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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I've got the highlighted ones you've listed if you're interested in trading any games? Some are better quality than others but they're all watchable. Pretty sure you can't get this game as it wasn't broadcast by channel 7 - although thinking about it now surely Channel 7 Perth would have shown it so maybe there is hope, thoguh it's definitely not on Name A Game's list.
  2. I'm not really expecting many (any?) free agency moves initially but after a couple of years it will start to be seen as the norm. I was also surprised by the players outside of the top 25% being unrestricted free agents as initially I thought it was only restricted free agency and was restricted to the top 25% of earners. Ultimately I can see this forcing more clubs into trade situations which is a good thing as clubs are too reluctant to engage in trades where both sides really win - it is usually only players for draft picks rather than player A for player B. The clubs will still need to work within the salary cap and this is where the AFL needs to strictly enforce this (including no 3rd party deals). The AFLPA and player managers can argue this is restricting their capacity to earn however the facts are there are already many industries/professions which preclude you from working/obtaining a wage or salary outisde of your contracted employment. At the end of the day I don't think it will have a massive effect on our game other than to make it easier for a Luke Ball to get to his club of choice without all the stuffing around - this also takes it out of St. Kilda's (in this situations) hands as they can't stop him from leaving and will still be compensated somewhat should he go. The reason I see it having minimal effect though is that most players will want to ensure that their original club is not dudded, such as in the Judd situation where he obviously had a preference to go to Carlton but wanted to ensure the Eagles weren't shafted. It just gives the player greater leverage in the negotiations. Suffice to say it will be very interesting to see how this all plays out and hopefully we don't see players only wanting to go to the big 6 or 7 clubs to the detriment of the clubs like us, North, Dogs, Saints etc.
  3. Yeah thats on my list as well. I was thinking if there's a few of us who want similar games we could buy a couple each and trade the others to each other. I had my eyes on a couple of games around 1990-1992 but am going to go through their catalogue and see what else I may want (maybe a couple from 2000 also).
  4. Dr. Gonzo


    Spewing about the date, I wanted to attend but am going to see Soundgarden that night.
  5. Just a heads up to anyone interested, Name-A-Game has a sale on February 9th for all Name-A-Game DVD's for $10 each. This doesn't include games they have to master as this costs them $70 apparently but any in their catalogue are included. http://www.facebook.com/sportsdelivered
  6. Just in regard to the bolded I do agree to some extent - however thinking about it, what is the purpose of sponsoring an AFL club? It is to get exposure in the media. Now is that exposure better on the back page of the Herald-Sun? Or is it better hidden away in a small article, possibly with no photos, 5-6 pages from the back?
  7. Not sure if its been posted - more speculation from the Hun although this one indicates we may opt for co-captains in the Sydney model (JT, Grimes & Frawley). http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/demons-likely-to-opt-for-co-captains-model/story-e6frf9if-1226250859080
  8. I agree - this has been discussed before but I'd just like to raise the issue about "firing by phone" again. In the best of all possible worlds, I agree sacking someone by phone should not be done and should be done face to face. However there may have been reasoning behind it other than just being under the pump from 186. The media being what it is and the leaks coming out of the club at the time would have been a consideration as you would not want Bailey finding out he was sacked by reading the Herald Sun the next morning. Hearing it over the phone is much more preferable. The other issue is calling Bailey to an early Monday meeting and not telling him why could be seen as just as bad as firing him by phone. He knows whats going on, you know whats going on, the media and supporters know whats going on so why go through the charade? Best to be up front about it & tell him whats going on. As someone else mentioned this wasn't just a knee-jerk decision following 186. The writing was on the wall after the WCE debacle. It got much much worse after the Carlton debacle and could have come to a head soon after - why do you think there was so much relief after the Essendon win? The past is done and maybe could have been done better but the actions of the club since that time and the personnel they have recruited to the club has me feeling confident again about the club. Only time will tell if that confidence is real or just more false hope.
  9. FMD so now we are the club that kicks our President (the bloke who put his hand up and did the hard yards to bring our club back from the brink when no-one else would) when he is down? Some people here are really suggesting we get rid of Stynes? On what basis? Look at the transformation of the club since he took over. Rome wasn't built in a day and there is still work to go but remember before he came on board we had some tennis wannabe with no clue galavanting around Wimbledon and the club was run by accountants and insurance nerds. Football is more than a business when will people start to realise this? You need the supporters, officials and players to be inspired with the club and its leadership not to merely be able to give the best budget presentation at the AGM. Some people really don't know what they've got til its gone.
  10. I understand the frustration but aren't the memberships all sold out of a central AFL office (I could be wrong). Don't punish the club for the incompetence of some office temps.
  11. Surely the "started off strongly" has to do with the amount of people now on the Direct Debit plans where it automatically rolls over into the next season?
  12. Yeah sorry got confused, it was Leoncelli who was that role and then Stynes took it over when Leoncelli left. Got my wires crossed.
  13. Isn't that basically what Connolly's job has been i.e. reporting to the board as a conduit between the FD and Front Office? He's gone quiet and they may have restructured this role somewhat but I'm not sure whether Connolly will be undertaking the same duties next year? From memory he was moved on (and maybe temporarily replaced by Lyon? My memory is a bit hazy now on all the comings and goings since 186.)
  14. Obviously there was a reason he was made captain in the first place and was the overwhelming choice of the supporters as well judging by the online forums. He had a crap year last year but has been a consistent performer through most of his career (bar maybe one season). He won't be appointed captain just to warm the seat but in a team that has a large majority of our players in the beginning of their careers that is obviously going to be one consideration to take into account. With the experience of a year under his belt as captain (and lets be honest it was a tough year for all the senior players on our list and the FD not just Green) there's no reason why he won't learn from that experience and be a better player, leader and captain in 2012. It's a better option than giving the captaincy to Moloney or Jones who could very well put out a season like Green's 2011 without the experience to fall back on. Giving the captaincy to one of the mid-late 20yo's on our list would prevent the club having to strip them of the captaincy in a couple of years when either Trengove or Grimes (or another young player like Watts) would be ready to take over.
  15. So give him a chance at redemption. He had one bad year but has been one of our best performers for the last 5 or so years. With the experience of a year of captain under his belt, a more mature team, a new coaching department he deserves another shot at it. It also gives JT & Grimes another year to develop and stay on the park.
  16. Dr. Gonzo


    Wow what an insane game this morning great win to the 9ers thought they hadn't capitalised enough on the Saints early TO's but to come back with only a minute or so on the clock and score a touchdown when it looked certain that a FG would send it into OT was just crazy. Bit let down by the game afterwards but hopefully tomorrows games will have some more great action for us - just a pity the Jets aren't involved this year its not quite the same when you're watching from the sidelines.
  17. You obviously don't get it Artie so whatever. After mulling over this a bit I actually think they would be best leaving it with Green for another season and having Trengove/Grimes as VC/DVC and then changing over the captaincy for 2013. Let Grimes focus on getting through a season uninterrupted and let JT focus on improving his game and developing into a leading midfield role. Lets face it the role of captain is more symbolic these days anyway, regardless of title natural leaders will still lead on the field and the track but giving it to a young and/or injury-plagued player will create additional external pressure through the media and fans which is not needed at this stage. Having said that whoever they give it to I'm sure will be the right choice. I have confidence in the coaches/FD to make the right choice and they know the playing group more intimately than we do. If they decide to go with a new captain as part of the new "Neeld" era then I'm all for it no matter who that may be.
  18. He's had chronic injuries since his junior days playing with Hurstbridge and was the reason he slipped in the draft. Look I don't think anyone here disputes he is a great leader but just think Trengove is a better fit long term. The way you're going on it sounds like you reckon the place has gone to the dogs if we appoint Trengove as captain.
  19. If you answered yes to 1MB/S you probably already have telstra bigpond anyway so it should be unmetered usage. For the record I just got bigpond set up with 80mbps, wifi and will probably be getting foxtel also - I could do without it (I just download everything these days) but the missus wants it for the entertainment & other channels so getting a 24 hour footy channel is an added bonus for me.
  20. They're both still kids there's not much difference between them other than Grimes issue with injuries. They'd both make great leaders but would rather give it to Trengove so Grimes can focus solely on getting himself right without having to worry about leading the team as well.
  21. Fiji is one of the best places in the world, island paradise with some of the friendliest people you would want to meet. If you didn't like it there that says more about you than the country. The only thing wrong with it is the tourists but what can you do? Agree with you about Jamar though.
  22. Wouldn't mind Frawley but would rather a midfielder after having Neitz stuck at FF as a Captain unable to influence games like a midfielder can.
  23. Exactly didn't seem to hurt Kernahan or Carey to be given the captaincy at an early age. I think JT is the kind of kid who would relish the opportunity/challenge and not fall under the weight of it.
  24. Posted this on the bigfooty thread Rhett but having the option for multiple commentaries on games would be awesome even if only on the channel 7 games. So if I'm watching a game and press the red button I can choose to have either SEN, 3AW, MMM, ABC etc commentary instead of Dennis & Bruce. Also second the "classic games" request particularly of games from the 80's & 90's (similar to what 7two were doing for a while). Bringing back Winners With Flares and From the Fox Footy Vault would be great as well.
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