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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Another out on the full. This is f'ing ridiculous.
  2. Don't know what Chip's on but he is playing stupid.
  3. Jones gets a goal from 50 - good reward for his effort so far.
  4. Watts put your body behind the ball and run through the pack for f***s sake. Bloody frustrating.
  5. @Akum - No I think they just need to work harder. Even if we can't get a mark/pinpoint pass I50 they need to create a contest and lock the ball in. It rebounds out far too easily which is NOT our gameplan considering Neeld is trying to supposedly implement the forward press. Would be nice if the umps could pick out a free for us as well - sure we have kicked OOF 3 times and laid 3-4 high tackles but our players have been held on to around the stoppages as well and we get nothing.
  6. Forward line can't do much when they have the ball just bombed in the air. Pinpoint some passess and get some numbers around the ball and we might be in danger of kicking a repsectable score.
  7. Bloody hell Selwood with a goal right on the intersecting paint of the boundary and 50m line.
  8. Embley in the hands of the trainers with a shoulder problem. Another out on the full. I know its a narrow ground but this is just stupid.
  9. Yeah Tom haven't sighted Joel Mac. Would be nice if we could spot someone up inside 50. We get to about 80 out and just bomb it on the boot. Like watching juniors play.
  10. Yep we are panicking too easily and our disposal has been poor (the two are likely related).
  11. Jones is playing well - the attack on the ball is there by most of our players we just need a lift in intensity and some class. Trengove, Grimes, Watts have hardly touched it. McDonald again, doing well down back.
  12. McDonald getting in it early, bad kick to Bail but at least he's getting amongst it. Nice kick from the mo.
  13. Not bad by Green, make sure he doesn't get up next time though.
  14. Even NikNat's stuff ups make the highlight reel.
  15. Bloody hell Clark keep your eyes on the footy. Soft work there.
  16. WYL pretty sure the copy watermark referred to was put on there by the DVD recorder. There shouldn't be any copy protection on the old AFL VHS tapes I've got a couple myself that have never had any on it.
  17. I agree with you 100% furious d. The AFL has treated our club with absolute contempt the last few days and I am sick of it. Mifsud is a rat who has to go there are no two ways about it.
  18. Exactly - how did the FB comments of Polis come to light? Who broke this story and when did the comments first get uncovered? Seems like someone with an agenda has sat on it for a while and not broke it until an opportune time.
  19. Just do a Google search on the articles headline and click the link - it should come up with the full article.
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