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Everything posted by MadAsHell

  1. Oh yeah, Ayce Cordy, he's been a big bust for them. And St Kilda I believe it was forced them to use a 1st round pick on him and Doggies didn't call the Saints bluff. They've got the next Cordy coming through this years draft actually, although I don't beleive he's a ruckman. Don't want to give up Gawn, although Pick 5 and Hrovat would be great!
  2. Jackson Ramsay from Collingwood is another. Although he is progressing well in their VFL squad. Maybe that can be the Mitch deal, I'd be happier with that then Lumumba believe it or not.
  3. I do agree, you finish top 4 then you deserve an advantage. I just feel the advantage gained is to great. given that 7 years running (and likely about to be 8) the winners of the two qualifying finals in week 1 are always playing off in the big one. Think it's better for the game if the other 6 teams after week one aren't just playing off for a bronze medal.
  4. Makes me sick listening the the commentators on Channel 7 still going on about how the club has been through enough,,,,, No! The supporters & players have been through enough. The club/admin deserve everything that they're getting. If they had of just swallowed some humble pie early last year, then the whole thing would be over bye now. Instead we're seeing it dragging on into a 3rd AFL season due to the club and (most importantly) Hird's arrogance.
  5. I agree, requesting the trade would be the better way to go about it. Having said that, not knowing how long, (if at all) any suspension will be for, how many clubs will be willing to trade for him/any player from Essendon? He's a very good player Ryder, but I wouldn't want Melbourne going anywhere near any of their players unless we know they're not one of the 34.
  6. Can't see them being keen on trying to carry Minson & Jamar in the same team, both are no 1 ruckmen in their own right and neither are natural forwards.
  7. One of the reasons why I think the finals system needs a restructure.
  8. I like, but wont happen. Sydney will have to commit their 1st round pick to Isaac Heeney.
  9. And look at it this way. If we did that back in 07', that's Trent Cotchin instead of Cale Morton.
  10. They lost an even higher rated one last year for a 7 pick upgrade, so there's history for them.... Also I fail to see how a 3rd round pick for a KPD 5th in line on their list screws them over? Edit: Frost
  11. Well done Gawndog, but great to also see young Harmes come 6th. Reckon he's going to be a player!
  12. As per my post below where I talk about an extended 6 week finals series, I think that works as a better system and leaves the door adjar a bit more for almost any team in the 8 (probably not 7 or 8) to take out the grand prize. Alternatively if it needs to stay 4 weeks then I'd be happy to see it reduced to a top 6 to leave it a bit more open. We used to have a top 4 for 12 teams, so top 6 for 18 works. WEEK 1 QUALIFYING FINALS (All winners in bold to show path through) 2v3 1v6 ELIMINATION FINAL 4v5 The two winners of the Qualifying finals play off in the 1st semi in week 2, the highest ranked looser from the Qualifying Finals hosts the winner of the elimination final. Lowest ranked looser of the Qualifying Final & looser of Elimination Final are eliminated. WEEK 2 1st SEMI FINAL 1v2 2nd SEMI FINAL 3v4 Winner of 1st semi goes straight to Grand Final, looser hosts winner of 2nd semi final. Looser of 2nd semi eliminated. WEEK 3 PRELIMINARY FINAL 2v3 Winner into Grand Final WEEK 4 GRAND FINAL 1v2
  13. Billie Smedts would fall into that category I reckon. As would the obvious O'Rourke
  14. How about Pick 2 for O'Rourke & 4. Pick 3 & McKenzie for Jaksch, GWS's end of 1st round compo & 2nd round pick Our 3rd round pick for Frost We end of with O'Rourke, Jaksch, Frost & Picks (approx after compo/FA picks etc) 4, 21 & 26 Loose: Picks 2, 3, 44 & McKenzie?
  15. That was offered a few months back as a possability by ASADA, but no one took the offer at the time. Will the offer still be there, or as a result of the players sticking bye the club through the court process mean it's no longer there? And even if the offer is still there, WADA then have to sign off on it. Just ask Wade Lees how that worked for his original 6 month ban a few years back in the VFL for having a protein shake (or something to that effect) stopped at customs with illegal substances in it which he wasn't aware of. Never even took the stuff.
  16. So he can sit on the sidelines for 2 years? No thanks.
  17. Dispointed it isn't on at Casey Fields. I could have strolled 2 min down the road to check it out.... Panozza to take it out surely?
  18. Could be something there, but he's still a good two years off..... At least!
  19. Trade for Tutt. Both players have little value so it may be possible. Throw in a late pick if required.
  20. Could we potentially steal him for as little as Evans & a 4th round pick??? I'm probably dreaming.
  21. Not saying I agree with it, just one that I've heard around the office today from 4 different people. Having said that 2 of them are Saints supporters.
  22. If we don't paly ball it may potentially mean they bid on Billy, or they take Petracca Pick 1 as they may feel compelled as he's clearly the best player in the draft.
  23. One from the grapevine at work. Pick 3 & our 2nd round pick to St Kilda in exchange for Pick 1 & their 3rd round Pick. Thought process is we agree to not select McCartin 1st up allowing him to fall to St Kilda and we can take Petracca & Brayshaw 1, 2 assuming none of Dangerfield, Shiel or Treloar are interested in coming over. We also then have an additional 3rd round pick to land Frost while St Kilda get 3 picks inside the top 25. They'll trade one for Jaksch with the threat of playing hard ball and taking him in the PSD if GWS don't play ball.
  24. I agree, that sounds fair to me. Although I'd probably prefer Picks 2, 3 & Toumpas for Dangerfield, Lyons & Pick 10. We can then use Pick 10 to draft a young mid, or look to trade it for someone like O'Rourke with Frost.
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