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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Is there a statistician/mathematical genius here who could possibly tell me if there is any difference between being 8-0 in a competition with 18 teams and one with 12 teams?
  2. There was actually a better sight... Neale Daniher in the stands in a Melbourne scarf!
  3. Yep, Hellhathnofury was one very weird cat.
  4. I’d say that this place probably changed due to the influx of Demonology refugees.
  5. And traces were found in the sewage in Sydney’s Inner West (where I live)... I imagine a few Swans players may also live in the area.
  6. I was another former ‘ology member before coming to Demonland. The tipping point for me was when there was an attempted takeover by a couple of people with some kind of nefarious agenda (can’t remember exactly what it was though). There were a number of members who came here at that time, most of whom I can’t remember... RobbieF was one (whatever happened to him?).
  7. Hopefully, if they haven’t been already, they’ll (Swans players and crew) be tested and head down to Melbourne asap.
  8. I actually thought he was gone as soon as I saw it happen... didn't need the slow motion. Perhaps it's also the angle of the cameras that give a skewed view of the incident? However, I am glad he is free to play.
  9. I would have thought that asking you “And you know this how?” would have been a fair question, particularly considering the post was from an anonymous poster on a public forum. As you state “Is it envy or a feeling of inadequacy...”, we could equally ask whether it’s a bruised ego or a lack of praise from some posters, that makes you find it necessary to list your ‘doubters’ and attempt to belittle them. The fact that the info does appear to be solid is good, so kudos for that. As I said in an earlier post, there’s been plenty of false prophets on these forums, so you have to expect to be questioned on the veracity of your claims. And just as I type that last sentence, a notification from the MFC app pops up, telling me that Trac is now a demon for life ?
  10. Many of us weren’t aware that goodwindees is a “solid source”. I was one who responded to his original post with “and you know this how?” because I had no clue as to his reliability. Having had many false prophets on this site, I think the response was reasonable (albeit a little on the harsh side...could have chosen a better adjective).
  11. My poor attempt at humour falls flat yet again... do they even deal in peptides at Chemist Warehouse?
  12. Didn’t they run their page in conjunction with, and accessible via, the Chemist Warehouse site?
  13. Sure, maybe the club should appeal the penalty, as long as there is no chance that it could become 2 weeks if unsuccessful; but please, spare us the AFL hates Melbourne conspiracy theories and spare us the parallels being drawn to the Hawkins/May incident as there is absolutely no comparison... Hawkins was accidental (unless of course, you have your blinkers on), Fritsch was running head on at his opponent and raised his forearm. As soon as I saw it, I thought that he would get a week at least. As soon as I saw the Hawkins/May incident, I thought that it was an accident. The only similar case that could possibly be considered poor judgement by the MRP was the Dangerfield one... and the fact that he got off does not mean that Fritsch should get off... it simply means that the MRP got it wrong with Dangerfield (two wrongs don't make a right).
  14. I agree... however, some on here were calling for Hawkins' head, claiming he has form and that it was intentional because he's somehow incredibly good at concealing his intentions, yet those same people are probably going to get upset if Fritsch goes for what does appear to be a forearm that could possibly have been avoided (it's a very bad look regardless). I will be very (pleasantly) surprised if he doesn't get a week.
  15. I’m getting the sense that perhaps you’re not a fan of Huddo? I’m definitely a fan... I haven’t seen today’s game yet, but I love the fact that Huddo commentates as a genuine fan of the game and with unbridled enthusiasm; he doesn’t pretend to be some sort of an authority like D-wayne and other hacks... he just loves what he’s doing and he does it, for the most part, very well.
  16. Yes! Forgot he didn’t play... highly unlikely I know, but could even be Daw, as he was rested for most of the second half?
  17. Can we please stop with the hate and conspiracy theories... it’s really getting tiresome. For what it’s worth, I reckon that Melksham will be the med sub, making way for Brown. No other changes unless Jones is rested, in which case I have no idea who would come in for him as everyone else of note that’s fit, played on Thursday night.
  18. Where do you get your weather reports from?? Currently the predicted weather for Hobart on Sunday is: Top temp of 18c, 4% chance of rain, NE winds up to 10kph, 69% humidity.
  19. It was a very specific post (tabled “this afternoon”) and so I was curious as to how the poster came across the info... did I ask him to name names?
  20. Currently the forecast is Cloudy with a too of 19c... nothing about rain or strong winds.
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