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Little Goffy

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Posts posted by Little Goffy

  1. Pick 39 is respectable in the circumstances.

    Valuable enough to lubricate other deals, or maybe hang onto it for that last targeted player that all the other clubs miss in the second round. Maybe just gets cashed for points for the Kynan Brown bid. Who knows? Not me!

    Jordon should do fine at Sydney and I wish him all the second-best. :D

    • Like 2
  2. It isn't a trade rumour but does fit the broad topic of 'pre-draft shenanigans' 

    Looks like Riak Andrew will be falling outside the pick 40 range and eligible as an NGA selection for us.

    Skinny, 192cm. I've seen him listed as both forward and defender. Does anyone have more info? Does this mean we'll want to keep a pick 80 in reserve to grab him?

    Speaking of NGA, is there any possibility that Gold Coast will decide they've done enough with Walter and Rogers, and might not match a bit for Ethan Read, this drafts designated 'ruck who competes at ground level' type?

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  3. Interesting times when a player can be 200cm and not in the tallest half-dozen at their club!

    Certainly the exact right 'type' that we need and won't got a lot to acquire. We'll see how he develops, I guess.

    Potential range of expectations;

    Works his way into the team to be a regular filling the role of genuinely tall tall target.


    Is sub for a semi-final and actually gets subbed on.

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  4. I have a theory that picks in the early 20s are going to be very useful this draft given the number of 'type' selections available from about 20 to 30, so personally I'd be pretty happy with a pick swap moving our current 33 to Sydney's current 23. Maybe throw in one of their picks in the 40s.

    If you compare this draft to an imaginary draft that is perfectly incremental in what is available as you go down the order, I'd say the sweet spots for value are the 4-8 range and the 18-25 range. (counting before concessions go in).




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  5. 5 hours ago, No10 said:

    He’s a product of our culture. He’s been 4x b&f and one year ago signed a massive seven year deal. Was he a problem before all of this??

    If he’s lost his way that’s the on our ‘great culture’ to correct. This is where it matters, it’s where the coaches matter. Where captains lead (Max is rumoured to be doing so).

    Make no mistake, this is a huge moment. You can’t name a single other player and club where this happens. Maybe G.Ablett Jr, but that was a very different set of circumstances. Dusty is a much better example, what happened there? What will happen here?


    I genuinely don't understand what the 'this' could possibly be that makes it something that doesn't happen at any other club.

    A player having a slip in professional standards due to unhappy changes in their personal life and/or their first major injury recovery process?

    A club mobilising their support resources and leadership to get them back in line?

    Speculation that a player & club in such a situation might be open to a trade on the principle of a fresh start?

  6. 43 minutes ago, mo64 said:

    Pass. Since his debut season, he's struggled with injuries and form. After his performance in the finals, I'm not surprised Port are trying to offload him. 

    1 hour ago, Pulp Fritschon said:

    Gee he struggled in the finals. I hope we are not interested. 


    14 minutes ago, Nascent said:

    Being reported that bombers have shown interest as part of the BZT trade

    "Struggled in finals" and "Bombers showning interest" right there next to each other.

    I believe the kids these days call it 'found object art'.


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  7. Whoever it is who has been leaking gossip from Melbourne needs to be shown the door.

    I suspect it is a relatively junior person given how vague and second-hand sounding the leaks are, but still entirely unacceptable.

    Either that or it is a certain ex-pres with an axe to grind. Or Bec Judd. Just because she's awful.

    • Haha 2
  8. 9 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    We definitely are permitted to bring chairs. That ridiculous no chairs rule was overturned. 

    That was the same meeting where the no bananas rule was repealed and the no live music rule was abandoned.


    2 hours ago, poita said:

    Huge game clearly. We need to win this to keep our chances of a Victorian grand final in our own hands. If Adelaide jumps us on the ladder, we no longer control our destiny. Not to say we can't win over there, but it would be nice for local fans to be able to attend (if/when we make it).

    I'm riding hard on the 'undefeated record-breaking season' wagon, so for me every game is absolutely crucial!

    I'm hugely invested in it. Once I got a taste of the possibility, I've wanted it more and more every time I think about it.

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  9. Well, Richmond certainly knew how to maximise a potent forward-mid, and they also made a lot of good hay out of numerous small running types.

    Won't pretend I know a whole lot about the man himself, but I am very pleased that we settled this quickly and with a candidate that is clearly seen as top-shelf by the 'community of coaches'.

    Now, Leppitsch to replace Stafford and we are all set! :laugh:

    • Like 3
  10. At this point he is well short of what his draft position would suggest and if he doesn't take a noticeable step next season then the lingering shine will be off and his trade value will plummet.

    A lot depends on how much confidence Adelaide have that they can make that step happen. If it is low and the need for a fresh start dominates thinking, then we could get him relatively cheaply.

    I like the idea, and considering how good Thilthorpe was as a junior, and that he bagged five goals in his first AFL game, maybe Adelaide is the problem.

    It usually is! :D

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Read the post please

    Bedford is a Laurie type who we drafted

    The Hibberd comment was a separate point lamenting the fact that we knew Hibberd was slowing down 3 years ago yet we did little by way of recruiting for that position.

    The six Lauries are: Spargo Laurie Moniz Wakefield Woewodin Chandler and Bedford (now gone). 6 players in a similar mould. Sure there are minor differences but they are all from a similar bowl of vanilla ice cream

    Rivers and McVee each resemble different stages in the career of Hibberd and with experience both could realistically match his achievements. It is our least concerning area of succession planning.

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  12.  A relatively even year which saw 15 teams still in contention for finals until very late in the season has papered over some serious issues. None of which are particularly new but all of which are just adding to the running-down of the asset.

    The unholy alliance with Channel 7 and the Herald Sun to package everything that happens to suit the easiest marketing targets is incrementally grinding everyone else down. Similarly, the dysfunction boys club in commentary and governance is both a continuous loss and a real risk. The token efforts in the salary cap, performance enhancement and gambling areas are like a slow-growing mushroom waiting for someone to step on it and puff out a burst of choking spores.

    The overuse of rules interventions and ad hoc politically influenced interpretations has combined with the under-resourcing of the actual officiating professionals to slowly grind that part of the game down. The less reliable it is, the more it becomes what people talk about in a surly way, rather than just a disappointed-on-the-day way.

    The fixture is tilted every year for commercial advantages to the 'aggregate' rather than competitive integrity or fair commercial opportunity for each club. We all know this, to the point we openly say 'we'll get better fixtures when we play better'.

    Two senior coaches - the two most successful coaches in the game - had mental breakdowns this season.

    Gold Coast is being kept at AFL level by nonsense levels of academy concessions, and Sydney not only is only relevant due to its own previous huge concessions, but it only made finals on an obvious yet uncorrected goal umpiring error which would not have happened in any other professional-level sport in the developed world.

    Second-tier competitions continue to slip just a little every year. Simplest to say they are not keeping up with inflation.

    Right now the AFL resembles the Mayan empire at its peak, destroying the soils on which it relies, to attend to the infinite greed of the priest-lords.

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  13. 14 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Was getting shouted down mid year for talking up how good Mihocek is for Collingwood from a structure point of view.

    Very underrated forward of the competition. 

    Their recruitment has been absolutely spot on. They recruited for speed and when and got Bobby Hill who just fits perfectly into their game plan alongside Tom Mitchell who gave them inside hardness that they lacked last year.

    They'll only get better.

    I agree with every point except 'they'll only get better'.

    They're old. They have absolutely white-knuckled it for salary cap space. Being able to get full seasons out of all their veterans, plus the Daicos f/s, has papered over a pretty weak five or six years of drafting partly caused by their very smart targeting of suitable role-players.

    They went all in on 'now', and they've done it extremely well and full respect to them for the courage to go hard. But even getting it right has a price.

    I certainly don't think they're going to fall off a cliff all of a sudden. I expect them to be in contention again next season if they can retain and play most of their veterans. But the prospect for actual improvement is limited.

    • Like 4
  14. 7 minutes ago, DubDee said:

    Kozzi had an average year but has still kicked 10 more goals than hill

    Yep, Hill turns it on beautifully on his day but the thing about Pickett is even on his poorer days he still matters.

    Goalless games: Pickett 3, Hill 5

    Multiple goal games: Pickett 12,  Hill 7

    Pickett brings double the tackles inside 50 and goal assists, too.

    By recognising Hill as an excellent small forward, we can remind ourselves that Pickett continues to be an absolute top shelf small forward even in a season he was a bit off his best and our forward structure resembled a live pig through a bacon shaver.

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  15. 1 hour ago, daisycutter said:

    nah. 50 seconds to go. pies up by 5 points. maynard collects ball deep in backline. under no pressure miskicks ball to joe daniher who swings on his left foot and goals. lions by 1 point.

    maynard traded to north melbourne

    And a million memes matching it with Eddie going 'justice has been served'.

    • Haha 1
  16. On 9/27/2023 at 11:03 PM, McQueen said:

    Quite the dichotomy this…

    Head injuries are generally bad, concussions end careers and affect the long term quality of life of some players.

    However, on this occasion, it would be  cathartic to see that bozo knocked the [censored] out in the first quarter - if not the first five minutes. 

    Two points;

    1. It is important to try to keep the idea of protecting the head alive.

    2. It is a higher priority to ensure that Maynard doesn't breed.

    So there are other higher (lower?) priorities than knocking him out.

    The guy needs a non-lethal Darwin Award.

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  17. 25 minutes ago, BaliDemon said:

    It’s called robust discussion and debate. If you’re too fragile to cope with opinions you disagree with use the ignore function. It’s there specifically for sensitive souls like yourself. 

    Re Casboult, he’s in good physical condition and still playing decent footy at 34. Good enough for 40+ games for the Suns in 2022/23 and apparently good enough for another year on their talented list. So ahh yeah you’re wrong. 

    Now toodle-oo 👋🏼

    Okay Bali, it's time to pull your head in. Every time anyone disagrees with you you get into the snarky whiny 'ooh, well, aren't you a big boy' talk and it is both bringing down the tone of the forum and crowding the screen space.

    About ten years ago Demonland slumped badly because a few people were teeing off at each other constantly and derailing whole threads with their petty snarks. Those of us who have been around would have no interest in seeing that tone creeping back in.

    Like you, those people also mixed in valid points of discussion and had interesting things to say, but I can't remember what any of it was because it was drowned out by just this kind of childish thin-skinned snot-flicking.

    You're bringing down the vibe.

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  18. 7 hours ago, Ugottobekidding said:

    Surely the club could have named someone by now. They would have known ooze would depart when hardware resigned.

    Unless we are being discrete because we are aiming to bring in someone from one of the Grand Final teams.

    Obviously Leppitsch from Collingwood would be a premium (premier?) acquisition.

    Cameron Bruce, midfield and stoppages at Brisbane, would also seem likely to be on the radar.


    Separately, there might be a case to target Collingwood's head of performance, Jarrod Wade. Not only has he got the team playing out games superbly, but with NINE players aged 30 or over, he's had almost all of them play the full season.

    Sidebottom hurt a knee medial, Howe broke an arm, and Mason Cox had a recto-cranial impaction.

    So of nine players over 30, only Sidebottom's injury could even be partially considered conditioning related, and they've all been playing good, mobile football.

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