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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Wellman was a far better backline coach. Are you saying he'd make a great senior coach? It doesn't work like that necessarily.
  2. This will be a big test for our defence. 1) Can our midfield apply enough pressure to impact on the delivery to their forwards? 2) Can we keep Jay and Chad quiet? They are the game breakers. I think we'll go down by about 6 goals.
  3. Exactly what I thought too, but I still don't think he'll leave.
  4. Not wanting to do your jobs for you or anything mods, but this thread is sounding suspiciously like the 'Players to target at the end of the year'.
  5. I think it'd be hilarious if he got rubbed out, but I haven't seen the footage yet. I couldn't care less about him winning another one though. He gets a terrific go from the umpires. A genius, but about time he got the wrong end of the umpire's stick.
  6. Prestia re-signed half way through last season. The others were signed once Roos was on board.
  7. I have no inside information, just my opinion. I can't see him stepping aside if we're a top 8 side in 2016. He came here to do a job. Yes, he's being very well paid, but why go through the stress and potentially tarnish your own record, if you don't want the challenge? The challenge surely isn't simply getting the MFC to 9th or 10th in two or three seasons. With every day that passes, I'm more convinced that the successor line is simply a contingency plan. If the club is in good shape on and off field at the end of 2016, I think he'll stay on. He'd sign on for another two or three years and see if he can't nab a flag. It sounds like he's interested in moving into a role ala the Swans Academy with us after all that too. That's excellent news, obviously.
  8. And I don't rate Patton much, but he seems like a better prospect than any of the Suns KPFs.
  9. My reading of the situation is that he thought there was no point coming back to the MFC last year. Who would have? We were a basket case. I reckon it'd be a different story next year or the year after, if Roos keeps directing this ship.
  10. This thread had pretty much run its course anyway.
  11. Each to their own. We go to every MFC game in Victoria. I'd just prefer to go to the city. : )
  12. Doesn't mean we have to pay it though, rpfc. If a $milllion a year for Dangerfield takes up some Adelaide cap that pushes out a decent player or two for them or prevents them from going after one of our guys, I'll be happy.
  13. Yeah. I certainly wouldn't be giving out 8 year deals to anyone. It wouldn't matter if it was G Ablett, who is an absolute genius.
  14. Spot on, BB. I'm very intrigued/cautiously excited to see how the second half of this season unfolds.
  15. I wonder what Demonlanders would think of going after a Dangerfield type at the end of 2015 or 2016. We're still a few years off being capable of challenging, so at the moment it becomes about perhaps a conservative approach. Build the culture and work out what we have on the list already. But in one or two off seasons, we'll know exactly what we still lack. I wonder what attitudes would be at that point.
  16. See, that'll be the most fascinating aspect for me. How brutal he is on the list. Does he take to it with knives or does he target two or three specific types (someone of Vince's experience and quality + another Tyson from GWS) and delist 5 or so?
  17. Yeah. And I guess that's the one thing Etihad has going for it. You step off a train at Southern Cross and you're practically in the ground. It's then buying a ticket at that ground that becomes a joke. It's probably just as bad at the 'G though. I'm very fortunate to be an MCC member, so I just walk straight in.
  18. I agree to an extent, D. I think if a Judd was 23 or 24 now and he was a chance of coming, we have solid foundations to support such a player and to ensure that his acquisition will pay off. We were run by chumps when Judd was looking to switch. We're not all the way there yet, but we're run professionally now.
  19. Yeah. My money'd be on him still trading in a KPF, but not giving them ridiculous contract terms in length or wage (ala Buddy). I could see him grabbing a Dawes though. This off season will be fascinating.
  20. That's the problem though, BB. It's a rubbish location. I already have to drive 40 to 60 minutes every time I go north side for meetings (bloody creative industries), I don't want to have to navigate it on the weekend for the footy as well. I'd much prefer to just get the train in or drive into Richmond and walk. As soon as you go north side, for me, it's painful.
  21. Agreed. I think he should start anyway. Despite what some have said, he was decent last week and had 8 touches in a quarter. He used the ball well.
  22. It's an absolute hole. We used to go to all the MFC games there, but we hated going there. I'd prefer to go to Etihad and that's saying something. Geelong's a hole though too. One of those dumps is enough. I'm glad we play in big stadiums these days, though I've grown up with that, so I'm biased.
  23. It's a tough one, because whilst I agree with the sentiment that we should have 22 role players, how about 21 role players and a bloke that can turn a game on its head? I'd be careful with how much we offer and the length of contract, but I'd be happy to offer a four or five year deal at $800k. I wouldn't think that'd be enough to lure Dangerfield away anyway, despite him saying it's not about money. I can't imagine Roosy going for it though, because how can you sell a message of togetherness and role players, but at the same time pay one bloke far more than any other player on the list? It's not his style. But I wonder what he paid Barry Hall...
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