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Everything posted by MadAsHell

  1. Haven't been back in awhile so can't confirm either way sorry. I know they opened a mini police station (a few uniform members were station there, only open certain hours) on Young st which is where a lot of the junkies were hanging. Apparently it's been reasonably succesful. On the topic of certain areas having a bad rep, I work with department of justice and have been based out at Frankston, Dandenong & Melbourne dealing with the crims on a daily basis. Can easily say, and I've even seen the stats that not only is there less crime in Frankston then the other areas (lower population I know) but the seriousness of the offences are far less serious at Frankston compared to the other areas.
  2. We'll have to agree to disagree there Queen C, although I have to confess there are two nice places near by. Only 6 hours south there's a lovely town called Merimbula and about 9 hours north a delightful place called Byron Bay!
  3. Sorry mate, spent 15 years of my life living in Frankston and know what it's like when your home town cops a unwarranted spray. Was just looking for a town well known. Moe seems to cop a lot of the wripple effect from Morwell from what I hear. Well I spent the first 11 years of my life living there mate and was thrilled when the family moved. Spent a weekend in Sydney for the first time since back in 2005 and had forgotten how much I dislike the place. No competition between the two cities and surrounding suburbs IMO.
  4. Really??? Have you ever been to Sydney? I'd rather live in Moe then anywhere in Sydney!
  5. Anyone watch that Stosur-v-Kirilenko match the other day? Would have to be the best womens match I've ever seen. And I hate womens tennis! Anyone reckon she can take out the open? I reckon she can as long as someone else beats Williams before the final.
  6. If we ended up with picks 8, 12 & 18 in this draft then I'd like us to go. 8: Devon Smith 12: Sam Docherty 18: Elliott Kavanagh But hopefully that wont be an issue as Scully will stay on a reasonable contract. Then again there's also reality....
  7. Of some of the clubs mentioned who could be interested in Warnock here's what I reckon we'd be lucky to get in return. Adelaide: Sloane or Dangerfield if we threw in pick 12 with Warnock but unlikely. More likely their 2nd round pick which will be about pick 34. Carlton: Russell in straight swap. Could take Bartram's spot in our back line. GWS:Chance to get O'Merra or Kennedy in the mini draft if we packaged Warnock with pick 12. Hawthorn: Ellis (see Russell with Carlton). St. Kilda: Don't really know what they've got that we'd be keen on taking for Warnock. Farren Ray is someone that can play a run with role in the midfield but don't see them wanting to trade him. Would also like to get a 3 way deal happening with any of these clubs and Brisbane to get Cornelius to Melbourne. Reckon he's someone who's ready to take on the responsability of playing FF but may struggle to do that in the next few seasons at Brisbane with Brown & Clark.
  8. Personally I'm happy to just go through the draft, we can look at all our needs through there. Use our first 2 picks (shallow draft) on the best young talent around. Preferably a line breaking midfielder/defender & an elusive goal sneak/HFF. And then use a later picks on the likes of Fevola & Myles Sewell. A KPF & a good sized midfielder who's great at the clearances & can play a run with role. Only trades I'd make would be to clear out players in contract like Bate, just take a low pick for him we wont need to use. Or for a GWS 17 year old, like Morton & pick 12 for O'Merra or Kennedy who wouldn't play till 2013 anyway. Interested to see what other people think would be the best way to go. Edit: When O'Merra or Kennedy could start.
  9. Rumor is that when Ross Lyon woke up this morning there was a dead horses head in his bed next to him!
  10. Made mention in 'The Age' today that Sylvia was happy to sign now given that he has huge faith in our 5 man pannel to appoint a new coach. Wonder if that just means 'They've told me (insert name here) will be coach next year and I'm happy with that!'
  11. What about a 3 way trade. Warnock to Hawthorn Ellis to Brisbane. Cornelius to Melbourne. I'd be happy with that trade!
  12. When was the last time Rivers played loose man in defence??? I reckon it's been at least 12 months, he had a direct opponent ever game this year and can only think of possibly 2 occassions where he was beaten. Rivers does struggle a bit for pace but he's deceptively strong one on one, reads the play well, is a good mark and his disposal while not great is easily superior to that of Warnocks. Warnock's been a good servant of the club but it's certainly time for him to move on with Davis & Tom McDonald providing more then enough depth for our tall defensive stocks. Reckon teams like Carlton, GWS, Hawthorn & St. Kilda would all be interested in Matty for next year.
  13. Yep Myles Sewell it is. I'd love to have both the Sewell brothers on our list. Myles is looking a good thing to win the J.J. Liston Medal this year after another good year with North Ballarat. He's turning 24 next year so still plenty of good footy in him.
  14. Haha was thinking the same thing. If only we didn't stuff up that Ferguson trade!
  15. Sam Docherty & Elliott Kavanagh are 2 players who I reckon suit perfectly and are likely to go around picks 10-15. They're 2 players who would be good fits. Agree. Although I reckon you've been a little harsh on Petterd & MacDonald. Petterd had a shocking start to the season but I thought he was one of our more consistent players in the 2nd half of the year. MacDonald was ok to I thought, although I agree he didn't stand up like we probably needed him to. Lets hope the new coach can get all these issues sorted!
  16. +1 Bate's a good VFL player who has had plenty of chances to secure a spot in the side. Lets not make the same mistake we made with Miller after the 06' semi when he probably saved his spot then. His game today does give him some value though to a club who may take a punt. I reckon St. Kilda may. They're looking for a 3rd tall forward. Picked up Gamble for this season with little success, so maybe Bate may interest them . Obviously we'd probably be looking at a 4th round pick at best, unless we packaged him in a deal, maybe Bate & our 3rd round pick for St. Kilda's 2nd?
  17. Ross Lyon if he takes the offer. If he doesn't then Laidley. Dark horse is Malthouse.
  18. Taylor Adams & Devon Smith are 2 other boys from Geelong Falcons that I've heard goood things about without actually having seen them live. Any idea if they're both genuine midfielders or play more around half forward which would be handy.
  19. If he's still available I'd like to grab Sam Docherty at pick 12. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/122318/default.aspx
  20. Here's what other players GWS could target from Melbourne this year and next. OUT OF CONTRACT END OF 2011 Warnock Morton Sylvia Green Maric Campbell J. MacDonald Newton McNamara Scully Wonaemirri Martin Lawrence Fitzpatrick (I've heard he signed for 2 years but haven't seen anything confirming so) & Johnston OUT OF CONTRACT END OF 2012 Jones Bartram Bate Bennell McKenzie Dunn Petterd Garland Cook Moloney Jurrah Rivers Howe Jetta Jamar Davis Spencer T. McDonald Bail Blease Strauss Nicholson & Evans Only 8 of our players are out of GWS reach. I've got them listed as 2013 Watts Gysberts Grimes Davey Gawn 2014 Frawley Tapscott 2015 Trengove
  21. All very good points Deesciple. I'm with you on the Fevola one, although a lot of people wont be keen. Early this year I was totally against it but after having gone and watched him a few times this year out at Casey Fields and seen how he is with the Melbourne players I'm slowly coming around. Trading for one of the 17 year olds is a good idea and that may be where we can get either O'Meara or Kennedy. But the question is will Morton, Warnock, Bate, Dunn or possibly even Maric be enough to get it done? Anyone know the rules on trading rookies? Robert Campbell may have some currency. He's shown now that his body is right and he's got through the best part of a full VFL season. I'm sure GWS would love to have a premiership ruckman on their list. Would be great if it could land us O'Meara!
  22. Agree both he & Fevola would be huge risks! That's why it's just what I'd like to see. I certainly don't expect it to happen.
  23. Jack Trengove (Jimmy Bartel meets James Hird) & Allen Christensen (Andrew McLeod meets Dean Rioli).
  24. I went with Watts just ahead of Martin. Both been very good but I reckon Watts is showing signs he'll be an absolute star of the comp! Martin's going to be a very good player also, but I reckon Watts has shown just that touch more class.
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