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Everything posted by binman

  1. The 'we need to fix our clearnces' posts are pretty depressing. Remind me if going to tbe footy in tbe 90s and fans yelling 'just kick it!!!!!'
  2. A free every day of the week bb text book blocking. Bizarre none of the commentators said so. In fact they praised hippwood
  3. Every one of those 'examples' he clearly handballs. Fair dinkum he is a .... up ...... Can't believe they pay him to comment on football How about looking at how tbe dogs move the ball
  4. I watched the first half again last night And without the emotion the umpiring was still appalling. Add to above the illegal treatment Max gets. So glad we won so people can't day we can't say tbe umpires were bad because we didn't deserve to win! One thing I love is how our players never complain. Tbe lions were whinging all night. Had to laugh when tmac outmarked rich and rich claims tmac held his arm. Replied showed absolutely no hold.
  5. Exactly. I hate missing a second of footbsll one is begins. And am completely focused on it. And given how many pages are on it in such a short space of time, I assume people can't read anyone's posts, other than the ladt two. Each to their own
  6. The game day thread is a bizarre world. It should come with a health warning. Otherwise normally rational people (well, some) posting unfiltered thoughts straight from the pre frontal cortex
  7. At 11-1, and a bye after the pies game, I would be happy for them to give langdon a week off and Salem too ( carrying a niggle). Would give both players a really good breK, langdon in particular. Tbey won't want to make too many changes, as much as anything to respect the mnd game. And he probably wouldn't want to not play, but giving maxy a mini break wouldn't be such a bad thing too. 3 week spell so he can get set for a big second half of the year. Id bring bowey in for Salem. Like for like and he gets a taste of afl, which might be important if he is needed at at a later point.
  8. As I predicted would happen, we lost the centre square clearnces and won the around the ground stoppage clearnces.
  9. So sorry for your loss DO. Puts things into perspective. As Tracc said on 360 the other night - it's just a game.
  10. Indeed. I punt on footy, but as rule not on the dees unless there is real value (Weed kick the bloody goal!). And there is a little bit of value in this game - though i predict it won't last. Currently the lions are - just. 1.84 to us at 2.00. But objectively we should be favorite for this game. Don't get me wrong they represent real challenge, but they are yet to win outside of Qld and sure, they have won 7 straight, so are clearly in form. But we are 10-1 and at this point of the season the best side in the competition, having beaten three of the genuine flag contenders (four if you count the swans). We are the benchmark. They are the challengers. We travel well and this game doesn't represent a particular disruption. We were travelling anyway - and in some senses trip to Sydney is easier and less hassle than a trip to the Alice, particularly if there COVID restrictions in place. We play the ground well, having won there twice last year. The dimensions really suit us too, at least in terms of the defensive structure, as whilst it is a touch longer than the G it is only 128m wide (the g is 138 wide) and so the lions will find it super hard to transition and get through our zone (just as the dogs dis and the equally narrow marvel). We will block the corridor again, so that option will be taken away. They won't try and switch as much as the dogs as, one Langdon isn't playing, and two they are happy to go down the line and force a stoppage. However in doing so they will end up kicking to our talls a lot. Hopefully maxy can clunk his marks tonight. The other advantage we have - and it is one that we have over every other team atm - is that they will find it it much harder to negate our strength then we will theirs. They play much differently to the bulldogs (more deliberate, less frenetic, more patient transition) but like the dogs their key strength is their ability to score from stoppages. But their focus is much more on winning around the ground stoppage clearances, as opposed to centre square clearances, and scoring from them. If we can match them in that area they will struggle to score. And there is no reason we wont match them at around the ground stoppages. We have the best ruck in the AFL, whose strength is stoppages, and a gun midfield. And Harmes is back as everyone's favorite tagger. I expect he will go to Mcluggage. Or pehasp Zorko. Putting Rich under pressure when he kick will also be important, so Hunt and rivers coming up the contest will help. I'm predicting the clearances numbers will be the opposite to the dogs games ie we lose centre square clearances and break even or win around the ground stoppages. Their other obvious strength is their forward line - a fantastic balance of gun talls and mids. But we have tools to negate that set up that other teams don't. One, we will make it hard for them to actually get in there. Two, if on, we will apply enough pressure to make their inside 50 kicks messy. And three we have the best defence in the AFL. They will let Danaher push up the ground and May will have the strength to take Mcstay. Hibberd will do a job on Cameron and i reckon Petty has the athleticism to go with Hipgood. And Lever is in rare form so will be there to do what he does. They of course will look to negate our strength - which might mean for instance running a defensive forward on Lever and/or Salem. And they will do a better job than other teams of avoiding dump kicks into their forward line for us to intercept and bounce off half back. Even so, our post clearance pressure is the best in the AFL and we will win our share of ground balls inside their 50. But negating a defensive strength is less impactful than negating an offensive strength (even though we do score a bit from the back half). And running defensive forwards has a downside as it make is harder to score - as was the case for the Swans. For me the key to the game is how well we trap them in our forward half. And critical to that is forward half pressure and making sure any exit kick is under maximin pressure. Stopping Andrews taking intercept marks will also be important. If we trap in our forward half them well, and the width of the ground will help, and match them at round the ground stoppages i think we win. For all those reasons i have tipped us tonight to win by 27 points. Because that show much we win by. And that is also why i think the odds are skeweiff. Neale's inclusion gave them a bounce but the pools are pretty small at this point. The big punters will step in soon and i suspect we will either start a narrow or equal favourite. As we should. But all that is predicted on us bring our full heat. Because i have no doubt they will. And i expect them to be very physical, so it will be interesting to see how we respond. And to be clear, i won't be at all surprised if they win. Should be cracking game. Can't wait. Good thing i don't have to wait long. Just love these Friday night games! Go Redlegs
  11. Only on a phone. Suffers from situational height dysfunction
  12. Is that a new hair style the kids are getting around in these day? Was going to get a hair cut soon. I'll ask my barber to give me a coastal fringe. Though, no matter what i ask him for it will look exactly the same.
  13. Yeah, that would work actually. Good call. In addition to having the tank and making good decisions, nibbler role is very similar to langdons, in so far as it involves lots of defensive running between the arcs, much it near the boundary. In that scenario JJ stays in the middle and Captain Jack takes nibbler's role - a position he has played so is familiar with. Minimal change and captain Jack is not thrown to tbe wolves first up against a super midfield. Club house leader Kenty
  14. And for the same reason, ie consistency, I suspect jj will play wing and captain Jack the inside mid role jj has been playing in vice captain jack's absence. Minimises positional movements
  15. That's exactly what i was thinking. Sure there will be plenty of Pies fans in SA, but they can't get cant get 20, 00 people to their games in Victoria. How many neutrals are going to want to come watch a team that cant kick a goal in a half of footy in perfect condition, and whose coach is happy with that?
  16. Completely different contexts though pates. In Europe, they are travelling to countries where there are still thousands of cases a day. The sytems are in place to protect the players from getting covid. Here the systems are designed to stop the players spreading covid in states where there are zero cases and no community transmission. So the goal is to protect the population.
  17. That's a bit tough. Never heard of leather poisoning?
  18. Would make sense. If they made it a week, it would lift Friday week. And then after 2 weeks in lockdown people are going to want to get out and about, including on the public holiday Monday. Very frustrating, but probably good risk management. Throws the bombers clash into doubt crowd wise The Feds should come to the party, get as much vaccine to victoria as possible and support the vic gov to have use the lockdown period to vaccinate as many people as humanly possible. use the army to support Starting with the poor buggers in disability accommodation, aged care facilities and all the related front line workers. Set an ambitious goal. Make it a war footing. And vaccinate Victorians. This is not state issue. This is a national issue. For Christ sakes we are a country, not a series of self governing islands. The feds need to step up. Leaving potics aside it is an abject moral fail that the feds have not sorted the vaccination to the disability accommodation, aged care
  19. The design has a prominent white collar.....
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