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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. No way, football is much more important than religion with the added bonus that it's real. I told the missus I don't care if she wants to baptise the kids catholic or whatever but when it comes to footy they'll be following the Demons.
  2. Not really going out on a limb there, he's practically picked each team to finish in the same position as 2011. I would have thought Freo is the team with the most scope for improvement, they should be a top 6, if not top 4, team but were absolutely decimated by injuries this year. It will be interesting to see though how Ross Lyon's defensive coaching style will work on the larger Subiaco oval.
  3. 2004 was great right up to the R18 game against Hawthorn when we were top of the ladder. After that the wheels fell off and the bus rode over a cliff, the less said the better. Oviously 1998 & 2000 were good as well but I'd also have to go with 1990. We didn't stuff up the finals we stuffed up the H&A. We beat Essendon twice (MCG & Windy HIll), WCE twice (MCG & Subiaco), Hawthorn twince (R22 & EF) but got smashed by Collingwood in the H&A. Even though we beat 3 of the other 4 finalists twice we still only managed to finish 4th or 5th when really we should have been top 2 or 3 that year. Although we got smashed by Collingwood we did the year before as well and still beat them in the finals. We also beat them in 88 in the finals and there is just something about September and beating Collingwood that is so Melbourne (6-1) so I have no doubt that had we met them in the finals we would have got over them but we stuffed it up by giving away the double chance during the H&A season (geez this is all starting to sound familiar!)
  4. I've got the VHS of this and have converted it to DVD - I've also got Dynamic Demons the 2000 season highlights. The 94 one is great some good footage of Jakovich that doesn't get much play these days or is difficult to find copies of. One of the memorable segments is Sean Charles being flown to training in a helicoptor when his car broke down somewhere near the Murray as shown on channel something news.
  5. This thread was made for Allen Jakovich. No more needs be said about the bloke but if he was more, ahem, committed to the game he could have been one of the best full forwards of the 90's which is saying a lot considering the quality of the spearheads at that time. For the injured guys, David Schwarz would have been a champion of the game. He will still go down as a club champ but not the same level as he could have been if not for his injuries.
  6. Mate no offense but '87 was a long time ago - a lot of those people who jumped on the bandwagon back then are likely no longer with us. Whether their kids have remained loyal or closet Demons supporters who will crawl out of the woodwork remains to be seen. EDIT: Thats not to say 50K for us is not achievable just that we will have to work hard to get there and invest heavily in places like Casey where hopefully the dividends can pay off - on a side note you would think the biggest scope for growth would be in areas not already colonised by supporters of other clubs - therefore suburbs with high migrant intake would be key to growing into the future. It's not much use laying the groundwork in an area where the kids already have family allegiance to Hawthorn, St. Kilda, Collingwood, Carlton etc I don't know the demographic of Casey and have probably never even driven through there in my life so if someone is able to fill us in on who lives out that way it would be appreciated.
  7. You've got to be kidding me. We are the DEMONS not the dragons or any other name. FFS why don't we just vote to call ourselves the Melbourne Hawks again, it's only a name...
  8. Can't really add too much more to the sentiments in this thread except to send my best wishes to Big Jim from Dublin hope you can beat this bloody thing mate everyone's supporting you. The thing that gets me is he still finds the strength and will not only to keep fighting this dreaded disease but to lead this club as the President attend training do medi gigs etc The man is a bloody living legend and a testament to the human spirit. Keep fighting Jimma.
  9. Don't think the nickname derived from his height; wasn't his other nickname "tangles"?
  10. Regardless of anything else the notion that we can recruit a 30yo veteran to the "rookie" list certainly makes a mockery of the whole process.
  11. So are back handed cheap shots to legitimate concerns and queries...
  12. 3 weeks for that tackle at 53 seconds God I wish he could play next year. If Tim Watson could play at 15 why can't we play this kid already???
  13. I'm not really a fan of this move. I like the fact that after years at the Junction Oval we have finally come "home" (well as close to home as home can be be) and are now ony minutes walk from the MCG. I know our admin is set-up at the G and so there is a split there between the admin/FD but I would prefer that than moving out to Docklands which is a pretty horrible area of the city. As stated we have only just moved to the Bubbledome which is in the heart of the sports precinct and would prefer we maintain ourselves there rather than up and moving again. Our new FD has come in and said our new facilities are equal to anyone in the league so after all these years I guess the main issue is, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Is definitely something that I would want to see raised at the AGM as this is something that seems to have not been fully disclosed to the members. Most of our info comes from snapshots in the Hun or Age.
  14. Fair enough must have got my dates muddled up. Thanks for the heads up!
  15. Does anyone know when/where this years AGM will take place? Haven't heard anything about it but from memory it is usually around early December each year. I've never attended one before but am intrerested in going this year, so if anyone has any details it would be appreciated.
  16. Yeah agree with that - the reason Sheahan seems to get so much love is because of the shocking quality of the rest of them. I mean next to Mark Robinson, Jon Ralph, Robert Walls etc the guy looks like a pro.
  17. I is for "I am Melbourne" EDIT: Damn too slow J is for Jakovich, the most mercurial yet frustrating player I've ever seen.
  18. Just started read The Red Fox last night, it's been sitting on my shelf all year. There's also a website (theredfox.com.au) where you can view his (and his brother Len's) iconic coaching booklet "Lectures on Football" amongst other things. I only read the first chapter so far but what really interested me was the Forward written by his son in which he states that the thing that upset Norm the most in his time in football wasn't the sacking in 1965, but the members failing to vote him onto the board 2 years later in 1967. Apparently that really got to him and basically ended his 35 year tenure with the club. Considering our incompetence in administration since the golden age I wondered how different things might have been had we had a giant like Smith on the board.
  19. Yeah I hate the loud music as well, it doesn't help that it is generally rubbish music as well. Its the football not the big day out.
  20. The 12500 members was for 2011 - their website says 456 for 2012.
  21. His articles were generally well-written, but he would be classed as a Reporter rather than a Journalist. The only Journalist in the AFL really is Caroline Wilson.
  22. Didn't they cost $50 and it meant you got $50 off a 2012 membership? Also I think half of them were from Canberra.
  23. Hey Deevoted, I sent you a PM let me know if you have trouble opening it.
  24. The more the merrier I say - anyone who goes should pen their observations, perceptions can differ and some may pick up things that others don't see. All information is good for those of us who can't make it down and all the reports are appreciated.
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