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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I got a hold of the actual file of last Sunday's performance and decided to clipicise some of the tunes. Here are a couple (happy to hear any comments or criticisms):
  2. You'll probably find out more here in a couple of minutes: https://www.afl.com.au/news/433632/watch-live-at-12-45pm-aest-gillon-mclachlan-to-reveal-return-to-play-details
  3. Looks can be very deceiving... I'm, er, I mean, he's a pussycat.
  4. If anyone wanted to see the results of the live stream, follow this link (be warned, it runs for something like 1hr 40mins):
  5. I recently watched both seasons of After Life on Netflix... brilliant. Have been watching the first season of What We Do in the Shadows, downloaded on Foxtel... not as good as the film, but still very enjoyable. Currently watching Ken Burns' Country Music on DVD and Twin Peaks Seasons 1 & 2 on Blu-ray disc. Recently finished watching the His Dark Materials Season 1 on Blu-ray disc... very very good; much better than the movie version of the Golden Compass. Watched The Lighthouse and The Peanut Butter Falcon, which are both brilliant films!
  6. This is NOT sport related at all, but it IS virus related in as far as being a distraction from the mundane, that will waste just one hour of your life. I'm only posting here because there seem to be fewer and fewer entering the General Discussion forum since bare knuckle political infighting was, understandably, frowned upon. I hope the Admins see fit to allow this (if not, please feel free to delete - or alternatively, move it to be a standalone post of its own ?). Anyway, to the reason for my post. A few friends and myself have thrown a band together for a live stream from Sydney's Zen Studios next Sunday (10th May) from 3-4pm. The band is called Los Tromeos & the Branch Covidians and we will be playing a bunch of rough and ready, raucous even, country and rockabilly type tunes. And to make it releavant, two of us are Demons tragics. Here's a link to the Facebook Event if you would like to signify your interest (assuming there is any)... https://www.facebook.com/events/298204567836735/
  7. As I stated in my email to the club, we wouldn’t be so interested. In our view, it would hold a similar significance to winning a pre season comp cup. But regardless of that, I would be extremely surprised if they were to hold a GF that was open to the public... in which case, will the payment be applied to next year’s comp, or will it be considered a donation to the club (in which case I won’t be doing it again)?
  8. I'll wait to see what the club comes back with in response to my email and take it from there.
  9. Correct... I would be very loathe to do it again as it's a big expense for someone with no income. The only reason I have done it for the past couple of years, was because I would never forgive myself if we made it to the GF and I then had to break it to my son that we couldn't go.
  10. You make a lot of good points. However, I am definitely NOT after a refund. I'm suggesting that the club offer the option of either using it this year (assuming there is a GF in front of crowds), or to have it applied to next year's season. And if there is no GF in front of a crowd, then ALL GF Guarantee payments should be applied to next season.
  11. I posted the following in the Coronavirus: AFL & MFC topic, but it may have got lost amid all of the other discussion, so I'll post here; there may be others who have forked out for this as well, who might be interested. I have also posted the content of an email I have sent to the Membership section of the club, just to canvas their thoughts. This becomes particularly salient if the GF is played to an empty house. Here's what I posted in the other topic: Nothing to do with players or facilities, but I have a question relating to the GF Guarantee payments that some of us made along with our membership renewals. If there are finals and if they are played to empty stadiums, what will become of these payments (which are quite substantial)? I have no objection at all to my membership fees being retained by the club, but I am wondering whether there are plans for these additional charges to be carried forward to next year? I'm not even sure I would like to be guaranteed a seat at a GF this year, to be honest, as I would seriously doubt the chances of such an event being a sell out. I would like to see the club offer the option of applying it to next year's campaign, rather than using it this year, given the circumstances. Has anyone heard anything on what might happen to the GF Guarantee payment? And this is the content of the email to the club: Hello, My son and I took the GF Guarantee with our memberships this year and so I am now wondering, with the current state of the season, what will happen to this payment. Obviously I would never entertain the thought of calling for a refund of our Memberships, as I understand that the club needs members in order to survive, and now more than ever. However, the GF Guarantee is a different kettle of fish, in my opinion. As this season has been compromised to the point that if there is a Grand Final, it is very possible that it could be played to an empty stadium, or, if such restrictions are lifted, there is a great likelihood that it may not even be a sell out as it will not carry the significance of a “normal” season; it will be more like the final they had for the pre-season competition in years gone by. My son and I have both discussed this and we really would not be so enthused about attending this year’s GF, if the Demons were to make it that far. So, my question is this: Will there be the option to move our GF Guarantee for this year to apply to next season (with the option to use it this year if members so desires)? In other words, will you be offering the option that members could have it applied to the next full season? regards, "
  12. Nothing to do with players or facilities, but I have a question relating to the GF Guarantee payments that some of us made along with our membership renewals. If there are finals and if they are played to empty stadiums, what will become of these payments (which are quite substantial)? I have no objection to my membership fees being retained by the club, but I am wondering whether there are plans for these additional charges to be carried forward to next year? I'm not even sure I would like to be guaranteed a seat at a GF this year, to be honest, as I would seriously doubt the chances of such an event being a sell out. I would like to see the club offer the option of applying it to next year's campaign, rather than using it this year, given the circumstances. Has anyone heard anything on what might happen to the GF Guarantee payment?
  13. Would be great if they could somehow combine it with David Bridie's version...
  14. Good luck with that! Considering that we are unlikely to open our borders before year's end, coupled with the fact that India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, England etc are likely to be in the same position, I fail to see how this could possibly go ahead unless it was moved to 2021, and even then it would be highly unlikely. I think any major events such as this won't happen until there is either a "cure" or a vaccine available.
  15. So far I’ve watched the full season 1 of His Dark Materials (very good) and season 1 of Ricky Gervais’s After Life (on Netflix, and season 2 starts tomorrow I believe) and have just received the DVD collection of Ken Burns Country Music which I’ll watch over the next few days.
  16. Here are a couple of tunes featuring guys that occasionally play with my band. The first one features a guy going by the name of George Washingmachine on fiddle, the second features a guy name Jy-Perry Banks (and his brother Zane Banks on vocals) who I consider to be one of the best pedal steel players I've seen or heard, and the third as well as featuring Jy, also features a guy named Johnny Gauci on keyboards.
  17. If you're into country music rjay, I'd assume you've heard these guys, but if not, enjoy:
  18. I know what you're saying DC, but I have been pointed to other articles at the same source (unrelated to this particular article), and they all tend to have a strong leaning to the right (no better than the "press" that have strong left leanings). The kind of issue cited has been going on in those waters for a long time before the virus was around. The most salient points in the NY Times article quoted above I have quoted below, which show that rather than exploiting the virus situation (as the Washington Examiner states), the Chinese are capable of handling other issues at the same time. And please don't get the impression that I somehow support China's rights, as nothing could be further from the truth. They are also managing to keep pressure on Taiwan as well, but no one believes they are taking advantage of the COVID-19 situation, for them it is just business as usual. I think we would probably find that they are still mistreating and detaining/brainwashing the Uighur people as well. The biggest problem is that because he is seen as some sort of hero for supposedly defeating the COVID-19 breakout in Hubei, Premier Xi is getting tacit support for his violations of human rights. The guy is essentially a dictator having installed himself as leader for life.
  19. Great... citing a "news" outlet owned by Philip Anschutz: https://pitchfork.com/news/coachella-co-owners-latest-charitable-filing-shows-deep-anti-lgbtq-ties/?verso=true
  20. 3. Tony Lockett? (oops! MFC only... in which case, Byron Pickett?)
  21. The jury is still out on whether the seasonal changes have anything to do with increases/decreases in cases of COVID-19... https://www.newscientist.com/article/2239380-will-the-spread-of-covid-19-be-affected-by-changing-seasons/
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