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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Just looked at Jimma's twitter site and he refers to it. Furthermore, he was running laps at Junction Oval last week.
  2. He has grown enormously this year- whilst it shows 170 in the list-I think he would be near 180 now.Also note, GC will have many to look closely at. He should try to get MFC to allow him to train with them-early next year.Is he a member of the AIS/Afl .Look forward to watching him live tmoro.
  3. Very interesting that NO MENTION TODAY IN THE PAPERS re his injury. Noticed Tim Harrington, our List Manager having a very close look at him at 3/4 time last Saturday. At least we know we are on the ball. If severely injured may have to go for another combination for 1 & 2.(HOWEVER VERY DOUBTFUL IT WILL BE THAT DRASTIC) It did not seem that serious last Saturday though pulled up very sore after the game.However, it must be significant for Scully to miss a Grand Final,if indeed he does.
  4. And by God- he is a very good footballer- I deemed him to be best on the ground last weekend.but too young for this draft Shows age as being:10/12/1992. 2nd Preliminary Final Eastern Ranges 4.1 6.1 8.3 8.7 (55) Calder Cannons 3.1 7.3 9.5 13.9 (87) GOALS: Eastern Ranges: Dyson 2 Harper Young Cass Johns Wilson Kennedy Calder Cannons: Thompson 4 Hicks 2 Mitchell 2 Temel 2 Carlisle McLeod Lucin BEST: Eastern Ranges: Gysberts Crowle Mirra Mullett Minahan Kinder Calder Cannons: Prestia Hine Wallis Liberatore Thompson Guthrie
  5. AGREE- Maybe his twisting & turning may be a problem. May have to find a position like full forward where he leads and does not have to do alot regarding his twisting & turning.
  7. Whilst that is your view and you freely give it,VIRTUALLY ON EVERY TOPIC- let others do the SAME.
  8. Great to see the MFC respond to the GARLAND/MOONBOOT SAGA SO QUICKLY. One could see that Schwabbie had pressure oput on him to answer re his twitter site. And when we got the true insight -it then saves us all for contemplating different thoughts ,such as -Is he finished etc.. Well done MFC on this occassion.However what about updates re Wona,Blease etc.. and the Debt Demolition final tally
  9. The MFC website has stated the following: Dees cautious on Garland injury Colin Garland The Melbourne Football Club will take a cautious approach with defender Colin Garland, after scans confirmed bone stress in the talus bone of his right ankle. Garland will wear a protective boot over the next three weeks to rehabilitate the injury. Garland spent the majority of the 2009 season successfully recovering from a stress fracture in his right navicular bone. This, however, is an unrelated stress injury which the Club will continue to monitor on an ongoing basis. General Manager of Football, Chris Connolly, said, “The injury has been detected early, and we are going to take a very cautious approach in dealing with it. We are confident that he will recover to be able to perform a critical mass of pre-season training in preparation for the 2010 season.”
  10. agree- will be very interesting to see if he plays full back next year or on the half back line again.He has become flexible as a player and could indeed still play on a wing,such as against Richardson- if needed. Just shows howmuch we have to be patient with talls as some have wanted his head before this year.
  11. Agree with you totally. His girl friend is Rick Kennedy's daughter. Might we do a trade with the Bulldogs.
  12. Pity we could not get an update via our MFC website.
  13. It is a very interesting decision especially now the Saints are playing Geelong. I think, he will. due to the talls . They need him to at least be on the interchange. If you agree- whom does he replace?
  14. I observed Mark Williams in the box of Eastern Ranges last Saturday for the whole match -whether he was there for assistance or just there as an observer I found it very interesting as much as Wheatley whom stated earlier has been assisting there the whole year. We must have a strong synergy with the club in some sense.. Does anyone know?
  15. NOT TRUE unfortunately. The physio went to Yeata at quarter time and told him that Tom was injured. He basically put him in positions such as the forward pocket etc.. and last quarter to the bench as he had hurt his knee- Whether it was jarred,whatever-I do not know however he hobbled off. Very interesting to see how he goes and position he plays Friday night- after only a six day break
  16. Interesting that he was placed in the midfield for some time in the last few games. Was a great contributor in the Under 18's in the guts. However, stamina has been a problem. With a huge pre season who knows the future.Could develop into a very flexible player for us.
  17. Interesting to note that Hutchie on Footy Classified believes we should pick a midfielder and a tall in our first two picks. Maybe Scullt/Temel ?
  18. That is the truest thing you have stated in a long time- talls we need. Again as you have stated earlier along with two top midfielders. Or maybe a top midfielder and a tall as our first two picks? I'd prefer Scully/Trengrove -- Temel,Carlisle(you will see them both next Friday,or Panos)- Hey?
  19. It is real sad even an indictment if one has to twitter the CEO.to get information which should be given as a matter of courtesy.That is my opinion. Can cope with yours, but will not be twittering him.However, he claims he reads our website here, may get others off their backsides and react.
  20. It is real sad even an indictment if one has to twitter the CEO.to get information which should be given as a matter of courtesy.That is my opinion. Can cope with yours, but will not be twittering him.However, he claims he reads our website here, may get others off their backsides and react.
  21. Have you seen him play. If so, and I rate you as a judge-he will be a player. Yep- I acceopt the Bullies may pick him up however,Scott, Crocker etc.. were there yesterday and quite impressed- He will be a player. The most impressive tall in the TAC finals overall. BY FAR.Unfortunately feel now- Pick 18 will not get him. If you haven't seem him live- you will have the opportunity to watch him on Foxrel live next Friday night.
  22. thanks again for updates-how many did Jack kick- only the one- did he play HFF AND SOMETIME IN THE MID.PLS ADVISE
  23. You always give your true opinions which I have expressed to you personally and I thank you for that- however I do expect a reply to an email.Whether it is to my liking or not. I do expect that at least one update could have been given re the progress to our injured players. And re the Debt Demolition- I do expect to be told what the final amount is. That to me is just down right courtesy.I feel the MFC have a right to keep us stakeholders informed. Regarding Vital information- I believe an update on our injured players should be regarded as vital to us- the members, supporters and followers along with the final amount of the debt demolition amount.An update on the Youth Summitt-vital to the ones whom gave up their time to be there. That is my opinion- but I respect yours. What about others?
  24. It was very disappointing to see him go off at the 12 1/2 minute mark of the first quarter. This was the second major injury to the ranges during the finals with McDonald also injured in the first final.. Griffith seemed to do a shoulder doing ruck play. Gee he is very injury prone- maybe a someone earlier suggested too much so as an early pick. Maybe too risky.
  25. Many thanks for your advise.I have done so,using this medium without even the decency of a reply. Has anyone else? General Ph. (03) 9652 1111 PO Box 254 East Melbourne Victoria 8002 [email protected] - General enquiries and feedback - Employment/work experience requests - Fan mail - Complaints - Emails to President and Directors [email protected] - Suggestions - Marketing ideas
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