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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Nah, we're getting hot chocolates on the way back. We'll be fine. Disappointing result, but for 3 quarters we dominated them. I said to my old man with 2 or 3 mins to go in the third, 'I reckon if we get the next goal and get it out to 7 points, we'll win'. We did and looked good. Bad call, AF. But they were playing for a finals spot after a disappointing campaign as the premier, and the last quarter was a bit of IMV, 'we're home' from our side, and Geelong lifting their intensity through the roof. In the first 5 minutes of the last quarter, we didn't help ourselves as we kept tapping to the back of the centre bounce in the last quarter, which continually heaped pressure on our mids and defence. It encouraged it. Truly bizarre work. The scoreline was incredibly similar to the game down there last year. But this year, we really dominated territory (and the game) for the best part of three quarters and they didn't really look like scoring. Have to think fatigue played a big role in the huge drop off in the last quarter.
  2. I'm hoping this generation of players will provide a few decent father sons in the years to come.
  3. What's your view on the betting odds @binman? Is it quite unusual for the market to flip flop like it has on this game?
  4. Good on you mate. But surely West Coast or Adelaide or Port are more inhospitable and hostile than that mob?
  5. Has Kane said something about this? And would anyone take on Tom given his injury history and age? We'd likely have to pay a portion of his contract at the very least. And why would Port need another tall forward? They have them coming out of their ears. Play him as a defender, you think?
  6. TMac and BB are both contracted for next year, so not really.
  7. The betting market has come in slightly in Geelong's favour if that means much. Geelong $1.96 - Melbourne $1.84 Gamble responsibly. :P
  8. Oh my God. The 'man up!' one I [censored] hate. I've stopped my family saying it (mostly), because I tell them 'we're playing a zone FFS!' I've no problem telling other Melbourne nuffies around me either.
  9. "Bring it to ground!" "Win ground ball!" "Don't give them a +1 there!" "We've got them here. Great transition." 🤣
  10. If Petty comes in for Tomlinson, it'll be because Tomlinson doesn't have a great match up this week IMV. I'd start Tomlinson on Hawkins, but if Hawkins got a hold of him, I've no idea where you'd be able to play Tomlinson. If you take the squad mentality view, maybe next week Petty swings forward and Tomlinson comes back in?
  11. Really? Our accuracy can let us down, but that's forwards and mids. And having a gun key forward is great, but equally makes you more predictable and easier to stop. I'd much prefer a system-based forwardline, with some x factor like Kozzy, Fritta and a resting Trac. It's no wonder opposition fans buy into this idea of our forwardline struggling, when all they've heard from the media is we can't connect.
  12. I'm in A11. Hopefully you can't hear my commentating from A10.
  13. I noted a Channel 7 reporter covering the build up to our game down at Geelong had the surname Massey. Does anyone know if she's any relation? And RIP Bernie.
  14. Without derailing my favourite thread, pretty much all the new Star Wars films (aside from Rise of the Skywalker) are excellent IMO. And completely agree on Andor. It's superb. I'm a bit like @binman in that I'm not as confident this week given where we likely are in our fitness regime, that said in the corresponding game last year, we spanked Brisbane. I'd say it's likely our program is aligned differently this year as we have the three 10 day breaks, which absolutely make sense to go hard during the week on, so I'd expect us to be sluggish. However, Geelong's midfield is not what it was and without Dangerfield, I expect us to win the contest battle. I just hope our goal kicking accuracy doesn't cost us. I think the second half of this season should be fascinating to see what tricks the FD have in terms of set ups and personnel. I think the ball movement will naturally evolve and fix itself, providing we have continuity in our squad/team. I expect that those players who occasionally slow us down on slingshot will become more confident and instinctive in moving the ball on successfully and if we get our fitness regime right, our players will be able to provide more options in these situations. The treating Geelong like an interstate game is great. I find it unusual that we've never tried that as a team before. It seems relatively logical as a way to team bond and ensure ultimate focus on the task at hand. I hope it pays off. This along with training to the GMHBA dimensions is giving us the best chance to succeed and I hope we continue to approach the second half of this season with a mentality of being flexible and inventive.
  15. They have no sophisticated defenaice system though, so their game style is nothing like our 2021. If anything IMV they are closer to our 2018 incarnation. They win contest and win the territory battle, so their lack of defensive system isn't exposed.
  16. No, you're absolutely right. Billy Brownless and Tony Lockett were elite athletic specimens.
  17. It all comes down to system and tactics, and modern footballers are legit athletes these days, so much greater endurance than the 90s.
  18. If his hand is an issue though, I wouldn't risk him. At least, there's no Selwood to 'accidentally' kick the ball out of his hand again.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if we asked for 3 ten day breaks, to best enable our fitness program. I'm not really concerned about the interstate players not being able to fly home for longer than 3 or 4 days. They're paid well, pursuing the profession they love and have plenty of time in the off season where they can get back home. If successful, I hope the club is pitching this sort of fixture structure again next year.
  20. Give Clarry another week off if needed. As much as he's my favourite player and IMV, our best player, I don't think he'll be the difference between us winning or losing. I want him fit for our last 9 games + finals.
  21. If you're going to lead the MRO, you'd want someome who's played the game at the elite level this century. Michael Christian retired in 1995. It's only 28 years ago...
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