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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. Tom Scully middle of the road player is a 'leader' for an absolute rabble, a pawn of a club built on nothing but the AFL's never-ending greed.. could be out on the G, being part of a real club's resurgence under the hand of a legendary figure of the game, and in his hometown with his family etc what did he do.. took the extra bucks. God it is a sick society we live in. Anything for a buck. It is nice to know that the almighty dollar, sometimes, is not the be-all-and-end-all of life. You ouldnt trade any amount of money to be siting where, say, dom tyson is as opposed to Scully.Honestly if he was at the dees now he would be our 6th/7th/8th most valuable midfielder and about 15th in the BnF take a second to think about this, it makes me very angry: think about everything that has been said in the media about Jack Watts, what this kid has had to endure - this is a bloke who not only has done way more on a footy field than scully but is on about half the cash, and he didnt go through a dodgy process of lying to his club to slink away like a dog scully is 10 times more deserving of all the crap that watts has copped, you don't hear 'boo'.. makes me furious
  2. ...right... let's just see if Mitch returns shall we, keep me posted on his beverage selection
  3. yeah boring, much rather hear your professional opinion on the correlation between beverage choice and emotional stability fascinating stuff
  4. oh right now I am convinced, you should have mentioned this before we could have saved this whole thread. You know the minute a bloke cracks a CC and dry he no longer wants to play footy. everyone knows that. some showstoppers in this thread
  5. Good, I hope that happens. Might change the habits of a lazy player, don't you think?
  6. given we are an 8-goal better side with his first half of a season!
  7. Fair comment. I'm not saying he will regret it, because I think he will return... and the time he has missed will have been something he had to do to get his mind right.
  8. definition of 'very skewed' = 'views that are not the same as mine'
  9. OK now I'm satisified with your authoritative statements
  10. LOL how about taking a leaf out of your own book and look at what has actually been said “That’s certainly something I haven’t discussed,” he said when asked if there was a chance he would coach in 2017 and/or beyond at Melbourne. according to you that is 'definitely' a max. of 3 years
  11. this 'marketing' angle is a laugh the Eagles just print money they have no need for this what is the value of having a bloke soak up the salary cap and disgruntle other players what is the value of having a substandard player on the field (or in the twos) copping criticism what is the value of losing matches in general because your side is weaker than it could be why is such a high marketing value attributed to a player that is not actually very good at football? makes no sense
  12. dude how the F would you know god it is annoying the definitive statements around here from people who are in no position whatsoever to be definitive
  13. I always had the feeling that the whole 2-3 year thing was/is just leaving a back door unlocked - just in case Roos was to put 2-3 years in and we were still a complete basket case.. if at the end of 2016 we are, say,sniffing around the top 4 I feel like he will just stay on for as long as he needs to 'complete his mission'
  14. then you will tell him that he can have you if he wants
  15. it would have been interesting to see what might have happened if he was 'Roosed' * * ('Roosed' adj. = the process by which a bad footballer, or a good footballer with a bad attitude, is transformed into a valuable asset under the tutelage of Paul Roos)
  16. no, but succumbing to it, and throwing away a gift and a dream because of it, is he'll realise this sooner or later - once the dust has settled on this rough period of his life but I guess 'mental health professionals' know better huh i'm just praying PJ and co sorted out some kind of arrangement through contract loopholes or whatever that when he does return it is in red and blue and not one of competitors
  17. get in the queue buddy it's about 35,000 long
  18. I know I didnt say anything of the sort and I IDGAF if one or two others did or not, still does not validate your point
  19. so it's just up to him? He can just choose? It is not in the PSD or anything? Why is it any different to an 18 year old going through the ND? Is there no process of compensation that we gave Brisbane a pick 12 and spent huge amounts of money to have him for 2 years? I'm asking seriously if anyone knows the rules?
  20. What is the process? When he inevitably comes to the realisation that he has made a huge mistake and he wants to come back to footy, do we have any claim to him whatsoever or will it be another club's brilliant luck at our expense?
  21. agree 1000% .. there is no sugar coating whatsoever in that review, which is exactly the way it should be
  22. Fair call though Nash, I hadn't really thought about how important it is for the Dad to be there in the case (God forbid) something goes wrong
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