pathway. I think it was Aloisi who was quoted as saying that that were able to express themselves and play with freedom, where his view that elite pathways don't encourage that an that to an extent coach flair out of players. The other issue is that taking the best young players out of a club robs that club of role models and talent that brings others up, perhaps young players who might not be selected in the special teams but have the ability to make it.
  12. He aint moved on. And he won't. Physically yes, but not mentally.
  13. Terrific game of footy. Great win, particularly given paxman was not as prolific as normal and daisy was a bit off in the first 3 quarters (but terrific in the last). Go dees
  14. Fair comments. I actually like Sam as a relief ruck. It gets him involved and I reckon he showed some natural rucking skills in 2018. And as you say he tackled more and did some damage. I thought it was strange he didn't play there at all last year, but perhaps it was related to the hip issues he had (i think it was hip, perhaps someone else?). I take your point about the forward line, and being gassed at season's end. That said six tackles in 13 games is not good enough. And given 2 were against the crows he only had 4 in the remaining 12 games. I have always thought he is a confidence player. Maybe a couple of months working on his upper body strength will help him to compete better against big key defenders and help his mind set. He is a beautiful set shot and we need every good kick we can get. And for a few weeks he seemed to be gelling well with LJ, so I hope he comes back bigger and better. And tackles.
  15. In a nutshell the above highlights why systemic racism is so pernicious and difficult to address.
  16. Some might argue buying Smith shares is more akin to loading up ganja shares, as the reddit crew have moved on to
  17. I like players who try super hard and play with intensity. And tackle. No time for weed? Again with the misrepresentation. When did I say I had no time for him? Or even imply I had no time for him? I've always 'had time' for sam. I gave him credit for his goals and highlighted his marks inside 50. Have always been a fan. I'm a fan of all our players (though melksham is testing my patience) I said I had lost faith, explained why, and supported that view with evidence. All very logical and dispassionate i would have thought. But I sincerly hope he makes it. I am open for my faith to be restored. He has the talent, as I have acknowledged throughout his career. Just has to get to AFL level intensity. I'm critical of a player and you of all people find that curious? And on Marshall I landed on him because I was looking for a comparable player and correctly assumed he fitted the bill. Believe, or not believe me, I don't care but I didn't look at his tackle count unti after I selected him. Either way it proved my point. But for fairness sake here are the number of tackles in 2020 of a random selection of some other key forwards (young and old): Max King: 22 Ben King: 7 Josh Kennedy: 16 Luke Jackson: 8 (in 6 games). So 2 more than Sam in 7 fewer games. A kid in his first season of footy. Tmac: 15 (in 9 games) Dixon: 18 Sam Day: 21 Jeremy Cameron: 24 Hawkins: 40 Oscar Allen (who i should have picked because he is pretty comparable age wise etc and plays with the sort of intensity I wish Sam did. And his name is Oscar): 41 Charlie curnow: six fewer than Sam, with zero. Had a good excuse though as he didn't play a game last season. But over his career averages 2.2 per game so on that average would have had 28 odd if he had played Sam's 13 games. Tom Lynch (tigers): 23 Tom Lynch (crows): 13 Tex Walker: 14. Darling: 35. You get the point. Maybe. Perhaps you are ok with a key forward averaging a tackle every two games. Maybe in your analysis of a players you don't rate the tackle stat or don't mind that a 95 kg, 23 year old key forward doesn't throw his weight around, crunch defenders, apply pressure or trap the ball inside 50. Call me crazy, but I do.
  18. I'm buying Smith shares. He'll make it.
  19. To help the dees out, I'll convince the pies to trade for him
  20. It is incredible that [censored] Mcalister made those comments in 1993. Not 1953. 1993. It sounds like a quote from Wake in Fright for god's sake. I had forgotten that Eddie succeeded Mcalister as President. As you say some progression that represents. Not. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/apr/17/black-and-proud-remembering-the-day-nicky-winmar-changed-footy-forever
  21. Lumumba made another interesting point on Twitter, which was quoted in that article: “The 'CFC Do Better' report was not a 'response to the Black Lives Matter movement', as McGuire suggested. “CFC themselves announced the review was commissioned 'following accounts of racism made by Heritier Lumumba'. I wondered what the hell Eddie was talking about too. Either I'm right about him having cognitive issues or Eddie just couldn't help spinning things and big upping himself and tbe club (ie "we were on the front foot, are leaders and wanted to respond to the blm. Coz we're great. And not a racist club. Just some poor processes and policies' ). The irony is rather than determinedly investigating Lumumba's accusations tbey instead looked to buy some time and cover with a review. That with some help from Eddie , blew them up.
  22. A fair point. He also ranked 10th in the league for marks inside 50 per game. But my main issue with Sam is his intensity and effort. That's to say his lack of it. A huge issue for us last season was our woeful pressure inside 50 and out inability to keep it trapped there. In our really bad losses (i'm thinking Port, Freo, Swawns and Dogs) the opposition just waltzed the ball out of our defence and up the field with ease. Sure Weed is a big (pardon the tautology) and i read about his struggles, but he had only had six tackles for the season. Six. The most he had in a single game was 2 against the crows. And i'm pretty sure of those six, maybe one or max two were in the last 5 games or so, when our season was on the line and you'd expect him to be at his most desperate. Compare that to Port's Todd Marshall, who i reckon is a pretty fair comparison: One year younger, drafted the year after Sam, ten fewer games, similar position, a touch taller, a touch lighter and both top 20 picks (16 to Sam's pick 9). And he played almost the same number of games in 2020 (14 to Sam's 13). Todd Marshall had 35 tackles for the 2020 season. Nearly six times more than Sam. Marshall had the 18th most tackles inside 50 per game of any player in the AFL in 2020. It is also worth noting that its not as if the other bigs at Port were not pulling their weight on the tackle front. Dixon had 18 (and Rozee, who to be fair is a mid size forward at 175 cm, had 16). To be fair to Sam 83% of his tackles were inside 50. The problem is he only had six tackles in total
  23. I'll take the glass half full approach. Which is based on a glass half empty premise. Which is that i have to say i've lost faith in Weed. He was rubbish last year. He had the perfect opportunity to stamp himself as the man down forward but the longer the season went the less interested he looked. He seemed to go to the Melksham school of tackling and half arsed effort. When he began i saw him at practice match at the Holden centre and thought he looked a natural forward. But he doesn't seem as if he has really devloed his forard craft. And is too easliy pushed under the ball for mine. So the glass half full is that Tmac plays deep -as he should have last year and LJ and Mitch Brown are the other key forwards. With Smith down there too flying at every height ball and generally going crazy. And together they rock
  24. Gotcha. Ben i meant. Forgot about the other brown
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