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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I thought JKH was looking very sharp today, as was Jeffie.
  2. I’ll get a few more shots on Monday, but won’t be able to post them until Tuesday as I’ll be flying back to Sydney on Monday evening.
  3. It was mentioned to me at Friday’s training that this Monday it starts at either 11 or 11:30am. All players are back, including Jake Lever.
  4. If you click on the “on Thursday” link just under my name “Tim Fleming”, it should take you to the album which does have public access.
  5. Not so sure about the interesting part, but yes, I do sing in a band and do a bit of photography.
  6. Follow the link for a few photos from today’s session (interrupted by my racing over to the Dees Shop to pick up a jumper to get signed for my son). There’s a few incidental non footy shots at the end, including one I liked of an unsung hero of the music business... one of the drivers that lug the stage gear across the country; he was hauling gear for the Drake show. Hope you like the shots.
  7. The footage was taken by one of the “patriots” who filmed the episode on a phone and posted it on their Facebook page.
  8. When a person comes out with statements such as yours, then yes, I attack the person responsible for those remarks. There was no argument provided by you... just the broad brush approach. The pub (as it’s referred to in every single article on the incident) was the V U Bar in Footscray. What is the point you’re trying to make?
  9. I made posts, but I’m not so concerned with how you regard them... I post things I find interesting and feel no need to defend them. If you want a dick measuring contest, I suggest you Look elsewhere.
  10. No, I attack you for your comments regarding terrorism... not so different to the low lives that collared Dastyari in a Melbourne pub recently. You tar them all with the same brush, because that’s convenient for you.
  11. Funny coming from someone who posts off the coattails of ProDee.
  12. You are seriously deluded if you consider yourself a conservative; you’re extreme in your views way beyond the “lefties” you keep calling out;. Nothing else to say other than the fact that you are a dead set drop kick Wrecker.
  13. Well, he wasn’t, but whatever... there’s little doubt that he’s light years ahead of you in the area of climate change.
  14. This just shows the ignorance that has resulted from your blind hatred of a particular group in our society. As someone else in this thread so right;y pointed out, the number of Muslims registered to vote would pale into insignificance in comparison to those of other religious and cultural beliefs. For example, the seat of Blaxland in Sydney is not only populated by Muslims, but also by Pacific Islanders, Chinese, Vietnamese, Christians (particularly Catholics) and so on. Read again the part where I state that not once did I encounter a single piece of material urging muslims to vote No (and I live in an area with a large Lebanese and Turkish population), yet I saw many examples of literature being distributed, particularly directed at members of the Asian community by Christian groups, disseminating false “facts” about the impact of same sex marriage, and urging people to vote No.
  15. I’m sure he’s less informed than you, having had so little contact with real world scenarios and not enough contact with faux scientists... you MUST be correct, after all, you ARE a conservative are you not?
  16. I answered your question; you intimated that it is naturally occurring with the wording of your question. End of discussion.
  17. You left out a couple of very important points... 4. Conservatives behave like sheep when it comes to decrying the opinions of the left. 5. Conservatives, smugly like to feel that they are superior beings.
  18. Unlike you or I, he understands the science. How do you know it is naturally occurring?
  19. I don’t know a) why you think I blindly follow NASA; I may have linked to, among many others, a couple of articles that reference them, but I certainly in no way follow NASA; and b) why you think my age has anything to do with this.
  20. Care to expand on just what exactly your “earth sciences background” is? I have a brother who was advisor to successive Labor environment ministers (Richardson, Kelly and Faulkner), was head of National Parks in NSW and most recently (until his recent retirement), was head of the Australian Antarctic operation. He will tell you that man made climate change is very real having seen first hand what it has done in many and varied environments. I’m sure there are those who will dismiss him as a leftist hack based purely on the fact he advised Labor ministers... but I can promise you that nothing could be further from the truth.
  21. Why would I waste my time and effort on you when anything that I (or anyone else for that matter) say, or any link provided is simply shrugged off as nonsense or some kind of conspiracy? You prefer to accept the word of the unqualified/barely qualified and those in the pockets of the fossil fuel industry, over that of literally thousands of scientists the world over who have one belief in common... that man made climate change is real and that we should get our house in order. Your choice.
  22. I happen to know quite a few practicing muslims who voted Yes... but you can be happy in your own little fantasy land as long as it suits your prejudices. Nothing to do with my leanings one way or the other... but as usual you find it helpful to place things in neat little boxes because that makes it easier for you. As for the other thread, don't hold your breath. You put up a video by a guy who has a degree in engineering and absolutely NOTHING in the area of climate science and expect me to sit through that. Forget it... I'm tired of your pizzing up a wall/dick measuring contests that seem to be designed to make you (cough) feel in some way superior (cough). I'm wondering what you hope to gain from the amount of material you post, knowing that it is not impressing anyone, knowing that it is not convincing anyone, and that is obviously using up an inordinate amount of your time, of which you seem to have far too much. It's almost like you forgot to take your medication over the past few days (I'm assuming here that there has to be some kind of reasonable explanation for your behaviour).
  23. Absolute [censored]! The christians were at it probably to a greater degree than the muslims; particularly the catholics. I saw a lot of vote No campaigning on Facebook and in letterbox drops from christian groups, and saw not one from muslim groups.
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