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Everything posted by DeeSpencer

  1. FB: Terlich Frawley Garland HB: Grimes Sellar Dunn C: Evans Jones Byrnes HF: Sylvia Dawes Watts FF: Howe Gawn Tapscott Foll: Jamar Bail Trengove Int: Viney, Rodan, Strauss S: M. Jones Out: Blease, McDonald, McKenzie, Davey, Pedersen In: Viney, Sellar, Dunn, Strauss, Dawes Ok so I had a second thought on things. I still think we need Sellar in to replace Tom McDonald. He's really struggling right now on big forwards who play him deep as Sentanta and Leuy have. And Strauss and Dunn to come back in. My biggest rethink has been on Watts. My instincts all say drop him but if it comes down to him, Blease or Rodan for a half forward role maybe we stick with Jack. Playing against Carlton is a really good test of his mental effort. I've tried to rejig the midfield. What we've seen in the last few games is that Byrnes is one of our best game runners and at finding the ball. Its time for him to play much more a wing, particularly the left footer wing. I've also put Bail into the midfield to tag one of Judd or Murphy. He's been our most physical player lately and won a few nice hard ball gets before burning team mates on the weekend when he's goal hungry. Maybe getting him up the ground makes him think about his disposal more. Finally I don't see the point in using Davey as an impact player when we are likely to be 10 goals down. And it will be doing nothing for his fitness. I'd like to see Matt Jones have a trial run as the sub to give him a bit of a lighter week and also to challenge him to play as an impact player. I think if the player can play well the sub can be a tool to actually bring back form. If we send Jones in when others are tired he could really find how well he can cover the ground and add physicality to his game with tackling and other things.
  2. The trouble with Watts forward is that if he is taking the spot of a Tapscott or Bail he has to do their defensive efforts as well. That means running and chasing and tackling. 3 things I've seen Watts do about 4 times in his entire career. Not to mention Tapscott has backed into packs both of the last 2 weeks to force a contest. Watts did it once on the weekend, can he do it reliably? What we want to see is the ball in his hand multiple times but at the same time his opponent (regardless of what end he is playing) kept quiet. I'm yet to see that from him.
  3. 1. Is he really a difference maker? Not is he a nice player to have avialable but a difference maker? His games last year said keep me around I'm a good option and might flourish, but they weren't as good as Sam Gibsons from North. 2. How often is it you don't have a long term injury to start the season? 3. Upgrading Magner would've forced the club to forego one senior list spot and instead have an extra rookie pick, which in could've resulted in us missing Terlich. Or even having Terlich getting 30+ touches in the VFL without being able to play him 4. We brought in Matt Jones as another mature midfielder 5. We brought in Viney as a ready to go inside mid 6. We brought in Rodan as an inside mid. By the way Port have Kane Mitchell and Collingwood could very well have had Sam Dwyer in similar positions. The rookie rules are stupid if you ask me. But in a way they prevent clubs from leaving players out to dry who they need. In hindsight I don't think Neeld thought we'd be nearly as bad as we are. Maybe that influenced him retaining Joel Macdonald and getting so many senior guys. Or maybe he knew how bad we were and that's why he brought those guys in. Either way I'm not at all convinced Magner is the hero we think he is. He plays the right way so would be nice to have in but really he's not actually better than McKenzie and Rodan who played tonight and did next to nothing.
  4. Yes and no. He's a much better player than Josh Caddy. Could probably compare to a Shields from Hawthorn. In fact if he was at Box Hill I think someone like Evans would be getting nicely moulded to come in and take over a wing for Hawthorn. We have some talent, we just have very little of it developed properly.
  5. Problem, Magner cant be upgraded without a long term injury or until round 11. Viney might help but he can't carry this lot.
  6. Gawn kicked 2, Tapscott 2, Pedersen 1. How many strong marks did he really take? How many goals did he set up. What position did he start the game in? And what happened in that position. I've got no problem if we decide to keep him in as a forward, but all of a sudden we've thrown away an entire preseason of training and playing him as a defender. I bet Rawlings would be happy that he's now Brown's problem if thats the case. If anyone can't watch a Watts game and go he is soft and he doesn't work hard enough then they are very confused. We know he has talent!
  7. Byrnes also switched the play and then ran and received it again from the guy he kicked it to. That work rate stands out like a sore thumb from the rest of the lazy blokes he plays with.
  8. It was also largely self inflicted. Clever players dispose of the ball long before then and put it to advantage of a forward. Blease is a one trick pony and its not a great trick at the moment. He'd look better in a good side but he's still miles off in fundamentals of the game. Same goes for Watts. If anyone thinks a couple of chest marks including one that was clearly out on the full was a good game they are kidding themselves. His work rate in terms of pressure was miles off the standard needed. Maybe he is a forward because he certainly isn't a defender, but lets see him play like one at Casey whilst we try and work out what we are doing.
  9. This wasn't a 5 goal loss. This was a 10+ goal loss made to look nice from bad kicking for goal by a team missing 3 of their best midfielders in Black, Rich and Hanley. Its fair enough to see us torn up by good sides. And I'd cop an honourable loss if we played well. But in no way did we even get near a good game.
  10. what position would you play blease? Back to half back??Dunn is actually pretty quick. But id have Strauss to yarran, terlich to garland and garland for betts. Dunn I'd play on a Mitch Robinson or resting midfielder. See if he can be the half back flanker who can intercept mark and help out talls that we really need. Frawley to Rowe and sellar to hampson
  11. One I don't. Sellar is a reserve key position defender brought in to replace out of from McDonald. Watts is, I don't know but a flanker at one end or another. But if you don't see why we need guys like Sellar who will compete with their opponents and put their heads over it rather than guys like watts who don't chase or man up or tackle then you are very misled. Watts' problems might well trace back at never going back to Casey and Fixing his game!
  12. We don't need to spend big money. We just need a proper committee to find the coach and we will get a Ken Hinkley or Hardwick who understand how AFL is played and what to do to get to that level.
  13. Due to his form as an average wingman at Casey whilst Strauss has been in the best 3 weeks in a row.
  14. FB: Terlich Sellar Garland HB: Grimes Frawley Dunn C: Evans Jones Byrnes HF: Tapscott Pedersen Viney FF: Howe Gawn Bail Foll: Jamar Trengove Sylvia Int: Strauss McKenzie M. Jones Kent Out: McDonald, Blease, Rodan, Watts, Davey In: Sellar, Dunn, Strauss, Viney, Kent Tommy McDonald will be a good player for us but he needs a break. Full back isn't his go yet. Lets give Sellar a shot. Similarly its time for Dunn and Strauss to have a go at half back so we can play Evans and Grimes in the midfield. Viney needs to come back. Time to give Kent a go as sub if not full game. I'm not sure about Dawes in for Pedersen or not. It really means little. Please have mercy on our rubbish midfield Carlton
  15. Yeah lets have Jones captain, what did he do today? Or Clark? Actually maybe only Grimes, its not like he gave up a goal with a clean turnover at least once was it. How about we stick with the two we have and keep going. If half the team tackled like Trenners we'd be miles better.
  16. McDonald is out of form and not used to playing full back. Teams are isolating him deep. Whilst at CHB he's still very good. He probably should be dropped but dont give up on him. McKenzie seems unfit. I think his injury is having a toll on him. That said he dulled Zorko in the first half and stopped Moloney completely killing us in the second. These guys aren't good but they aren't the problem!
  17. Rodan just has no defensive effort especially in the midfield. Mckenzie in the backline isn't great. I'd put him on the ball on to moloney. Watts should be subbed if he's injured. Blease and Bail have got to smarten up. Both regularly burn simple options. It's really selfish and bad.
  18. Be it forward or back he has no accountability. Both will cost goals. He is labouring so maybe he has a corky but it's a lame excuse.
  19. First watts thread I can find. Went back into a bloke for once in his life and now is barely trying. VFL awaits.
  20. hes probably the best kick in the team and runs to space well. Can win his own footy (not at alf level yet). Has exceptional character.In hindsight I'd plug and play wines but outside skilled types can take time. Judge him in 3 weeks time he's bound to have at least 1 good VFL game by then
  21. did you know they left the best of the emergencies in Strauss in Melbourne!Although spencer is a beast at VFL level!
  22. not convinced Fitzy is one of them. He still drops too many marks then cleans up his mistake. Won't get away with that at afl. Even if he makes it he'll be up and down. Lets see
  23. he played sanfl. The standard isn't too much worse. And he out played Evans and others in preseason. Problem is club didnt expect to have him in 100 point debacles. In a winning afl side he'd still look ok
  24. Presuming Dunn is playing hbf he's sent a pretty obvious statement to watts. Play well tomorrow or you'll find Casey
  25. It's not really funny how scully carves us up for 3/4 then can't get near ablett. Shows where our midfield is at
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