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DEE fence

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Everything posted by DEE fence

  1. ^^^^ and email and i couldn't submit without agreeing to receiving spam
  2. so to vote for goal of the year you get spam for ever from Woolworths and the AFL gets to manage your Google contacts... bugger off
  3. I can assure you, the bottom of the barrel gets cleaned here as well sometimes.
  4. Trac reminds me of the truck ramming the armoured car in the opening heist sequence of the movie HEAT, huge devastating impact. Every time he runs into a contest.
  5. I'm a nervous wreck working out how to get home for finals, I nearly broke my lap top 3 times watching the game on Sunday, I spend alot of time in Google and medical websites reading about recovery from injuries, I dearly miss having all the Essendon, Pies and Carlton supporters I know around to give it to them. On top of that I spend far too long in the funny reading this website when I should be working. And I will probably nuke my career if we win this weekend because I'm going to call Downer in London and give it to him.
  6. agreed MS, huge love for the Bird, but it's the 1 on 1/2 that he wins when he has no right to, that has my jaw dropping s little more.
  7. This is the start of a petition to include Nev the Pharaoh on the DL banner. We can hardly complain about him being under-rated elsewhere when we don't include him on the banner ourselves. I know DL sponsors Wagner but for mine, Nev is up there with Jones/Viney/Gawn for importance to the team.
  8. I loved the coaches response, so measured but scathing of the journo in his demeanour. I think Lewis had it when he
  9. 6 - Pharaoh / Nev about the only thing he couldn't hold back would be the ocean. 5 - TMac the guy is a train with the goals, no decision required, just put it through the middle, who would ever have though he was a defender. Goodwin coaching genius. 4 - Oliver, a charging Rhino 3 - Frost - he is not Rance, I reckon he will be better with time. 2 - ANB his best game, testimony to hard work. 1 - Hibberd - is like the Calvary in a B movie, always arrives in time. Trac and Hunt stiff
  10. Pederson did some key things in the last, that mark was pretty special as was the tackle.
  11. Totally agree re Nev, 3 Votes, that was the best small defender game I have seen, under pressure with huge stakes, by my count he whipped that many Carlton players in an epic performance he should be called the Pharaoh.
  12. I only ever bet for sentimentality or pride, betting for profit is by far more dangerous... but I take your point cheers
  13. Is there a market where you can bet on trengove getting named in the best
  14. I read the whole article and I thought Jones was more considered than the click bait editorial. Quoting the headline didn't do justice to everything the captain said. which was much more along the lines of 'love the sinner and not the sin'
  15. did you read the article? or just the bit the editor picked out... FFS the headline could have just as easily been the bit about how they are going to help and work with Bugg... For the record I am happy with anything up to 6 weeks and do not think the team Bugg plays for will make the slightest difference
  16. So I called my lovely daughter (25) in Sydney from Rome, as I had stopped paying her membership (thinking she is fairly 'alt') to discuss life and casually gauge her interest in footy. I was beyond proud when she casually mentioned how much she still loves football, and would go every week, if still living in Melbourne and wants to remains member of the club. Close to the biggest success I have had as a father. Anyway so happy am stumping up her fee. I think i mentioned once she called a Wests player a 'bum sniffer' as a 7yo when the NFL club visited her primary school in Wentworth and had gently mocked her for supporting Melbourne.
  17. In tetms of not changing anything-Titus picked us to lose again so we should be ok? Even if he wasnt specific about it this week-has tipped against melbourne 5 weeks in a row, must be killing him...
  18. I notice we have some decent umpires for tomorrow, could get used to playing in the spotlight - Matt Stevic , Mc Inerney and Fisher
  19. Frost or Tmac on Buddy both have the engine, neither are scared. I actually think the midfield is a bigger challenge when Sydney mids are 'on' they are best in class. In my mind win this and Goodwin is Coach of the Year, extraordinary run of games to win, especially with 5 of best 18 not just 22 injured. Lewis also needs to play the game of his life he and Hibberd need ti be our elite distributors now that Salem and Watts are injured.
  20. Its a fair point but i reckon the thing you can't judge from the video, one way or another (even if you have some sort of combat experience), is how much force went from the elbow to the jaw. What i do know is the jaw can be a 'sweet spot' and I reckon we trust the player (who has been harder than a cats head) and the ump who was close, not running and not watching in slow mo. Everyone else is guessing hiding behind keyboards.
  21. The umpire had no doubt, is independent, he was right there, perfect view and a truck load of evidence, I don't get why that isn't the overwhelming factor. Least subjective opinion going around.
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