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Everything posted by monoccular

  1. I think that Hawks non free for the sealing goal settles the question. Blatantly corrupt. No question .
  2. FMD in fact FMY Overrn by Hawks cant bloody convert How Melbournian
  3. Maybe he is not yet ready either.
  4. Certainly zero intensity from Jeffy
  5. Throwing this game away with shocking conversion
  6. The Hawks only need to get a finger on the ball in front of goal to be paid a mark.
  7. And I always thought that it was WCE who played on ice.
  8. Proudly finished fourth
  9. The team - overwhelmed by occasion AND thanks for season
  10. Think again after the emotion has settled. Absolutely nothing like those two capitulations. Do they still have a pharmacist on staff? I agree - just overwhelmed by the occasion, and probably by the ups and downs of the past 4 magnificent weeks. We certainly did - nothing went right for us. Slipped over, missed handballs and receives, ball bounced poorly etc etc etc
  11. Exactly Far too many posting here today want to throw the baby out with the bath water Take the positives out of the season I am certain that I will get accused of accepting mediocrity but if one only looks at the negatives one will go back to square one
  12. Yes I am gutted But we are a long long way ahead of where we were a year ago - have applied magnificent pressure the past month and have just burned out
  13. Let’s not let this debacle degrade us or define us Many many positives from the season but mentally and physically overwhelmed on the big stage. It happens. We have come a long way. Time to move on and look ahead to how and where we can improve.
  14. First comment re the maggots who have not been influential but how in the world was that NOT a reverse and a report for that matter.
  15. Any updates on Fed Square? Decent screens?
  16. Corruption and collusion at its finest, even by AFL standards
  17. Our frenetic pressure beat Cats, Hawks, WCE and GW$ He tri d and failed several times to milk frees that he would often have got ..... locked the look of amazement. Rather like Selwood, Dangerfield, Hawkins and Ablett when they missed out on frees they felt that they surely deserved. So many incorrect disposal not paid both ways Surely not IF we win this week and next!
  18. Mornington Peninsula — has the polo season started? Trip Gill off his pony, will you please. And no doubt nothing noted at the MCG gates by the “metal detectors”. Idoubt if they have batteries in them .... maybe they are mock ups from the $2 shop too?
  19. Bloody Nichols. ?
  20. Tell them how it is done, Bazz. Nev up to kick the winning goal deep into time on Q4? I must say I did consider going (MCC) but couldn’t go early and didn’t relish the thought of standing all night. Over hyped. And the winner tomorrow only really gets 6 given the need to travel. Not well planned, Gill.
  21. Was that a cakewalk?
  22. And hopefully tomorrow too.
  23. Like Dimma pre 2017 Bomma Thompson early 2007 Goodwin early 2018 ............ But surely doing it like a champion, or is that a champignon?
  24. Collingwood didn’t play Moore because he was under an injury cloud Richmond played Martin. QED
  25. How in the world was that defensive miskick, in a side trailing, deemed deliberate. Seriously, the bloody maggots have zero feel for the game
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