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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. You're joking right? Turnover machine. Heppell and Watson are easily their best players.
  2. Players do have more power and leverage these days. If Dion really has his heart set on a move to Melbourne, he could just say, 'I want out, make the trade happen or I walk for nothing the following year'.
  3. We'll get less return if we send him to Casey...
  4. Has a deal been done for Hogan? That would just mean you're supporting your team, OD.
  5. Poor old Cale. He looks scared even in that photo. Lade probably wasn't even on the ground.
  6. We beat Port a couple of years ago over there, from memory. 2010 maybe?
  7. Does Britney have a wonky eye? And Toumpas, Wines derpy derp.
  8. Wasn't it at half time during this amazing game last year that HH said he'd never be back? I think he just lacks foot speed. It means he really has to get it done with intelligence. He did some really nice things last year, but he hasn't sold me yet. We now pride ourselves on being a contested team. The wet always helps us. Think even the Adelaide match. We didn't kick straight, but it kept us in it. In a funny old way, we probably have more to lose than them now. Probably not in the eyes of the media though, as we're still not taken seriously. And rightly so.
  9. I wonder how many Druggie fans will turn up tomorrow. That's about having a young and inconsistent team with a lack of depth, so blokes like Matt Jones and Rohan Bail get games. When they do, occasionally they can put in solid performances (see Jones' job on Enright), but when they're off they bring the team down with their errors and lack of impact (see the West Coast game). Well, Stretch has been named on the half back flank, so it won't be him... Don't disagree with any of that, but imagine trying to develop as a younger player at Essendon. That culture has been as putrid, if not worse than ours was in 2011-2013. I love that it's happened to that arrogant mob though. It's brilliant.
  10. I wonder if it'll be Fitzy? Is the tank on? That makes six players under 20 games for both teams if I'm not mistaken. Gold. Mind you, that is where we excel. I think if it becomes a scrap, we'll have too much class. I'm hoping Brayshaw and Hogan can have an absolute day out. Agree with everything, but Dawes. Love it to be true though.
  11. That isn't full of first year players ala GWS or GCS. He'll play forward, I reckon.
  12. Some classic lines in this thread. Well done, Demonland. Made me LOL.
  13. How much of a legend is Jonesy? Love him.
  14. Well actually, this is the only case of it happening under Roos (if you don't count Sylvia) and Gus Brayshaw is working out alright for me. So's Bernie Vince if we're counting that. I'll trust this FD to make the right call.
  15. Spot on. It's probably fantasy. I think he might rate him too, as do I, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him shown the door if we can get adequate compensation. As 'Steve' intimates, less of the 'scarred' brigade the better. It wasn't their fault they were drafted to the rabble that was the MFC 2007-2013, but some seem perpetually unable to stand up in times of need. This could even mean that we look to trade Toumpas too, but only if we can get something decent in return, otherwise his potential upside offers greater reward. The same probably goes for Garland. The kids'll like to follow a winning team. If Howe leaving in some way contributes to that, I'm all for it. I occasionally work in schools and the number of kids that run around with Hawthorn jumpers on, where there is not a Melbourne jumper in sight, is alarming. What's more, I work in pretty affluent, traditionally "Melbourne" supporting areas too. We've currently lost a whole generation of supporters, but kids are fickle. If we have some sustained success, kids will jump on board. What if you could replace Garland with a best 22 mid that was in his age bracket. Would you do it?
  16. For me, he drifts in and out of games a bit too often. Then again, Rioli has this tendency too and he can impact a game so much that it doesn't always matter.
  17. Given we managed to get ahead of them, albeit briefly, I'd imagine if we can string together a consistent four quarter effort, which we have done a few times this year, we'd beat them easily.
  18. I'd give them our second rounder plus Howe. I think that's probably more realistic, but then again, GWS did apparently offer an early first rounder for Howe.
  19. Jeez, we must have a whole beach to ourselves by now. How many line in the sand games have we played recently?
  20. I don't read it that way. We need fresh legs and this is still a spotlight Saturday MCG game, so it'll be a good test for Harmes and Vanders is an important cog, particularly in the wet.
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