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Little Goffy

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Posts posted by Little Goffy

  1. I suspect McDonald will be given a job to limit Moore, because staying tight on the opposition's key reader of the play is a great way to get your brain back in the right spaces, and because Moore's limited preparation will minimise the impact of any lingering preparation lag for McDonald as well.

    That said, in general I'm too much of a fan of the negating forward because I deeply hate watching the inside-50 -> turnover uncontested mark -> rebound 50 routine.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm far from excited but I guess with both Dunstan and Melksham doing ACLs 😭 there might be a need for the extra mature mid-sized body around. Rarely goes goalless.

    It is always hit and miss with the top-up type players;

    Dunstan, Grundy, Hunter, Tomlinson, Brown, and Langdon being our recent run, which you'd have to say has given us a great overall result for very little trade cost.

    A side thought on this is, if we are already bringing in an additional depth player through trade, just how many list spots do we think we're going to have open? Who is on the retirement or trade out queue already?

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, loges said:

    Come on WCW you've had that broken foot for about 5 months, slow healer ?


    5 hours ago, In Harmes Way said:

    Season ending injury


    2 hours ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Nine months actually.

    I don’t have the luxury of a team of medical experts to hasten the healing progress. All’s I’ve got is a GP who told me to “keep the weight off it til it’s healed.” Uhm, reality check, Doc. 😁

    I didn’t have my foot X-rayed until two months after I broke it. My Doc said, “you must have a high pain tolerance.” I said, “clearly I do, I’m a Melbourne supporter.” She looked at me in silence, smiled and nodded politely and had nfi what I was on about. 😆

    I for one applaud WCW for pushing through injury for the team, and hope she is able to spend most of summer sitting in dappled shade drinking sangria and dangling her foot in a cool stream.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Mach5 said:


    Christ, didn’t realise he was so small. That’s a gamechanger. Probably not then.

    Yep, that would make him a successor to Hibberd, but not to May or even Lever.

    Hibberd successor types is one area we have a lovely harvest coming up!

    I'll return my focus to the draft, even if my draft-crush Curtin isn't likely to make it to us!

    • Like 1
  5. I'm thrilled at the karmic smack Freo got for their arrogant attitude to the trade, but I'm also quite sure that the mostly young and mostly very good Freo side (particularly the midfield) will rise up and be a serious challenger next season, and that they won't regret having Luke Jackson, either. So my conscience is clean.

    From this day forward, I wish all the second best to Fremantle.

    • Haha 3
  6. 32 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    No one has seen him in a moonboot. 
    Just sayin’


    3 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    Invisible moonboots are the latest technology in recovery from goal poisoning. 

    Or are they moonboots of invisibility?

    Could be a hand piece of kit on match day.

    • Haha 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, Chook said:

    Would Fritsch need to use more product or less product to keep his hair in place on the moon? I feel like the lack of gravity would prove problematic.

    Science has confirmed that Fritsch's hair is the universal constant of physics. Observing it is the only known way to gather information about the contents of a black hole. Just Google 'Black Hole Fine Hair'.

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    • Haha 7
  8. Fingers crossed because normally when a woman is appointed to a top corporate position it is a poisoned chalice with a vast collection of unresolved potentially catastrophic issues ready to boil over... wait... okay.

    At least in this case she isn't being blindsided. I've barely seen anything of her but the little fragments I've dug around since the announcement suggest she is capable and has a bit of relaxed charisma. Could be a very good selection.

    I'm just glad my worst thoughts weren't realised after seeing a headline saying 'Kane appointed...'

    • Haha 2
    • Clap 2
  9. Joel Smith will have an important moment for sure.

    James Jordon will step up as a late-game sub and provide a valuable boost when a game is tight. Couple of smothers, maybe a run-down tackle on Pendlebury at a crucial moment that results in a 12-point end-to-end turnaround.

    I believe in small heroes.

    • Like 1
  10. From the footage it seems like the MRP got this one right enough as far as Weitering's brief incidental contact. Definitely not acceptable but short of a suspension I would have thought.


    Toby Green had a player in an arm lock by the throat and was using that lock to drag and twist the player around after play had clearly stopped.

    So for me the real story here is the verification that the 'Toby Greene good guy transformation' is a full whitewash.

    • Like 4
  11. On 8/12/2023 at 9:46 AM, whatwhat say what said:

    peppies mate reckons he's an expert at picking small half back flankers that he thinks will become midfielders

    ...they never do

    5 hours ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Essendrug people hate everyone. 
    Feeling is mutual 

    They still haven’t been in a world of pain yet. 
    Their list is very overrated 

    Just because they claim to be rebuilding but also didn't have a single player in the 22-under-22 team doesn't mean there is anything wrong with their drafting and development. Just ask dodo.

    58 minutes ago, Mach5 said:

    But... but he didn’t?

    Escape is survival! Basically Essendon club politics is a Resident Evil spin-off.

  12. 13 hours ago, Demonland said:

    Who are you tipping in the first week of finals and what’s the best results for the Demons?


    Melbourne to make everyone's spidey-senses tingle by smacking Collingwood.

    Carlton over Adelaide.

    St Kilda and GWS to continue in a state of unobserved probabalistic uncertainty with neither being fully eliminated until the semi-final when someone finally looks and the wavefunction collapses. #quantumtipping

    Brisbane over Port.

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  13. As much as he is a quality player now, I think getting Parish would clog our pipeline of development for younger players. At the same time, I don't think he'd be able to take on the physical load the way Viney exemplifies and Oliver and Petracca also do so well, so wouldn't even be contributing to that 'protection' factor either.

    So from my perspective, Parish doesn't offer enough 'value over the alternative' to justify stalling the process of giving Rivers more time in the middle, for example.

    • Like 2
  14. It has really been a twist in my gut ever since watching Melksham having to hobble his way across the field while play continued right around him despite three stoppages in that time. The sheer loneliness of it was horrible.

    I've been thinking about it and reached the conclusion that Jake Melksham's career would actually be a really interesting documentary. He's been intimately involved in two of the most dramatic stories of the least decade of football - the Essendon horror show and the Demon's return to power, full of characters who can be interviewed while Melksham's honest and direct style would provide a really good central thread.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:

    The sleep of the dead by the looks of it.

    Truly creepy space but if it works it works, I guess. If a xenomorph chestburster emerges from the cheersquad at least we'll know whose cryosleep was interfered with.

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  16. Just now, WalkingCivilWar said:

    Can’t agree with that. You can tap on and off with your credit card. Great for folks like me who lose on average one Myki card every five days. 

    I think the key part is that on any given weekend about 1/3rd of the system in Sydney is closed for track repairs, with the replacement buses being a nightmare for the drivers because Sydney's roads are all designed to push people onto the tollways, and getting to and from each station in turn requires all kinds of winding and weaving, including three-point turns across intersections!

    Although, one thing that is definitely in Sydney train's favour is that I've never picked up that strange smell of barn hay that I get from Melbourne trains. I'm told it is related to a cleaning product they use, but it is especially common on the South-East lines.

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