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Little Goffy

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Posts posted by Little Goffy

  1. Our tall forwards are just another level. Congrats to Kate Hore now leading both the all-time and season goalkicking tally, by the way!

    I don't think there's any forward line to compare it to in the men's league when it comes to sheer dominance based on dynamism, awareness and versatility. You could cobble one together from something like Allen, Fritsch, Mihocek and Papley. Just impossible to get your head around as a defender.


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  2. As I understand it, Geelong haven't given away a goal in the first quarter at all this season.

    So, goodbye to that!

    Always very satisfying to get a retailiation goal after having the ball pressed into our defence for so long. To then follow up with a second immediately is mead-burp level satisfying.

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  3. I think Ben McKay is a good player and I would be happy if he joined our club, but pick 4 in free agency compensation is nonsense. He's an effective defender who can intercept and contest very well, but gives nothing on the counter-attack.

    Ben McKay Best and Fairest placings in a bottom-4 club are 6th in 2021 and 9th in 2020. That's it.

    Those are the only years he's played a full season, too.

    Essendon massively overpaying a contract for a player - and creating a net weakening of the Bomber's list - just to make sure that every other club is also penalised by the transaction?

    The artist Dodoro signing his work?

  4. 11 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    A potentially big twist in the Grundy deal... (Collingwood playing the spoiler)

    This column can reveal that, when the deal goes through, Collingwood will seek clarity from the AFL as to whether the club can remove itself from the deal, and therefore clear the $350,000-a-year space in their future total player payments.

    A senior club source, who wouldn’t speak publicly due to the confidentiality of player contracts, confirmed the Magpies had discussed internally the status of Grundy’s seven-year Collingwood contract if he were to move clubs again.

    Collingwood’s position will be that it had a deal with Grundy and Melbourne, but not with Grundy and Sydney. It’s a position that might be difficult to get past the bosses at AFL HQ, given that Andrew Dillon and Laura Kane are both lawyers.


    The simple solution would seem to be to tell Collingwood to %^#$ their #$%^ with a $#%#.

    They traded a player on a contract and agreed to pay a portion of that contract, ongoing, as part of the trade.

    What's next? If we on-trade a draft pick do we have to return the original trade value to the source club?

    If Collingwood are even fantasising about being able to renege on their trade agreement it is a piercing insight into just how profound their hubris is and, I would argue, a probably cause for a salary cap cheating investigation of them.

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  5. So, too late to rookie list him?

    I've always had Toumpas in the 'tragedy' column, not the 'failure' column.

    From the original phantom draft of 2012.

    4. Melbourne - Jimmy Toumpas
    Height: 182cm
    Weight: 78kg
    DOB: 12/01/94
    Club: Woodville-West Torrens
    Draft range: 2-5
    The Demons snare Toumpas at pick four, despite the South Australian being touted a top-three prospect for most of the year. And they'll love him, too, with his class, poise and goalkicking skills excellent for a midfielder. He had an interrupted season with a niggling hip injury, which required surgery at the end of the year, but he'll be fine for the club's pre-season and for next year. Announced himself as a draft pick in this sort of range late last year, when he starred for SANFL side Woodville-West Torrens as they charged to the league premiership. Has excellent leadership qualities that were on show as captain of his state this season, and some already see him growing into an AFL captain.

    In the mix: GWS. There's still a good chance Toumpas will go to the Giants as one of the first three picks. In any case, there's no way he'll get past the Bulldogs at five or six.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    My favourite thing is people who spent their entire adult life at uni and then straight into an office job, where they’ve remained, having an opinion on how a group of young, elite, high performing individuals should spend their first day off. Let them be and just go away. 

    If we let the latte-chardonnay sipping woke leftist trans communist gays take away our mad monday, what will be next!

    • Haha 4
  7. On 9/22/2023 at 9:00 PM, leave it to deever said:

    Can I be your old friends friend?

    Sounds like he already has 60,000 friends.

    Ooh, i just imagined the ultimate MelbourneFC promo. Every member attending X game gets a bottle of wine on the way in.

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  8. I've been trying to mentally sort the key forwards (who are even remotely possible acquisitions) into 'expensive gun' and 'quality role-player' types. Figured if I put it down in writing it would reduce my overall level of confusion. So, with an invite to people putting a line through them, adding a question mark, endorsing them, mocking them, or suggesting what they reckno the trade cost would be, here we go;

    Expensive guns;

    Aaron Naugton,     Pick-any King,     Jack Lukosius,     Oscar Allen,     Harry McKay

    Quality role-players or young potential in crowded forward lines;

    Jamarra Ugle-Hagan,     Todd Marshall,     Jake Riccardi,     Darcy Fogarty,     Logan McDonald,

    Hayden McLean,       Riley Thilthorpe,     Ben McKay (switching forward?)


    My personal preference from a value-for-trade/money perspective would go Riccardi, McLean, Thilthorpe and then the fantasy of getting Lukosius.

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  9. People on here often accuse me of writing excessively long posts about things. So...

    Crush. Kill. Destroy. Annihilate. Obliterate. Pulverize. Smash. Raze. Ruin.

    I want this current Demon team to become the Miyamoto Musashi of the Women's League. The unreachable legend. The example which generations to come will strive to emulate knowing that they can never truly do so. Not merely the greatest there is, but the greatest there could ever be.

    And also to beat Geelong on Thursday.

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  10. If only the AFL had a stable, transparent system for such things.



    Setting aside the specific needs or not of North Melbourne;

    The AFL was badly governed twenty years ago and its governance standards since then have declined at every moment of scrutiny and in every aspect of accountability.

    Government by executive decree is how you destroy any intergenerational organisation.

    Ibn Khaldun described it in terms of four conceptual generations of rulers.

    Those who built the new dynasty,

    Those who learned directly from the builders and carry on the disciplines of rulership,

    Those who faithfully follow established habits without really understanding why, and then...

    The destroyers; soft willed and only interested in indulgence and consumption, not creation, who will eventually be wiped out by hardened invaders from the deserts, starting the cycle anew on the ruins of the old.

    The AFL has slipped unmistakably into the fourth generation.

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  11. The story is actually about Thom Hawkers, the famous street food seller who Simon Goodwin met on an end of season trip to Thailand.

    Definitely worth a 2-year contract. What other club can offer unlimited pineapple fried rice and pad thai to prospective new players?

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  12. 1 hour ago, Demonland said:

    I'm not sure it's even a rumour. I'm just putting it out to the universe.

    Has only worked once in nearly 47 years for me. Thought I might try something smaller.


    28 minutes ago, MrFreeze said:

    Manifesting Naughton to the dees :goody2:

    New studies have found that people who try to manifest wealth through positive visualisation are significantly more likely to declare bankruptcy.

    If we now get Brayden Preuss on a five-year deal I'm blaming you.

    If we're helping out Gold Coast with their salary cap problems, I'd be much keener on Lukosius (obviously) and also, pretty sure that is Max King in the opening picture.

  13. I'll never forget the day I learnt my wife could levitate.

    And also that she probably loves Bailey Fritsch more than she loves me.

    Here's a strange detail - sometimes I've only re-watched the early part of the third quarter just to be reminded of the sensation that it was all slowly slipping away. That we were grinding the game down enough to slow the Dogs' scoring but showed no signs of being able to hit back, and it seemed inevitable that once in a while Bontempelli would still show up and cut another hole through our defence, making the situation ever-harder.

    It is as if I've been training myself to associate that feeling of tension on the edge of despair with 'massive victory good times.'

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  14. I still harbour a wild fantasy that we get a second pick in the top ten and end up with both Curtin and O'sullivan and spend the next decade in a paradise of tall defenders who can swing into other roles.

    I mean, I'm harbouring a lot of wild fantasies (draft related) at the moment because there are just so many variables to play out and we have our best draft/trade hand since 2014.

    This is going to be the ultimate 'butterfly effect' trade and draft season. You'd need a meteorologist to get a reasonable prediction.

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  15. 13 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    GWS in their grand final appearance all over again. 

    Is there such a thing as GWSSS?

    They sure looked messy out there for the first 20 minutes but Collingwood failed to do the damage and now Western Sydney seem to have steadied a bit.

  16. 13 hours ago, ignition. said:

    What are your thoughts on Tyler Keitel for some added depth?

    From the WAFL, 2023 leading goal kicker (57 goals from 18 games), age 27, 196 cm, 91 kg, ready to go. Averaged 3.2 goals/game, 5.1 marks, 13.9 disposals.

    Has a booming kick on him, marks 55m out and slots them through. Looks like he can take a mark as well.


    My only concern is the 27 years of age, however, he appears far far more capable than Schache while Tom McDonald and Ben Brown will 31 years of age next year. Worth a look at, at least from a rookie stand point.

    Can't see any harm in it. Leads hard and straight, kicks long, has shoulders.

    Especially since we'll have some late picks we'll have to use after we see our late first round pick, two second round picks, and the returns for Grundy and Jordon all get squished together into one big points pie for the big trade play!

    Keitel would be a great sidekick to Lukosius, giving us a multi-pronged long-kicking forward line capable of dragging defenders away from goal and opening up space for the smart medium and small types to run into.

  17. Brown and McDonald were recruited/retained to give us mature talls in our forward line, which without doubt won us a premiership.

    Similarly, they were held on to through 2022/23 because we needed mature talls up forward to provide steady targets and experience while our investment in tall kids through the draft took time to progress.

    On both counts, it was the right decision to make.

    Having both of them on the list ought to have provided us depth, but in the end they produced simultaneous terrible seasons for various reasons, and then of course every player sent into the cursed zone was also hit by the FUstick.

    There's a case for paying them out into retirement, and there's also a reasonable case that if our list is turning over enough anyway then there's no point kicking them to the curb for the same eventual contract cost, just to gain pick 64 and 82 in a draft described as strong but not deep.

    Currently already four senior list players on the way out (Dunstan, Hibberd, Grundy, Jordon) while Brown and McDonald are two more possible among multiple other veteran exits.

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