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Everything posted by monoccular

  1. Dan. You sound like a golf coach. Similar considerations and in golf every shot is a set shot......no snaps. So often too long to think about missing. And they could all have a good look at Weed’s set shot routine, though I must say I now cannot recall too many of his being form a tight angle.
  2. Birds of a feather in this context. Not sure that this is the type of blocking they are referring to. And it certainly will NOT be the blocking of the man on the mark.
  3. tiers - your last paragraph is based on a false premise. Gil didn’t ever have it to lose No. That was ok last round, so it won’t be this round (depending on of course what jumper they are wearing)
  4. Like umpire contact, it will depend on who you are, who you play for, and which tribunal the AFL in their infinite wisdom happen to set up to try your case, or which umpire, or panel of umpires Gil's mob decide to send to your game and which club you are playing against.
  5. Too true. It is NOT the CEO's role to actually have anything to say about the way the game is played - it IS his job to run a clean, unbiased, even handed, corruption-free competition where all clubs are treated as equals and are given equal opportunity to progress and equal opportunity to make money to sustain themselves. He has been a dismal failure on all those counts.
  6. Fantastic summation. Consistent inconsistency. Not really .... jokes are humorous. This Magpie is not. (And, actually, this was not Christian's doing for a change. It is the tribunal)
  7. LOL And how nice is it to hear Slobbo bagging one of his own, Mr Likeable who has zero tackles the last 2 weeks - a senior team member leading the defence in a beleaguered team? ZERO tackles in two games played largely in EssUndone’s back half. I wonder which of his teammates he berated this week, and how many M&Ms he petulantly swiped from the bowls on the table. Garry Lyon also had @ bit of a go at him on SEN.
  8. That is not a news item, chook
  9. At least they are consistent in their inconsistency
  10. Double standards are core values at AFL HQ. How many hundred dollar bills can fit into an average Visy brown paper bag? Now, at least for us, time to move on and crush these bastards this weekend.
  11. Pretty poor. I was watching and getting excited but .......... Don’t forget that our most recent “defender-turned-forward” became our greatest goal kicker and one of our greatest leaders. #9 DN
  12. Not quite ..... he seems to achieve that quite well without trying
  13. Do the umpires get invited to the tribunal, and does the Star Chamber Christian Fuhrer ask their opinions?
  14. Very soft head butt, but very clearly premeditated. No way it could be called accidental. FMD the Tribunal / MRP is totally random.
  15. LT He actually missed one week. Yes he seems to be cruising and if he can't / won't he needs to be sent a message and spend some time at Casey How about sending him deep forward totally isolated for some minutes an and off - sort of Jarman / Shanahan GF (1995?) mismatch. Would a defence coach put a taller a quick on him??
  16. Obviously a job for the "integrity department" :-))))))) I had sort of hoped that they would sack Worst-fold and promoted Neeld A thoroughly corrupt (dis)organisation Trouble is that they can't sack Worst-fold. There aren't any other pharmacists available (as far as I know).
  17. Round 1 last year Joel Smith looked like maybe becoming ‘the next big thing’ until Riewoldt buggered his shoulder. Has he not recovered physically, or has that knocked all confidence from him?
  18. Can’t wait for Robbo ? to start a story about Clarrie’s attempt to avoid drug testing, in an attempt to divert from bombers ? woes.
  19. That great natural leader, Goddard ???? Now willmoy, tell me how your psychiatrist must feel when you describe him as imaginary? ? That trend has a very familiar feel.
  20. Now we need to think of the last quarter as merely a springboard for an even bigger win v Blues. But we have in the past had a penchant for not repeating what we need to repeat ..... again Dees, showers only this week. Inebriare potest non bibetis balneum aqua
  21. Maybe it is colour related as we all know for a definite undisputed fact that no white maggot likes the colours RED and BLUE
  22. Thanks all for your reports Is JV an automatic recall next week (?for Tyson)? And were Bull to play sometime soon what would be his rôle?
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