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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. You could at least tip a bit of raw spirit (vodka) into the mix red.
  2. I'm currently enjoying an interesting one. Sister's Run -Grenache, Shiraz, Mataro.
  3. It's interesting that Wright is in that list. He maybe the surprise. Brayshaw,Wright?
  4. Well I sort of feel sorry for all the bluerinsers you seduce and then cast off dc.
  5. Very observant my Lord. My new calling is to do good as required. Romsey or Ethihad - it matters not. Sinners such as moonie and clit need immediate help.
  6. My hands have been joined in prayer - If that is what you mean Mr Eastwood!
  7. I am a changed man Moonie and find many worthy role models in the community around me.
  8. I'll have to workshop that comment with "The Lads" but .... you could be correct!
  9. I must say I’m disgusted by the commodification and simplistic sexualisation of the female body in recent posts on this thread. I was involved in a discussion group at church today and we agreed that sexualised images of the female form only serves to reiterate simplistic gender stereotypes and, thereby, promote and reinforce gender inequality.
  10. Better still Biffen will supply quality porn dvd's and drugs. Make a night of it.
  11. Brlycream certainly evokes some sensual memories dc. It just occurred to me that the rock and roller I shag ged then, might be the bluerinser you are shagg ing now !! I hope the poor old buggers never discover how much they have come down in the world!!
  12. Had his unofficial biography released today. Mentioned some drug and alcohol issues but apparently he has got over them.
  13. Fair question dc. Clint could go either way. Jizza would definitely be a "butter makes it better man". Your Cal poppy assertion is controversial though - It is based on a number of assumptions regarding the activity at hand. I'll leave it to Biffen for an authoritative answer.
  14. Is Marlon B another of your role models Clint? What's the drink of choice tonight?
  15. Ha Ha ! Good one Clit!! Enjoy your red - and anything else that comes to hand.
  16. Well we know she does the bar-b-queing for you clit!
  17. Come on dc! ..... foreplay!!! Now you are bull shi ting!!!! The poor old blue rinsers are still suffering from your eagerness! I'll send you some of that 20 year old KY Gel as a humanitarian gesture!
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