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Everything posted by binman

  1. But none of tbe people who caught did so at one those supermarkets. At least not yeT
  2. I don't think this error has had any bearing on this outbreak. Thus far there hasn't been any transmission in shopping centre settings in Australia
  3. That true, fair point. And they don't know yet the link between the fella from hotel quarantine and the so called case 5. So you are right it is possible that an outbreak might have stilled occurred. Nonetheless the chain would have been broken and the current outbreak would have have not occurred. But you are also right, the real issue is the ridiculous hotel quarantine program. I mean it is so obvious NT style quarantine stations are required. A no brainer
  4. Again, this started with a man in his 60s who it has been asserted had not had vaccine, despite being eligible. Given he caught it, transmiited AND got sick it would appear very likely this assertion is accurate Perhaps he was also a waiting for the 'good stuff'. If so that decision is has been huge factor in where we re right now. Everyone over 50 should get vaccinated. It is our civic duty. And when they make AV eligible for under 50s they should get vaccinated too. On that risk, there is risk with any vaccine options. So there is a chance someone waiting for Pfizer will have an adverse reation to it. Does anyone know the name of the flue vaccine they had this year? Besides the advice may well change to to recommend AV for under 50s, becuase now there there is COVID in the community the risk balance changes, meaning the risks of getting sick or dying from COVID far outweigh the infinitesimal risk of developing blood clots And the risk discussion is frankly bizarre anyway given the risks that are much more likely to result in injury or death people willingly take every single day without giving it any thought whatsoever. Just three driving related examples - peanuts who mindlessly tailgate, anyone distracted at all by their mobile phone when driving or driving with ANY alcohol in their system (ie under .05, eg .01).
  5. Sung to the tune of: https://youtu.be/DEseb6-hssc
  6. And if said person is actually a dees fans then that sad existence goes to a whole other level!
  7. There is a suggestion that 3 of the initial 5 cases were eligible to have had a vaccine but hadn't had one. It would also appear one of them (the so called case 5 - a 60 year old fella) was the first link in the chain and then infected two households (not to mention being out and about in the community for a week while infectious). One of the people this fella (case 5) infected in his household then infected five people at his workplace. If he had had a vaccine then there is very good chance he would not have got infected in the first place and therefore would not have passed it on to anyone else. And we would not be talking about lockdowns and missing the footy on Friday night. Or thousands and thousands of people having to down tools and waste hours to get a cotton bud stuck up their nose. And of course all the other major disruptions to people's lives And it beggars belief, if true, but it is being reported that one of the older infected person's doctor did a house call (coz they were sick). And the doctor was also unvaccinated. Jesus wept But hey, as long at the 70 year old fella in his 'safe' suburb is ok then all good.
  8. Which is why i refuse to take the contraceptive pill
  9. So much for the Australian spirit of community and looking after each other. I'm alright jack should be our national motto
  10. Agree our approach to covid was first class. Our approach to vaccination has been anything but.
  11. And And a national embarrassment. There was such a smugness about out response to COVID, particularly in comparison to that of the United states and the UK. Well the states has now hit 50% of the adult population vaccinated mark. Meaning only 20% more to get to herd immunity. And the UK is arounds that mark too i think. Both countries will be on the other side of this before we will. Which is just absurd We had time, the systems and vaccines. We should have hit the herd immunity mark by now for god's sake. We can blame the politicians all we like but we should collectively asking why we haven't and why there has not been a massive push from the community to have done so. I guarantee if Morrison thought failing to reach herd immunity would costs them the next election the feds would have made it priority number one - which of course it should have been anyway!.
  12. I don't think that's the case actually. I think, but stand to be corrected, thst informed consent is a blanket statement that atm applies only to people under 50 AND eligible to get a vaccination (1a, 1b frontline workers etc). But under 50s will be able to get it here in a matter of weeks I reckon
  13. If you fall into 1a or 1b yes. If not, the vic government is pushing to open availability to everyone. As the federal government should have done from the start. A total joke. So very, very soon you will have the opportunity to get an AZ vaccination shot.
  14. I thought you can still get az if you are under 50. If you want to. And really I don't understand why anyone wouldn't Its just thst it is recommendation not to. But discuss with your doc
  15. That peanut really helped thinngs with one of those 10 million announcements. Basically telling people over 50 to chill, no hurry to get the cheap, cask wine blood clot vaccine. Just wait until the top shelf, grange one is available around Xmas. Or next year. Or mid next year. Anyone would think they are quite happy to ride the whe're an island, we're ok, keep the borders closed, nationalistic sentiment all the way to the next election. All the while bagging the states about border closures (bad for business apparently - but closing the national border isn't. Strange). And doing sweet fa about sorting an effective national quarantine response. Rhyming slang comes to mind.
  16. Except it want covid symptoms they asked you to monitor. They're concerned the game was so boring they have asked patrons to monitor for ongoing symptoms of ennui.
  17. Lucky it wasn't a dees game. Because people actually turn up to our games!
  18. I'll get there 3 hours before the game starts!
  19. Too late OD - i'm fully woke.
  20. First dose fine. Largely becuase i've only had my first one. Second one next week A letter from your doc or some other formal proof. Incentivize and reward. And I can yell and support with others who have done the right thing and had their shot(s) and not have to worry (well 72% of not worry) about all the possible covid carrying delaying dees and dogs fans cramping my style. And less young bucks who can't handle their grog and are desperate to impose themselves on the rest of us. Perfect.
  21. They should make tickets available for people who have been vaccinated. And only for people who have been vaccinated.
  22. There won't be a lockdown. Games will go ahead. There will be crowds.
  23. Demonland's very own lace out (and skipper of an excellent you tube channel and podcast) is referenced in this article. Love the title: https://thewest.com.au/sport/afl/borders-on-cheating-melbourne-fail-to-win-two-crucial-free-kicks-in-shock-one-point-loss-to-adelaide-ng-b881879550z?dc_data=6594903_samsung-carnival-australia-english&utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral&ui=d0d9279a-60d8-4e2f-b351-7f38ba6bb02a-tuct7a5dc37
  24. A very misleading stat. Because it is easy to assume turnovers as result from an error from us. Still a horrible number but.
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