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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. There were at least two times yesterday where he went to ground, so he didn't have to chase. He did however put on a couple of good chases. But there was also a moment, where Jetta was in space to his right and should and could have easily given the handball off to him, who would have had an easy shot from 30-35 out directly in front, but instead Robbo tried a snap from 40 and it ended up going 20 metres and closer to the right forward pocket boundary line. That was one of the most damning moments of his game for me, yesterday.
  2. I get the feeling, as long as he keeps kicking bags of 3 or 4, he'll stay on the list.
  3. I didn't actually (clap that is). I realised today how much I dislike Robbo. I love my club, but we've put up with his attitude for long enough. He spoke well at the end of the game though.
  4. Rivers was great. As was our entire back half. Frawley, Warnock. Great games. I can't say the same for Robbo though. A few more selfish efforts from him. The majority of the side was fantastic though. Some skills errors, but they're to be expected. The young kids in particular were just brilliantly exciting to watch. When Jurrah runs at a pack he's more exciting than anything I've seen for a long time. Jetta's tackling and defensive pressure was fantastic all day as well. Bennell played an extremely encouraging game as well. Not all of his disposals were 100% effective, but he seemed to cover a lot more ground than usual and it almost seemed as though he felt he belonged today. Then Jackie Grimes. Wow, what a game he played. Another draft of more young talent and in three or four years we'll definitely be contenders.
  5. Yeah, he'll certainly get it this week. A great game. Hopefully, we'll see him more in the midfield, over the coming weeks. Although, he's doing rather nicely at the back. He certainly played the general's role today.
  6. Naitanui was well beaten by Jamar and when he went forward, Warnock. That's that. It doesn't mean he'll be good or bad, but like Watts, he's only played 3 games. You surely cannot expect anything more than that, at this stage.
  7. Football is a business. Jimmy and his board realise this. Promoting Watts is what any club in our position or in any position, would do. You have to promote yourself at every opportunity and this was just another of these occassions.
  8. Well, that's [censored]...are you part of the media? Talk about sensationalism.
  9. Probably between 18 and 20,000. That's providing the clouds don't look black before the start of the game. It's going to be cold and we've got a lot of [censored] weak supporters.
  10. We've already got these hard bodied pack bustling guys in McLean, Moloney and Jones. We don't need anymore.
  11. Yeah. His first touch yesterday, straight off the opening bounch was absolutely superb. There's no other way of describing it. His hands were lightening and all of a sudden Metro had a clearance. Brock's thought processing is way too slow to be able to do that. He might be receiving it from Scully, then handballing to Trengove, who then kicks it to Watts.
  12. Don't forget he'd already had a number of BOG's going into yesterdays game. He still had a solid first half, I don't think you can judge him on a half alone.
  13. For me too. I'm with you on the rest of the post too, Steve.
  14. I'd agree with this. Morton has been very impressive for a second year player, lacking muscle and Maric has shown enough glimpses to suggest he'll be a good player in years to come.
  15. Is it not possible that seeing today was the membership cut off date, that Jimmy waited for this? If some people knew he wasn't going to be President, they might not sign up and we may not have signed up the last few. It'd be typicaly Jimmy, putting other people ahead of himself.
  16. If Jimmy's not on board, there's not much chance of 35,000. He sells the club so fantastically well. Interesting to note though, that only 8,940 MCC members signed up this year. Now, don't we have over 20,000 MCC, Melbourne supporters? That means there's still heaps of scope for improvement in membership figures.
  17. According to a Nine news report, just moments ago, the great man Jimmy will be stepping down from the presidency of the MFC. Horrible, horrible news, if true. Get well soon, Jimmy!
  18. I'd have him in there and I wouldn't have Strauss in the centre. Not from the start of next season anyway. I'd give him time to develop across half back, before throwing him in the middle.
  19. I agree with most of what you're saying, but not this... I think you'll find that the defensive zone we employ, usually limits the space of the opposition and leaves us with at least a defensive 2 on 1 (in our advantage). We usually have lots of numbers back helping us. The Hawthorn game was a good example of this. However, when we look to go the other way, it's usually difficult, because our players (usually midfielders) don't run hard enough forward, to provide options up the ground. Sometimes, our defensive 50 may seem quite open, but that's only because we've probably turned it over and our players haven't pushed back yet. When teams do score against us (and usually very easily) are the man-on-man contests. This is due mostly to lack of experience, sometimes pace and sometimes skill level. The way I explained that was rather long-winded and convoluted, but hopefully it makes sense.
  20. See another tall forward option, would just about do us. Add two elite players (preferably midfielders) with picks 1 & 2 and all of a sudden, the list is looking very promising.
  21. I'd already heard enough about Scully (prior to watching him on the TV today), to know I can trust us to pick him #1. As for pick #2, Trengove, didn't have a great game, or even a particularly good game, but what he, he did effectively. From what I've heard, once again, I'm prepared to back BP to make the right decision. Carlisle is really the only player I made a complete gamble on, but it was more of a question, rather than an opinion. I'm certainly not dressing myself up as a recruiting manager, I'm more than happy to trust BP and the rest of our scouting team, to make the correct decision.
  22. I reckon we're a chance to get 33,000 next year, if we show a bit more next season. With the likely scenario being, Scully on board and another top pick, that might just be enough to get a few more on board.
  23. True. 'Understand' us the wrong word. Take on board, would probably be better.
  24. Agreed. I must admit I don't rate Gibbs much at the moment, but my poor reasoning for this is that the media and Carlton supporters pump him up so much and at the moment he delivers very little. Morton also doesn't wear a glove inside Etihad, whereas Gibbs does. The kid's got arrogance and hasn't even delivered yet.
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