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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. DemonWA thank you for some sensible observations.

    I agree you look back at the top teams and at some point their good players were not much more than AFL standard.

    We are too quick to dismiss the talent at our disposal.

    In the muddle that is Mark Robinson (says one thing then contradicts it) he said there is a point at which players suddenly believe they can play and believe they deserve to play. Its then they want the ball sent to them, they mark it and their kicking improves as well.

    We have quite a few players who we remind each week we dont think they deserve to play and are yet to believe it themselves.

    Once they turn that corner things will improve.

    Its the theory of sending them back to the ressies to learn they are a cut above that competition.

    I really believe we will slowly improve over this year and no team could have done well with all the distractions of the last few weeks.

    I think Neeld is on the right track and all we need is everyone on board.

    • Like 2
  2. I don't know if that is the correct conspiracy, but the 'coincidence' surely means something was behind old Facebook crud suddenly becoming news.

    A real investigation would be not why did we check our legal position and exercise governance procedures but who provided the information in the week of the mifsud incident and not earlier?

    And why didn't that person go to the club first and say you have a problem here rather than going to the media first. Thats whats someone with the clubs best interests in mind would have done It's not like the board would have ignored that approach if they had that would be a scandal.

    What Patrick is always keen to point out is the hubris of the afl and it's lack of governance.

    So Patrick isn't the real story here who and why? someone wanted our club to be further tarred by the false suggestions in the misuse story.

  3. And people ask "what do we stand for". Now everybody knows. We stand for integrity, honesty and principals of the highest order. Rare values indeed in todays society. At this moment in time I could not be prouder of the MFC.


    And I like demonland better when we stand together.

  4. My prediction:

    "He should have been playing for us, we didn't even interview him (or insert guess he was better than x).

    He was a Melbourne supporter growing up.

    X player is having a sook.

    We need to change the culture in the club.

    The blazers have sapped the players bodily fluids.

    Neeld (updated from Bailey) has no game plan.

    Senior players were put on notice X, Y and Z should go now.

    We should trade Morton, Green, Davey, Moloney, Jamar,Dunn, Bate, watts, Jones (etc etc)

    Playing the long bomb (or insert centre corridor/ switch/ hug the corridor) doesn't work.

    Our midfield is crap (or insert lazy).

    Our forward line is crap (or insert lazy)

    Our backline is crap (or insert lazy)

    Watts 30 possession game was useless because he is a twig and got it all as easy ball as an outside mid and the recruiters shouldn't have picked him.

    We cant hit a target.

    We are predictable.

    We need more mongrel.

    I just want to see results not excuses.

    Neeld has done a lot of tough talking, but easiest thing to do is talk tough. I am not convinced.

    Cam schwab is to blame for picking the wrong sponsor.

    The recruiting over the last five years has left us without all the lower picks who were better.

    We have an out of date Collingwood gameplan.

    And Nutbean will say he thinks Scully will stay."

    • Like 1
  5. Robbie don't get me started on this why single anybody or race out they are all MFC footballers no matter colour or creed, singling people out or treating races or cultures differently is in fact racism.

    Everything Neeld has done since he walked through the door and the way he has gone about everything has impressed me no end. It will take time but he is exactly what we need. Time for everyone at the club from players to footy department & supporters get behind this guy.

    Furthermore in regard to the untruths spoken of Neeldy by Mifsud & Thomas take it all the way & if there is a rat at the club banishing them to Casey is not enough ban them from the club all together. Having said that it is a big IF as I would not put it beyond the realms of Mifsud twisiting what was originally said to him!

    I was not singling them out the poster I was responding to did that. I agree I am impressed by Neeld and the accusation against him was way out of line.

    I just cant believe how quick and without any facts people are prepared to suggest its a player.

  6. Worse is that we likely have a player or players, very likely one or more of the indigenous boys, who is (are) prepared to falsely slur the club because of some perceived gripe. After ALL Jimmy Stynes, Schwab and the rest of them have done for him (them).

    Treason of the highest order. Find out who it or they were and chuck 'em out of the club now.

    Do you have any evidence this is the case?

    If not (and I have no doubt you have absolutely none), why slur our own players especially the indigenous players?

    • Like 2
  7. On the contrary, as a club we will do ourselves no favours by burying our heads in the sand on this issue.

    The club can deal with it on the basis of the facts it knows. My point is on a publically accessible forum those posting pure speculation without any facts are not helping the club or the players.

    If anyone here has hard facts to hand then they should speak to the club.

    I was highly critical of Thomas for what he did and we should not sink to his low standard as well.

  8. I think we need to ease up on bashing our players for their struggles to learn and implement the new game plan. Neeld has said that learning the new game plan will be difficult and the players will take different amounts of time to adapt...

    The old adage about old dogs and new tricks applies more to players who have played a certain way for longer... i.e. the old guard.

    Beamer and others will adapt.

    They are our players and I want them to be successful. Tired of this weekly"sack them", "last game for MFC", blah blah blah. Lots of chest beating by frustrated supporters (me being one also) may be ignoring the challenges of what Neeld is trying to achieve even with the 100% support of all the players.

    Saturday made me feel sick again but I agree I want all our players to be successful and for Neeld to be give the time its going to take to do it.

  9. I thought he was good tonight. Not a polished media performer but straight up.

    He believes we can develop 5 top players from our list. Stood up for his convictions on Clark.

    I feel confident we are going to see a different team at the end of the year.

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