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Everything posted by binman

  1. Great point. They worked so hard. And that work by them an others means teams can't just switch to break us down and get an easy transition (compare our work rate to our loss against the dogs last year - chalk and cheese) There was one play where Rivers busted a gut to cover the outlet. We ended up winning it back and going back inside 50. Fair play to bartel he pointed the work rate out (hunt might also have been involved?) I absolutely loved Olver's defensive work rate and defensive running today too. I thought that part of his game was critical in the first half. That run down of cripps was something he just wanted doing until this year. First class work rate from Clarry today.
  2. We are not struggling. We are simply not as concerned with winning clearances as were up until about half way of last season. Watch goody's presser and ask if he is a ciach concerned about us losing tge clearance count. We have won 9 straight, by an average of some like 4 or 5 goals. Clearances are not an issue. I'm more worried about a lack of a gun small defender
  3. Sure. But we won't lose clearances to them. And the blues have a pretty good midfield and a pretty good forward line. The dogs beat them last week but they hard too much firepower up until 3 quarter time. We reduced their firepower to a pop gun
  4. I couldn't go today so had to watch it on the box. I was getting seriously furious with BT. It wasn't just that stupid comment. His vaudeville routine about how quiet went for the whole first half and was replaced by a routine about him not rating us blah blah blah, that the whole team bar bartel joined in on. Pathetic and disrespectful to the club and fans watching On Bartel, i have to say i'm really impressed with him. Actually brings some solid analysis to the role of special comments (eg his comment explaining why the clearance differential was not an issue and the pressure we put on the player trying to kick from the clearance). And i love how he doesn't play along with BT's clowning.
  5. A look in? What on earth are you talking about? We were always in control of that game and we won by 4 goals easing up. They had no chance of winning that game once we came with the right level of pressure. A look in? Sheesh And we won't lose the total clearances to the dogs as they won't put an extra at stoppages to give them half a chance to win one
  6. Disagree. Break even in the centre is fine. I don't think they scored a single point form centre square clearances. And they set up to attack. And as general rule, win around the ground clearances for stoppages. We didn't today but as goody noted in his presser they had an extra at stoppages, hence their 'win' in this stat today. Except it wasn't a win at all. If we wanted to 'win' more all we had to do is match that extra and with our bulls hey presto we 'win' more of those clearances. But, again as Goody noted he was fine with our stoppages because even with an extra at the stoppage their clearance 'wins' were under immense pressure, and so time after time they dumped kicked in to the forward half allowing (parpahrasing goody) 'our boys to go to work' . We had 15 intercept marks in our back half on a wet night, with lever 5 of them. And as a result more than third of our score came from the back. We scored about half of their total score rebounding from the backline. And they scored almost nothing from clearances. Another tactical battle won by goody.
  7. Apologies if this has been posted, but game is on case radio https://www.caseyradio.com.au/shows/vfl-vflw/
  8. I feel like I'm in an alternate universe
  9. Wow. You must be so proud. Insults. Great skill.
  10. Particularly one as spectacularly ugly as him
  11. Yes. And breaking even would put us middle if the table would it not? And to be clear none is saying we should lose centre clearances to win - of course we are trying to win clearances. But not as and in of itself As ooze said ee are trying to win more clean clearnces and concede less clean clearances
  12. Yes. But only after getting on a roll at seasons end. Where was the two gf teams on tbst list? And the game has changed a fair bit in 3 years
  13. The point is they are not interested in being near the top of the centre square differential table. Because in order to achieve that we would actually score less and the opposition would score more. As was tbe case for the four years under goody where were near the top of tbst table So net effect is we would lose more games
  14. Ta. I rarely listen to sen live. Just King, leppa ans sometimes Jennings on catch up But was driving. I caught the second half of that, so must have in tbe first half. Will listen to the rest. Jeez they have a lot of ads live. cant stand it
  15. They're good enough. And I think they will if we dont bring our benchmark level of pressure
  16. We should recruit rioli. He and weed would be a perfect combination
  17. How long ago was that spalding? I sometimes listen to that bit on catch up (he's on every Thursday). I don't reallt know why, but he annoys me. But it is quite I getting segment. Leppa does a similar segment on Tuesdays which I prefer. Daisy was on today doing some analysis and was teriific
  18. Too right they did. I am definitely guilty of underestimating them. That said i reckon if we had taken our chances in the second (tracc kozzie, maxy) we might have broken them.
  19. Big out. In addition to these good points, the tactical flexibility he gives us un terms of they use max has been super important this season. So much more than a player who gives max a chop out. Interestingly maxy said in his captain call bit on he usually makes the call when they swap
  20. Lord nev put up some stats earlier in this thread about the tigers centre clearance differential over the last few years. Mid table Mid table will work for us.
  21. Mmm. I don't. I don't think even sure what he had just watched, with the vison, the tape stopped to make a point, players highlighted and it all being explained to him by King, let alone seeing it at the ground
  22. Exaclty. The clubs have access to champion dat and their own stats. And i presume custom stats from other sources. The difference in the sates is that the sports market is so huge there that the public has access to advanced metrics becuase there is viable market for it. And multiple private companies exist that generate data , analysis and stats. Here is an example of what i mean: https://technology.mlblogs.com/introducing-statcast-2020-hawk-eye-and-google-cloud-a5f5c20321b8 All the advanced stats here are monopolized. And i have vague memory of the AFL making it hard for anyone but Champion data to actually collect the stats.
  23. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/video/935089/sam-weideman-off-the-track?videoId=935089&modal=true&type=video&publishFrom=1620880590001
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