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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Eye sight fine so far. two main reasons The deal is stacked against the smaller clubs under free agency and other items. It is at least the next decade away and that will see me out ManDee
  2. The Jury is definitely still out on that one ManDee I am very confident I will not see another.
  3. 64 is definitely more famous BMA few reasons We fought back when headed in time on There are few left who can remember 57 ( me include ) And as you say it was the last one.
  4. You are a silly boy. Don't you know by now. He has done nothing wrong and has spent many dollars trying to stop investigators from proving other wise. Foolish boy he is innocent of any wrong doing!
  5. I noticed today that "Japan Post" has made a takeover offer for "Toll" Toll have recommended it be accepted. That may leave Mr. little with more time to plan the great escape.
  6. I think the reason is the need to justify their existence P-man. The sports media is a big business with the need to fill hours of programming and acres of news print every day. Therefore "reporters " ( for want of a better description ) need to constantly justify their existence. The norm nowadays seems to be if you get a small piece of a potential story you run with it before someone else does. No need to clarify as if you are wrong it is forgotten tomorrow in the tidal wave of daily drivel served up.
  7. Perhaps not but don't expect a couple of others to be rushed in 2015
  8. Heard young Christian on the 9 News he sounds a very level headed young man. Seemed very cheerful and upbeat. 2016 looking good
  9. They will have the amount they have pay imports added jnr. No idea what happens to suspended players though. You would think they could not be paid while suspended but who knows.
  10. How is the knighthood going Sir wyl? Any benefits flowing yet?
  11. There is always a mechanism if you want one bb
  12. It is not what I think they should get it is what they will get. The penalties already handed out sue would have broken the MFC. Sadly losing the MFC would mean some minor adjustments for the AFL. Losing the EFC would a a big problem. Sadly they are not going to be drummed out of the Comp.
  13. Six months back dated till when the notices were issued in October. To me that sees them playing mid May at the latest. They will miss 5 - 6 games.
  14. Honestly Andy Maher would not know a tram was up him till the conny rang the bell.
  15. I have been on the wet tram ticket for 18 months dc. What is your pronouncement?
  16. A broken Myki could be quite dangerous in the right hands.
  17. Sadly it does not follow that you can fix them easily Saty
  18. Ignore is the best method C and B
  19. Yes and I have not been proved incorrect yet. I still think a wet tram tick penalty.
  20. bb If the bombers get a soft penalty I hope your wife has put away all sharp implements as you are going to be very angry. I would hate to lose a loyal MFC member by you doing something rash in the heat of the moment. Yes I know there will not be a soft penalty. But if ........
  21. I hope this is not a major problem. After a poor 2014 which started with injury problems he needs a good year. Out of contract at years end. Another 2014 and his value will be low.
  22. That is "Marking 101" Every kid who gets any direction in the skills of the game is told that at 10 years of age. I was told that sixty years ago. God help him if he thinks that is how you hold your hands
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