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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Don't worry about your son- We will have most probably four really good SA boys playing for us over the next decade- Trengove, Tapscott, Viney & Stretch- should be enough to swing him our way.
  2. Yep and he plays for Victoria as a batsman only in our 20/20 comp from next week.
  3. Now I know why renovations and or buildings cost so much.
  4. Don't let them get to ya- dream on mate To me that is very, very positive and I for one hope your dream or at least part of it comes true. I for one think we are in top 6 teams this year-- some may say I'm dreamin -well good luck to you and I for having a positive attitude. I just hope Garland plays on a wing so I can rip some of these posters to bits-
  5. All I can say is-Dream on...because this will never happen
  6. Juice seems fine- cannot tell ya if he has lost weight, but looks as strong as an Oz.Spencer is the one most will be shocked with of how he has bulked up- maybe too much. e players in rehab- as I already mentioned Campbell is doing light work, Jamar walked laps, Wonaeamirri -I couldn't find, rest did most work.Davey was rested from some I noticed.And some of the rookies-Evans & Lawrence did about half.
  7. Agree re Grimes.Gysberts is such a very fine build , he really needs his issues worked out.He is a similar build to Bruce, whom had his share of injuries when he first came to the club , missing out on a G/F game due to similar injury to Jordie.
  8. Agree totally.Versatility is what we requir now in our talls in particular. I really like the look of Davis.He reminds me of Hurley of Essendon.Look forward to the 12th at Gosh's for next viewing then it's only 4 weeks to 1st NAB CUP game.Another young tall-I like very much is Tom MacDonald- great build- athletic ,strong and great ruck work.Pity he is not 6 cms taller though.
  9. He looks to have grown not put on weight. Looks as tall as Watts.Seeing you know him -what's his height please.
  10. Grimes is ripped and ready to go- I expect a huge year from him. Another wholooked sharp and ready with 5 weeks to go in our first NAB match. JW naturally looks great. Being his first pre season he is ready for it. Sometimes he comes across as looking bored. Skewed a couple of passes and Bails had words with him.
  11. Trained ok- missed some passing opportunities.I feel his foot passing needs some work-this IMO shows there maybe a weaknessthat needs rectifying. . By the way, I went through the player list and one player that I cannot recall seeing was Wonaeamirri- he may have been still in the NT, family business after returning there for Xmas I'm told or rested due to his previous hammy & back issues.
  12. As HT points out ,this explains why he is doing so much rehab- strengthening work as well as fitness and exercise. Also explanation by Deeman & Deeluded also makes sense.Better to take it a little easy straight up after a break. When ,I think about it, after some two and a half weeks off - gee they trained well.
  13. Bate trained quite impressively but does some lazadaisical things. Needs to concentrate more IMO..
  14. He really is putting in- no doubt giving his all as if he has been told - you need to or out.Hope he can crack it.
  15. Of the new talls, anyone seem to stand out, or look ready for early selection? Howe is to me the most impressive & developed.Cook's body really needs work on it but he will be a very good player for us however the one I like is Tom McDonald- seems to have the athletic ability and body to really develop whether he has the ability we will now sometime over the next few years. At training today, one of forgotten talls really impressed me- Stef Martin whom really looks ready and eager to go.The other, I think will develop into a very good footballer for us is Davis- will fill out to be a very athletic yet speedy defender-willbe able to play on all size forwards. Hope that answers your question.
  16. Yep - Bailey did grow a beard when he played. On the other matter re Garland- you are as cheeky as I am.
  17. No not a suck job- just a compliment for when it is due-You should know my personality by now. However, if I or another poster are in the wrong judged by a mod- it could be gracious of them to explain after action has been taken.Then we know why with explanation. Your post regarding the poster recognising why his had been taken off only helps goodwill. By the way ,I wouldn't suck to you or any Mod.,however in fairness you are a prolific poster as well,therefore you understand us well.
  18. That is nice to see you as a Mod congratulate a poster whom accordingly recognises why his thread/post has been taken away. HT as a mod you are generally very understanding.Hope you and others are as tolerant, understanding and courteous as you are on this occasion.
  19. Not true unfortunately. I went to training this morning and was shocked to see Mark Jamar not training but basically walking laps. Others who also were basically just doing running exercises, both slow work were Gysberts & Campbell. All others seem to be training the house down. By gee, one major surprise was Bails is wearing a Grey goatee. Makes him look 60. Not a great look. Our rookies seem to be getting the swing of it now but Lawrence and Evans are no way as forward as Johnston or Nicholson. Nicholson starred at today's session. Others who impressed me were Bail, Tapscott (seems to be running well - huge build nearly as big as Moloney), Spencer - seems to have put on 10kgs & 5 cms, strong but definitely not fast, Blease seems to be regaining confidence in himself, more sprightly and kicking better, all others seemed to train within themselves due to the first training run which went for 1 3/4 hours. Jurrah and some others only trained for about an hour. One thing that excites me, is they seem so much fitter than last year, more advanced ,stronger without dramatic weight increase. I overheard Kelly O'Donnell say to Brian Royal , they seem to be 5 weeks ahead of where they were first week back from last year. Huge amount of more ball work honing their skills than just running. Done some positional play with a huge surprise to me - Warnock played as a CHF. Garland played as a CHB - to my disgust as I am pushing for him to play on a wing. The most frustrating players today were Morton and Newton. Morton seems to go 3/4 pace whilst Juice, needs some juice or a kick up the you know what. Juice does not seem to put in hard enough in my opinion at training. Reminds me a lot of Grgic (maybe wrong spelling) - the guy who ended up at Geelong. Tremendous ability but wasted. Did not have a fair dinkum dip. Any questions, I’ll try to answer.
  20. Intersting observation was at today's training-Campbell just done running exercises- short and reasonably slow run throughs- seems to be very off the pace of the others in the fitness stakes.
  21. There is no doubt some communication must have taken place.We would not have let PJ go without a contigency plan. However,Iam told that another rookie is eyeing off that opportunity of a senior posting-Dan Nicholson who has been training the house down. It maybe that they do get Campbell to put the yards in before promotion.But he seems quite fit also.No doubt the club had done a thorough check before draft day.
  22. Let's hope his prediction comes true-I in another post believe we can win 14 games- so I feel we are up there in the top bracket of the eight.
  23. As Sylvinator points out very interesting times ahead.I think we have the best list for 47 years or more,since our halcyon days,our great period of time. However, as others have said we will have to weed at least 3 per year- thay by God is going to be hard enough to do.Therefore we will have a much more stable list for a few years onwards.
  24. Most of us didn't think Bartram wasn't going to consolidate his position in the team. Even posters were declaring he had walked out of the club. McDonald, IMO, is a certainty to play senior football-he really did a great job in his first year at thr club.He definately gets a guernsey in my side.
  25. I await your team with interest- surely you will pick Jurrah in your team and Garland on the wing(ha ha )
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