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Everything posted by DeeSpencer

  1. Notice the term 'health issue' and wellbeing. Not injury issue. And doctors not surgeons or physios. Injuries are very tough. So is being a single father and planning a wedding. I hope anyone who even joked about yet alone considered the photography hindering Mitch understands it's most likely the complete opposite. Get well soon Mitch. Take care of your health, footy never lasts for ever regardless.
  2. If we believe the club the screw coming out last year was 1 complication. A hamstring then a calf are different but 2 more. He's contracted for next year so the decision is ultimately his unless maybe you have clear evidence he will never play again. 2 soft tissues isn't clear evidence. Out of respect to a valued player let's wait some time before we start talking of ripping up his contract especially considering it's of no relevance until October and by then Clark's body will have given us much more information.
  3. Sounds like Viney who was the only one in serious contention for round 1 won't be there. Others who might be a shot in round 2 like Gawn, Jetta and Clisby are going ok. That said Jetta will probably be unable to play without a LTI. I'll take the positive of Gawn with the negative of Viney
  4. The problem I have with your post and your revival of this thread is you've made 2 seperate rumours1. He may never play again 2. He's suffering soft tissue injuries due to a chance of running style The second is what the club has pretty much told us and would mean he's back at some stage be it 4 weeks, 14 weeks or next year The first is a whole different proposition. That you are right on point 2 is irrelevant to point 1.
  5. People in the civilised world don't use that word any more. http://www.r-word.org/ Stevie J is a loveable larrikin. Bit like our own Bernie Vince. He also went a lot further off the tracks as a young player than you'd want but as a senior player has had a great career. I think he'd have great ideas about ball movement and skill develop and be able to convey them. History shows defense wins championships and a stout defensive game is needed but you need to attack well to defend. But I'd also doubt he's keen to retire in the next year or so which is probably the biggest reason he's not in the hunt yet someone like Lingy or Lenny Hayes would be. If Lingy got some real experience not just token stuff at North this year he becomes a candidate. I'd be accepting but a little nervous of Hayes or anyone else with just 2 years under Roos and no other coaching experience.
  6. Maybe the tighter financial times the last few years than a decade ago made people consider their spending. But I like PJ's idea of getting people to come to games and then buy a membership. If it works it means they contribute money through the gate and then pay their membership, club ends up winning twice! Although they'd trade all that for 40,000 signed up already so they had the cash in the bank.
  7. I'd advise every club to put in an offer. He's probably not leaving but may as well up the price they will pay him. Josh Kennedy is a legit top key forward. And they have some very nice solid midfielders in Masten, Selwood, Shuey. But so far Nic Nat is the only player on their list who really looks like a game breaker. Which isn't that amazing we don't even have one player who can claim that and a lot of clubs have one at best. But my point remains Nic Nat at this stage is their great hope. If West Coast take themselves out of future serious quality FA discussion by paying Nic Nat over 1 mil per year then that's great for everyone.
  8. Sounds like someone took him to task over using the term 'breaching your trust'. It can be seen as a strange term and people could be offended about Jackson walking in to the club and talking about what happened in the past etc. But overall I agree with the sentiment that the club has been miles off when it came to delivering on it's basic duties the main one being winning football games. Of course true supporters will buy memberships regardless but it's a contract and we pay our money and the club delivers entertainment, enjoyment, fulfillment etc. This letter was Jackson acknowledging they've been light on in delivering their end of the deal but also saying we should back them in and we will hopefully see signs of progress.
  9. An inform at VFL level Matt Jones/Evans etc or a battling to be consistent at afl level Michie is my point. I presume the question was raised for a super coach /dreamtime perspective and that's why I mention Id be surprised if Michie was an automatic inclusion throughout the year
  10. Obviously. But from what I've seen of Michie he's not a lock for the entire season. Matt Jones or Evans when fit last year were locks due to no one else, Michie is better than them but not significantly right now, he hasn't played a full game yet. This year there should be proper competition for spots
  11. In this case there's not much wrong with his article. But he's such a muppet. Look at his sliding doors segment for this week. http://www.afl.com.au/news/2014-03-14/sliding-doors-round-one Um maybe. But his just one piece of their midfield. What if he returns at week 7? Why do we have to absorb that slowly? It's not that amazing. No and highly unlikely. Fyfe after a great season all of a sudden becomes a long way better than Ablett and Pendlebury? Not to mention Dangerfield, Mitchell etc etc. And even the best small forwards with pace and quality ability to crumb goals don't kick 50. Bartel will always rotate positions but even if he didn't he'd be up the ground as a forward. 40 goals would be huge yet alone 50. I could go on and on.
  12. I think Stafford had a word to him. But this was after he'd already had 5 or so shots. As mentioned there are 7 or more coaches supervising trainings. Miller was kicking the ball out to Fitzy to kick the goals (or in a lot of cases points). If they aren't going to correct him he may as well sit out the drill. Practising the wrong thing is just a waste of time. Maybe they've been working on his action slowly but at the moment they seem happy that this is his action and they'll accept the results. I'm not happy with that. I'd rather him kick every second ball off the side of his boot or along the ground but for him to lean forward, drop the ball with one hand and kick it with a proper trajectory not way up in the sky. If a player was throwing the ball not handballing the coaches would step in. Same if a player when to punch every time and didn't mark. Obviously that's exaggerated but I see Fitzy's goal kicking as almost the same kind of thing. It's blatant disregard for a very important skill for a key forward.
  13. Injury aside how many games he plays will be determined by the form and fitness of Viney, Toumpas, Matt Jones, Evans, McKenzie and maybe Salem. I'm thinking Vince, Nath Jones, Cross, Tyson are locked in for most of the year and Trengove and Watts should hold their spots but if not will probably be played regardless as we have to get them right. The rest of the midfielders including Michie will be judged on form. Viv's only played half an AFL game. It's reasonable to expect at some stage he gets dropped to work on a few things. But if no one else is stepping up at Casey then he'll be hard to drop.
  14. Good on him. Not a spy though Aaron Hamill was there with a couple of others in plain sight. Watched a few minutes of Victory training and witness a player and assistant coach have a mini argument with the player clearly not happy with what the coach was saying. But the coach seemed a bit like a tool and some of the players looked like amateurs. Storm training looked much more fun. Just a fast fun game of touch.
  15. Didn't stay to the end but overall thought it wasn't the sharpest session. I think the players are ready for games and as such are having to really fight to find the high intensity for simple drills. Towards the end the 22 or so left did goal kicking at one stage. It pains me that with 7 or more coaches on track no one stops Fitzpatrick and makes him practice proper goal kicking technique. A super high one handed ball drop is just not ok. I know goal kicking is a bit like goal you have to find the swing that works for you but Fitzy's current action is unacceptable for a guy who is primarily a forward.
  16. Nah Tappy was out there with Gawn but they had the singlets without numbers and the first bunch to leave the track of the group playing at Casey. Matt Jones also got a knee looked at a taped late in the session but all seemed fine.
  17. Casey boys and those due to play at Casey have left after some reasonable kickin drills working on moving the ball quickly and flat. No Terlich today Spencer, King, Riley and Frawley doing some lighter kicking and handballing Leaves the main group of about 18 divided in white and blue teams doing handball drills
  18. Presumably getting tired from doing nothing Dawes has left. Garland doing a lot of standing and talking, not much running Players are warming up, slowly
  19. Garland blowing after his 200m sprint Dunn wanders over in casual MFC gear to walk a lap Dawes comes out to the track. Not sure what training if any he will do Josh Mahoney, Viney snr, Nicholl emerge with a group of mainly middle aged people ? Parents day of the draftees?
  20. No Dawes, Clark, Jamar Garland doing some seperate work Casey players training in their numbers JKH here but not doing the warm up lap or stretching Hogan unsighted so far
  21. I'm not. Byrnes is a good guy. Came from a successful team. Still knows how to get to the right spots. Is still capable of tackling and some of the other hard stuff. If Byrnes is giving him lessons on kicking I'd be down right angry but I doubt he would be.
  22. Yep. I'm not going to crucify our fitness staff over it. They are highly trained doctors and physios, that can't stop guys playing every time one has a stiff back.
  23. I heard talk Cripps was about 191cm pre draft but now has shot up even more to about 194cm. Probably now a question whether he's too tall to be a midfielder. At the minimum I'd advise Carlton to take a long time with him. Midfield minutes in that big a frame could result in injury
  24. Salem - played is first game at Casey at wing/half back - Training up forward getting some mentoring from Byrnes - Gaz will be down to give him his jumper on debut - Doesn't think he's as hairy as Gaz Hogan - Hopefully back round 2 or 3 but no guarantees - had a tight back before Geel game but after the game was too sore to train - has moved in with Dean Kent - Joked poor mrs Viney got sick of feeding them all but really the Vineys were doing renovations Overall nothing of much note. Both spoke well enough for young guys with limited media experience
  25. Would love to hear that Viney, JKH and Clisby were the 3 best on ground and all players got through with Gawn and Salem impressing. That's the dream.
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