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Everything posted by DeeSpencer

  1. They have good young midfielders - Libba, Wallis, Smith, Macrae, Stringer, Dalhaus, Koby Stevens that when supported by their experienced midfielders Cooney, Griffen, Cross, Lower and Boyd means they can play decent footy (Hence the Brisbane win). But throw a few injuries in and their backline and forward line especially tall talent is rubbish. Roughead would probably be their best tall forward but they need someone down back, Jones is a reasonable prospect but Cordy is miles off it. They are pretty much like us in reverse, where we have spent up on talls in Clark, Dawes and Hogan but are still along way back in terms of midfield development. Not that I'm convinced either of them are the answers but in some ways they should have got Dawes and we should of got Koby Stevens or another midfielder.
  2. Toumpas did some nice things in the nab cup he wasn't hopeless. Do we really think Kent would've made more impact than toumpas? I love how people harp on about how good time in the 2s is for Hogan but then want Kent to play. Remember toumpas has played senior footy at Sanfl where kent hasn't. I see Toumpas and Kent as two different issues. If you want a better one then go for why is Watts getting a game ahead of Strauss when ones in form at VFL and the other was rested without playing VFL for a week
  3. you know Larkins works with the bulldogs and essendon doctor and the former Melbourne doctor. And you know a lisfranc is a mid foot fracture dislocation and clark has a midfoot strain. It's like the compare the market and compare the meerkat ad. Simples
  4. i disagree. I feel she has an above average number of reviews and needs to be more assertive. Field umpires screw things up.
  5. I propose you stay at the pub for remaining games haha. Clearly its the good luck charm! Look at the positives by the end of the season you are bound to have had a few more drinks on the house and you might just get that number!
  6. The coaches will have to dissect this game in 2 parts. The last quarter showed we had plenty of run, can win the ball and can use it well. From that we need to take belief into the rest of our games. The first 3 showed the same team as the last 3 weeks. Not hard enough at winning the ball, using it really badly and almost the worst bit was giving up goals way too easily. I'm not talking about the ones O'Hailpin got from soft frees, lucky bounces or being too good but a huge bulk of GWS goals came from us getting carved up as they say. The backline were still slow to find their men again at times. The forwards had better pressure but still aren't perfect and again the midfield of GWS found space by running hard. Some of our midfielders if not all of them need to look at their defensive running again and see why these guys continue to get loose. No doubt it helps when the forwards are doing their job and everyone is winning and moving the ball nicely but the way our defenders and mids closed down their men in the last quarter was a standout. The Col Garland here is your first 3 quarters and Col Garland here is your last quarter on DVD is a perfect example (except when he was lucky to get away with a hands in the back on an opponent who is 6 inches shorter, that was silly).
  7. Grimes - better midfield game Byrnes - kept us alive Evans - just keep running Trengove - getting better weekly Jamar - benefitted from help M.Jones - disposal needs work N.Jones - clearly our best Sylvia - last quarter master Bail - forward pressure pro Howe - big final quarter Garland - horrible first 3/4 Gawn - full of enthusiasm Frawley - still below best Pederson - provided an option Terlich - skilled, speedy, tough Watts - please go harder McDonald - learning full back Tapscott - slowly getting better Jetta - has some moves Clark - please not injured Davey - can be supersub Viney - injured or tired?
  8. Its very very wishful thinking to get him let off but to me you can't call it intentional and it has to be in play (Barry Hall rule) and if the guy gets up and keeps playing why isn't it low impact.
  9. Our 13 goal quarter was ruined by the goal line review! I like Chelsea and I hope she learns to be more assertive. I don't think its a sex issue but a personality issue. She lets the pesky blokes give her too much grief.
  10. Who's made it to all 4 games so far. This thread isn't about bagging people who haven't, we've all got reasons we can't attend every game. But for those who have well done. We deserved the last quarter. Who sat through the debacle that was Port and followed it up with the shambles that was the Essendon game. The Essendon game I had neutral supporters wearing Richmond jumpers hanging it on all our players. The West Coast game I had a lady getting excited down stairs every time Le Cras touched the ball, it killed me. Even this game seeing neutral supporters and smart ass teenage brats in their brand new first time worn GWS jumpers was killing me. We have to stay strong. The pain will continue for most of this year but for 30 minutes yesterday and the time that followed we were free!
  11. Any team would love Howe because he has a near unstoppable trait with his marking in the air but also contributes in other ways. It makes him the perfect 3rd tall and foil for someone like Cloke. Come September you need guys who can run, tackle, and play hard football. But more than that you need guys who can rise above that and do something special when the pressure is on. Howe is a guy who can take a mark when no one else of his size and other attributes can. If he was all flair he'd be perfect for a trade because we'd get good value and draft some more bread and butter types. But he's not all flair, he works damn hard as well. Still has plenty to improve on but you feel he'll get there.
  12. We should recruit Shane Edwards. King never has a bad word to say about him and according to king he's almost as good as Cotchin and Martin combined. Foxtel should rename its gimmick the Shane Edwards memorial war room.
  13. The Cameron goal that was reviewed was a joke. Whatever the original decision was should of stood. Which I think was a goal. The review doesn't help at all because you can't actually tell when the foot hits the ball because Cameron's foot sweeps in from the left. I've only seen the Byrnes one live at the ground but it was mighty close. Really they should invest in better cameras and also show a graphic like cricket lbws. Ie original decision, conclusive evidence to overrule, final decision
  14. Notice the last quarter. Team playing well no problems for watts. Us been bad and him under pressure is good for him. Rawlings and co need to sit him down, do a big review and go from there. The win will keep his spot and I hope he rewards the faith. I hate that North have Hine, Atley, McMillan, wright and mullet all on a half back flank. All have some harness, speed and skill. We are stuffing around with watts and hoping for Jetta and Strauss
  15. left his feet has nothing to do with the rule it's only a comment. It was high, reckless or negligent not intentional, in plan and low impact the guy got straight up. That's presuming every high bump is a suspension, which it shouldn't be. Only the really malice ones should be the rest are like high tackles, they aren't all punishable
  16. That's both an example for why he needs more time in the AFL and why he doesn't. Jack probably never played in defense his whole career. Certainly not at underage level. Look at our training over summer, a lot of running, a lot of ball movement, very little actual in close or under pressure defending. Has Jack played full match practice against Jeremy Howe or Tapscott over summer, I doubt it! So if we are to make him a defender we certainly need to fix his mindset but more than that we need to train him as a defender. I don't expect him to be the best natural defender overnight. If he concedes a goal here and there I actually wont be too annoyed if its from poor position or choice. But at the moment its from poor attack on the footy which is really sad.
  17. Shouldn't be much of an issue. But I agree this Evans one was wrong. What should happen is if a player plays on the ump realizes quickly and calls play on. What the man on the mark should do is move sideways with lateral movement to cover the play on option without breaching the mark. Takes smart but not amazing umpiring and clever, alert but also controlled manning of the mark.
  18. Seems a long way off what we think he can do the last two weeks. Time for him to not play injured if he has. McKenzie and Rodan both in the best in the VFL and time for senior bodies to help him in the midfield.
  19. What's Neeld done. He played forward last year, struggled. Moved to the backline. Improved. Started with a good preseason this year. Then played horrible football the first 2 weeks. Instead of dropping him they gave him a week off and must have given him belief. What does he do? Betrays them with horribly soft football. Luckily we win so he gets another chance next week you'd think. It's time for Watts to earn his own confidence.
  20. D94 should be on the rules of the game committee. Another netball supporter who got tricked into football. It was high, it wasn't hard or dangerous. I don't understand why we have players rubbed out for minor contact. It reminds me of guys getting rubbed out for punching a bit of head when trying to spoil the ball. Trivial, inconsequential should be let go.
  21. maybe not today but I'm sure when their teams turn it around they'll both be guns. Trengove will never be fast and scully never a great kick.It's scary that GWS have shiel, Greene, treloar, Whitfield and more. In 5 years time some of the worst defenders or forwards in the Afl will be AA due to getting crazy midfield coverage
  22. Runs, tackles and puts his head over it. And has a touch of class and skill sometimes. I understand his recruitment and its in no way a bad thing for the club. Davey is on his last legs and guys like bail, blease and tappy need pressure to elevate their game
  23. As soon as someone starts one of these threads we lose. You are all kidding yourself. Will back Brisbane at the line and make a fortune
  24. What about insufficient force. Barely touched him.
  25. Does the fantastic final quarter erase the slops he started with. The guy was drafted as a forward and can mark. It's time he starts intercept marking, sprinting with the ball and using his long kick. You don't kick 12 goals in a quarter without half back dominance and garland showed it. Good to see he has pride and hope he takes the confidence going forward.
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