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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Was this the interview where he joked that he was 50/50 on taking a Melbourne assistant job?
  2. The PP gives clubs a chance to select the very best young talent. That is a competitive advantage over any other team in the comp. Every team is trying to gain any advantage they can and some of you don't want that advantage? You can't be serious. There's no need to be frightened of a PP. We haven't had to tank to receive this one. We're simply rubbish. We're finally getting the staff together that can fully utilise this advantage and ensure we draft and develop this talent properly. I think we should and will get a PP. I will welcome it, because I want my club to have any advantage it can get. If you'd prefer to hamstring your team, so be it.
  3. Well, he still averaged 18 touches this season. We should expect more, but I think it will come with some top guidance and a full pre season. Confidence is also a key factor.
  4. Ottens was fantastic. No one has been able to offer what Geelong have needed since. In my 26 years on this fine planet, we've never had a superstar at the MFC. I agree, Roos' track record would suggest it's possible we may start to develop some. Let me be clear. I agree that we should be taking Boyd if we have access to him. I've said that all along. But, we won't have an A grade spine without controlling the ball (the midfield), so it's a catch-22. Anyway, I think we agree on the rarity of good KPFs.
  5. Clark, Dawes, Viney, Frawley, Garland, Jones, McDonald (minus the brain fades), Trengove, Watts (with work rate) and a young kid called Hogan. There we go, OD. What do you think? Clark was pretty much injured all year. Dawes played half the year and played with restriction. Hogan hasn't played yet. Trengove's been suffering from a lack of pre season and possibly OP, and I believe (as does Roos) that he still has A grade capacity. Frawley was in and out with injury and Watts doesn't know what his position is, but with some shrewd guidance and a position to make his own (the wing), he'll be up and about as well. Get some top notch support staff around Roos and there's much to be excited about. Things could turn quickly.
  6. I don't think he ever wrote it out himself. He certainly struggled to communicate it clearly, seemingly.
  7. I agree. He's switched on. He'll coach to our strengths.
  8. An extremely annoying and continual fallacy.
  9. I agree that his tank is his biggest hindrance at this point. However, I've said nothing of his ability to ruck. I rate his ruck work. I merely think every time we've stuck him forward this year (with the exception of our win over the Bulldogs), the opposition has run it out easily every time it hits the ground. Spencer's issue is that he's not a great forward option. He reminds me of a Geelong style ruckman. Rucks, but can't do much else. Though I do rate his endeavour around the ground, but doesn't have that same ability that Gawn may develop to play forward.
  10. That's the thing, OD. Good coaches continuously update and adapt their game plans, otherwise their teams get left behind. Roos will do this.
  11. I've also mentioned before that do people seriously think Roos will play the same game style he did in 2005 or 2010. You're dreaming. He'll have a gut running team that works hard defensively, but he will develop a game plan that suits his list, just as he did at Sydney. We have one of the most potentially damaging forward lines in the league. I wouldn't worry about defensive game styles.
  12. Gawn is a liability when the ball hits the deck. Not good enough at the moment.
  13. I'd trade our second pick (#3 I presume) for Adams, but not #1. I'd go Boyd with that. I'd then pick inside mids with our following two picks. So that'd be Boyd, Adams and two young mids. That's a good start. I'd throw a stack of cash at Brad Sewell and someone like Josh Kennedy (Syd) and see what comes our way.
  14. There are still a few important moments to play out pre-draft and FA period, but this is on the proviso that we aren't given the #1 PP, in which case I'd be taking Boyd and slotting him in the forward pocket. We could play Dawes, Hogan, Clark and Boyd in the one team. Just shut up, we could. MELBOURNE B: Frawley Garland ***Strauss HB: Grimes McDonald Toumpas C: Trengove Jones Watts HF: Sylvia Dawes *FA mid F: Hogan Clark Kent R: Gawn *FA mid Viney I/C: Fitzpatrick **Draft mid Howe McKenzie Emergencies: M Jones Spencer Evans * Experienced free agent midfielder ** Our top drafted midfielder *** On the proviso that he gets a full pre season So we'd need to acquire two free agent mids and then we'd debut our highest drafted midfielder from this year's pool. A few of the above would have to work on their endurance and decision making, but I'd be happy with this side. Depending on those free agents, I think if coached well, it could be a competitive unit next year. We should be hoping for anything between 5 and 7 wins. This would probably see us out of the bottom four. That's a start. This team would also have at least ten players that could rotate through the midfield. They are: Grimes, Toumpas, Trengove, Jones, Sylvia, Viney, McKenzie, two FA mids and one top end draftee. Toumpas may not venture inside the centre square next year, but I would hope eventually he might. The same would be said for the player we draft with our first midfield pick. I'd want McKenzie, Sylvia and Grimes in there for as little as possible, while I think Trengove, like Watts and Toumpas, is probably more suited to a wing, but that may change too.
  15. The Clark and Dawes contracts are heavily front-loaded. We have so much cap room, we don't know what to do with it. Offer Adams $500,000 for four years, front load the hell out of it and see if he bites.
  16. Not really necessary there, Tony. Er, Rusty.
  17. Very worth it. I watched Breaking Bad first and caught the repeats of '360' and 'On The Couch'.
  18. I should have clarified my post further. I was responding to JJJ who said "he was never soft". Green was soft when he started. He grew into being able to take some hits. I'd agree with the courageous marking. But he started off as soft as butter. He worked on it and improved.
  19. 4 goals is a solid return, but the fact remains is he might cost us as many if he doesn't start to apply defensive pressure. This would be the number one focus for me if I was coach. I'd stipulate to Jack which position he'd be playing and then I'd work hard on his pressure acts and one-per-centers.
  20. They'll be playing different positions, BB. Watts will play on a wing and occasionally float forward. Boyd will play deep and the highest he'll get is centre half forward.
  21. Green was soft. Shirked contests all the time, waited outside packs.
  22. Exactly. Bring on the hate, I say. Would you prefer hate or pity? Couldn't give a toss what other clubs think.
  23. The only possible way Jones could win it is because of Garland's absence mid year. Garland would have been leading by quite a way at the midway point.
  24. Watts leading at the football yesterday irked me to no end. He doesn't get his hands out in front, so the defender always has an easy spoil. He's not a KPF. He's a player in Goddard's mode. He could make a great goal kicking wingman. I think Roos concurs. His intensity around the contest yesterday was second rate though. At the moment, he cannot apply basic defensive pressure. I'd back Roos to be able to draw that out of him.
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