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Everything posted by praha

  1. I think it'll catch up to us in this heat.
  2. 1. Travelled through Europe 2. Watched a whole lot of NBA 3. Watched the highlights of the finals about 100 times.
  3. What a lot of people forget is how drugs actually stay in your system. Yeah it's all random but players drink, some smoke. We know this. If a player as a joint after a match to unwind, I don't see anything wrong with that. It's better than them going out and downing 10 beers. But marijuana stays in your system for weeks. You can do cocaine on a Saturday, get tested on a Wednesday and be clean. Weed should be discouraged like alcohol and smoking. If a player has a BA reading of 1.0 they're not getting suspended are they? The only way to get 0% use of illicit (cocaine, ecstasy) drugs is to do testing every day. Or at least have set testing to maximise coverage. So tests every Mon Weds and Fri. Even having a strict 4-week ban on the first strike doesn't actually address the fact that most illicit drugs can be easily filtered out of the system in a fast and efficient way.
  4. I'd say beating the Eagles in round 22 2019 was as happy as I'd been as a Melbourne supporter in about 18 years.
  5. Egg, bacon and baked beans, pls.
  6. The orange needs to be more distinctive. IMO it looks closer to Essendon than Melbourne.
  7. Do you mean Looney Tunes? I bet you call social media, "The Facebooks".
  8. About time some prestige was added to the jumper. We are a sleeping giant, with a small (comparative to the big clubs) support base, albeit a base that has a high purchase intent and attendance rate. This makes us exclusive. And will no doubt help in appealing to inner-city Chinese students and expats.
  9. Interestingly we lost round 1 for a decade then managed 3 years in a row winning round 1. It took one last bout of round 1 misery last year before we could break through and play finals.
  10. It's going to be hilarious watching Collingwood's retirement home midfield get spanked this year.
  11. I think it's important people remember back to Pederson's first season at Melbourne when he was seen as one of the worst recruits to the club in a long while. A lot can change in a preseason and speaking with certainty that Smith cant contribute is shockingly shortsighted.
  12. I visited Prague for the first time in 2007, and noticed "Praha" brandished everywhere, which, obviously, is Czech for "Prague". I always thought it would be a cool name for the bar I was going to open before I turned 30. Anyway I never opened the bar so thought I'd change my username to this. Prior to that it was "Cudi_420" which was just a joke name (Kid Cudi, 420, blaze it... ya know?), and before that, calabreseboy, which was a username I used online, dating back to my teenage years when I was a fully sick wog boy.
  13. make no mistake me setup LG in Australia. They were a no name cheap brand and we helped get their name out there.
  14. Putting us with those three is just silly. We didn't make finals for a decade, fielded one of the worst teams of all time during a part of that period, and yet still managed more or thereabouts in terms of members than the Saints Bulldogs and North, all of whom had many years of success in that period, including one flag, Prelims and Grand Finals. Can you honestly see either of the Bulldogs or North ever pulling 90k for an Elim final, regardless of opponent? Maybe the Saints, but those teams have peaked and growth won't be anywhere near as sudden. We have, what, 20k identified Melbourne supporters in the MCC that aren't Melbourne members. That's 20k people with high purchase intent. What club can claim to that sort of engagement level and purchase intent with non-members? 50k should be 2019 target, with 55k-60k in 2020. It's completely reasonable given the space for growth.
  15. I've been to LA like 10 times for work, to the same area to go to the Convention Centre. The street food around there was amazing. If you ever return, Tom's Urban just outside Staples also has good grub but it can get packed on game day.
  16. You need an element of differentiation, and melbourne is certainly different to any of the aforementioned. I think our attachment to the MCG and Yarra Park has an element of romanticism rarely seen in sports the world over. We need to embrace that more especially if we're going to attract a younger and newer audience. I'd not only be targeting kids, I'd be targeting Indian and Chinese students/expats that either see the MCG as a church (Indians with cricket and association with the MCG), or as a cultural landmark of the city (Chinese looking to make this their home, and finding ways to assimilate). A more obvious presence in the CBD should also be considered, to be considered as somewhat of a "gateway" to our home in the MCG.
  17. It was the highest we had been that deep into the season since 1964. We back it up with a 12 goal loss to Port, and of course the infamous Elim Final loss against Essendon. In reality, 2004 probably should have been Daniher's last.
  18. Anywhere between 13-20 for H&A.
  19. Direct link to gallery: https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-JRgG6f/
  20. Suspect it was one of Carlton, Gold Coast or St Kilda. No half decent team is offering a depth midfielder 5 years.
  21. it truly blows my mind. he had a very solid season and because he didn't kick 50 goals people see it as a failure.
  22. I agree. I am saying that whenever Indigenous players seem to go through form slumps there seems to be a narrative around it being related to personal issues.
  23. makes me laugh how whenever an Indigenous player is out of form people automatically assume it's because of personal issues. He just had a crap season. His one-way running and one-arm, half-hearted tackles were always going to come undone in a finals team and finals-like intensity. I'm not surprised in the slightest. He needs to get his [censored] together.
  24. So basically anyone born after 1964? lol
  25. There was a heated discussion on Reddit about this. Most of those in not in favour went along the lines of "MY PARK HURRR DURRR" and basically carried on like as if this would completely ruin the park.
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