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Posts posted by Robbie57

  1. Something i dont think has been considered in the thread.

    If he is say about pick 5 and we know there is virtualy no science in picks after 1 or 2 just a lot of luck on how they apply themseves or develop, isn't the deciding factor that we have had him in our system for almost 2 years whilst the other draftees are going into the system cold. This must change the draft dynamic. In effect we have had the chance to get 2 pre-seasons into him and as the article notes he knows what all the meetings are about and the game plan etc.

    In effect it makes his pick comparable to a player picked a year or two ago.

    We know there is no way we get pick #1 this year even if we call the bluff. Best we get is the #2.

    Now is that worth letting go of 2 years of development for a #2?

    One of those years under Misson and Neeld?

    I doubt it.

    What we are really getting is a high draft pick with a significant head start.

    • Like 3
  2. My solution to the scrum/holding the ball on the ground crap is simple. If you aren't the player with the ball orthe tackler, if you jump into a contest you are penalised. So many players run in and dive across the contest to kill the ball. The third player in invariably is tackling/holding a player who doesn't actually have the ball, that's holding the man, you can't tackle the tackler! Or they just jump on backs. pay it against these infringements and watch ther game open up again.

    Very good idea. By jumping in and killing the ball its not helping anyone clear it.

    Hawthorn have a lot to answer for, they complain about ducking, Sam Mitchell has been doing this for years, dropping the ball again Sam Mitchell has been doing this for years. The more concerning part about the dropping the ball is clubs are doing this to advantage, they see there team mates and drop it near them, most clubs MFC just drop it to the nearest player and usually it is the opposition.

    Holding the ball is the other, how long does the player get. You can spin them three times, they can drop the footy and you still don't get a kick. The only time you know a kick will be awarded is the run down from behind and they even get that wrong with players actually kicking the footy refer to Magner on Sunday.

    I'd like to see the stats on this and on the home game advantage in free kicks. I have no doubt West coast get more frees at home than anywhere else whilst I bet our average at the MCG is low.

  3. I am sick of Rules and their exploitation ruining the game.



    When did it become ok just to drop the ball when tackled or in one of the ever increasing scrums?

    Letting go of the ball is an incorrect disposal.


    This is a whole new skill set for players. A few years ago the Hawks just ran head first inot other players now its the drop down before or in a tackle (so its a bit rich for them to complain now). Lets not reward it. Soccer has penalties for diving in the box maybe we need the same.

    Ruck and Maul:

    On the couch last night they noted how much the game looks like rugby. Its ruining the game. 18 blokes around a stoppage is just hopeless. Of course we have the frees where the opposition drag the ball under someone on the ground then hold it in to milk a free. Again no one is disposing of the ball correctly in close as the ball is pushed and thrown in an attempt to get it out. do we need to limit the number of players allowed in one half of the ground?

    Interchange frees are too big a penalty when in the front half of the ground.

    Any others?

  4. The good

    Watts: looks more and more like a footballer I suspect we will look back and not quite recall his breakout game.

    Davey: his heart is back in it.

    Morton: signs of some confidence and plenty of run and effort (please spend all week on disposals).

    Rivers: was good.

    McDonald: looks better each week (yes mistakes but he is going to be one of our better players).

    MacDonald: Hard at it wish others would emulate this aspect of his game and stopped a few big plays (can see why the coaches like him but his disposal OMG, can we find one of those swing Drs they use in golf and send him and Morton to them.)

    Bate: showed signs of the promised change.

    Jones: Another solid game disposal poor only because usually kicking from under 6 players.

    Clark: Surely this guy secretly supported the Dees his whole life? 1st goal grabbed the shamrock on the jumper, effort effort effort, mature and gutsy.

    We have several players coming back from injury who will help the team Grimes, Sylvia (Mitch take him out and explain what effort and guts really are), Strauss, Gysberts.

    The bad

    Skills and uncontested ball.

    The ugly... the umpires

    Dogs got 2 gift goals after they clearly dropped the ball (even Eddie couldn't believe it).

    The umpiring absolutely cruelled us. For those who have not seen the replay watch it and hear the total disbelief in about 6 decisions that gifted the Dogs a goal or denied us a goal. We all hate excuses here but Ron Burgundy was right on this. Despite our poor uncontested possession count , dropped marks poor goal shooting and disposal we would have won the game.

  5. Throw Shuey and Redden into our mess of a team and they will look just as bad as the kids we are playing anyway. Our kids are asked to do too much, too soon and they get no help from those 25 and older and that is damning them.

    Rpfc is on the money again.

    We lament our drafting of specific players but fail to put it inot context. If Watts had gone to Wetcoke he would be thought of in a very different light and would be far outshining NikNat who would have developed at a slower rate with us.

    An example was Cheney when we played the hawks earlier this year, he looked good but he was getting support and surrounded by players making it a lot easier for him to shine. Add that being in a good team gives you confidence something we lack at the moment.

    Our most mature and senior players who are on the paddock and performing are Jones (who is not that old) and Clark.

    If our senior players regain fitness and form we will see an improvement with those still learning the craft.

    • Like 1
  6. Not sure there is anything that can be said that will make you feel better D4L

    I feel the same way, After 48 years most of them poor I cannot remember feeling like we will not win a game this year after 3 rounds.

    There has been some poor years amongst those years but never like this.

    The only consulation for is, imagine what it feels like after waiting 48 years.

    Yes I know it does not matter to you.

    Perhaps the only way is find something to fill in your weekends in 2012 and then 2013 may be better.

    Sometimes the only way to releave the pain is to remove the source.

    Bugger all help really D4L. But you are not alone.

    Same as Old Dee, been to the GF to see us flogged.

    I was shattered this week and the week before and the one before.

    Maybe you and old dee should go talk to the players and tell them what it feels like.

  7. Mitch has been a shining light for the club.

    All forwards fumble but this guy has put in effort and shown leadership.

    Agree with whats been said above doesn't sulk and just tries harder.

    Get him to change the culture.

  8. Admit to the mistakes made all around, too much management speak, losing leaders too early, devaluing our olders players, stop sulking, players who have talent but dont use either by being lazy or not committed enough, etc and then insist on people correcting their mistakes (Neeld included).

    Jimmy did it after the Prelim Final, Watts has stepped up and it appears Davey has as well.

    I can name about at least half the team who have more raw talent than Jones but dont learn, put in 150% and correct the way he has year on year. The guy cops it on the chin and steps up to try just a bit harder week in and out because he loves his footy, the club and wants to win for the team.

    I think malthouse is right about our footy culture and we need to stop the rot.

    I am sick of spoiling my weekend watching the poor efforts we serve up.

    • Like 2
  9. Soccer introduced the staging for penalties yellow card.

    I really believe the players who drop down to draw the free should not be rewarded and penalised as its dangerous and spoiling the game.

    Add the stupid 50 mt penalty for interchange infringement which is an automatic goal in most cases.

    Add a penalty for players dragging the ball under a player on the ground or holding it in to get the free.

    All spoiling the game.

    • Like 2
  10. Wish we could get Robbie Flower in to mentor this guy. Being a rake is obviously playing on his confidence and he's struggling with stuff that came naturally when he was still in the juniors.

    If he's gonna stay as skinny as he is then he's gotta take it on the chin and learn from someone who was an elite player because of it, or maybe took it on as an asset. Has all the talent to come good just needs a decent role model who can convince him to back himself and go hard at the footy.

    Good positive suggestion.

  11. I looked at that list for about 10 minutes going wtf!! "How can someone be on 19, and get 12 points for a round??

    Of course Andy answered it straight away if i had opened up the thread!!

    Classiic Friday afternoon....


    then i am old fashioned, score the number you pick.

  12. I have no doubt he was taken to Perth to keep him away from the media wolves here in Melbourne. Neeld & the club should be commended on that. Aaron is someone we all care about.

    But i still hope he plays at Casey to find form rather than walking back into the senior side.

    It is about setting club & team standards that effect all.

    I think he will be picked for the following reasons:

    1. Its clear the new regime had had an adverse impact on him and its taken time for him and Neeld to come to terms with that. The air has been cleared albeit in an unfortunate way. My guess is Neeld and Davey sat down and have talked it through (probably the same has been done with Beamer as well). This game will be deemed a fresh start.

    2. In game 1 he did a few things that showed some signs of his ability as a linebreaker, sidestepped 2 players at one stage.

    3. For weeks the team has been bombarded by the media and in particular,Davey so he will be given the chance at just getting back to footy without being hounded down at Casey.

    4. We need someone in his role up forward.

    5. If we are dropping players on form from the last 2 weeks we would have to promote all of Casey. The whole team needs to reset mentally after the last 5 weeks.

    6. It will have been agreed that a fail this week is an automatic return to Casey next week.

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