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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Harmes is my tip. They have done this will all our debutants, haven't they?
  2. I love those ins and outs. Really looking forward to seeing Harmes play.
  3. Or it says a lot for Crossy. He'll go around again. I would be staggered if he didn't.
  4. Par for us across the next three weeks should be three, but given the amount of young players in our team, we'll drop one or two games across the season that we should win and likewise, win a game or two that we'd never pencil in for a win at this stage. The perfect example was that fortnight between St Kilda and Geelong. Most would have thought we'd beat St Kilda and lose to Geelong.
  5. That would be good. The more changes the better after the gruelling conditions of last week. We need as many fresh legs as possible. I'm sure this is the FD's thinking anyway.
  6. We played about ten minutes against St Kilda and about a quarter and a half against Collingwood. Disagree, mate. Our four wins are the only times we've got close to playing four quarters, although I'll admit we had a real dip against the Crows too and just couldn't kick the damn thing straight that day.
  7. Lol list balance. I get what you're saying mate, but Prestia averages high 20s in disposals and is quick. His disposal averages have risen every season he's played. Someone that can win that much of the ball at this level and shows obvious leadership qualities would add a great deal to our team and midfield. Would give up our first rounder every day of the week.
  8. The same thing happened with Moloney. Some supporters simply couldn't see his glaringly obvious limitations. Probably the best decision Neeld ever made.
  9. I disagree with your first point then.Secondly, I believe that the team will effectively be compromised for the rest of the season if he keeps him in. Do you disagree? He's bringing almost nothing to the table once the ball hits the ground, but you watch, he'll keep getting games. Howe is an overrated, one dimensional forward with one trick and don't get me wrong. It's an elite trick, but marking can only get you so far in the modern game if you refuse to run and tackle. And I thought at the time his trade value wouldn't get any higher, but turns out, inexplicably it hasn't dropped all that much in two years. His flaws are still pretty obvious to me and many others. It's not a case of giving up on the development of a player, it's a case of being realistic about what you've got and getting bang for your buck. If you can trade him and get in another good midfielder that will take the club forward, bloody do it.
  10. Well, if someone implies I'm jumping on the bandwagon, I bloody tell them I'm not. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  11. At the end of 2012, I said he should be traded and was howled down...
  12. Not sure the week after the Darwin conditions we should be putting that challenge to Gawn. I'd leave Spencer as an emergency and bring him in if the weather is fine, otherwise I'd be going with Dawes or even Howe in the ruck. Make him actually do something this week.
  13. I would have agreed with your assessment of Ratten three years ago, but I'm not so convinced of this view anymore. He wasn't good at building a list, but I suspect he was a pretty good coach.
  14. Bookmark this post. Let's check back in a few months.
  15. I'd be throwing $750k at Dixon and offering Jesse $1m at the start of 2016, but that's just me.
  16. That'd be a great trade if we could get Coniglio and hold onto our first pick to trade for another mid.
  17. Ultimately, I'd take Bennell, Dixon and Prestia, but I suspect we won't have enough currency to get that done. So maybe just Dixon and Prestia. :D Imagine Hogan and Dixon. Wow. I'd offer him Dawes-like money and a five year deal.
  18. As long as we can defend. Roos' contested footy brand is the one that holds up in finals.
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