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Sideshow Bob

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Everything posted by Sideshow Bob

  1. In all seriousness - I get the protect the head/player thing- what was Nibbler actually meant to do? - he is tackling a bloke who is resisting being tackled and off balance trying to kick while being turned 360+, he can't just let go mid tackle - would be crucified by all and sundry I don't get that he really had any other choice but to complete the tackle
  2. Wiedeman... KIck the [censored] GOALS I know that's 4 but had to add the expletive
  3. ?It seemed to happen that way far to often back then!!! Ran into Jimmy Stynes at Mansion when I was 17 on the Thursday after he won the Brownlow.... Was still wearing it. He really couldn't speak... Hadn't slept since the Brownlow and was being held up by a select few of the boys ??
  4. BBO - I'm sure a return to the old Sunday night Hellfire club at Mansion would be there for you. Reckon they could reopen it just for you
  5. Superb Debut from the kid. Has some serious dash, can find it and deliver it well! We have uncovered a [censored] jet here guys
  6. Still can't believe Jack got suspended for that. 100% perfect tackle. Should have had a free his way for dropping the ball
  7. [censored] it's a long time to 4.30 Absolutely stupid time to start a game of footy. Night games you don't worry about cos you know it's at night.... But 4:30....
  8. I have worked out I am a very angry man..... I hate them all... Collingwood as it's in our DNA, although my hatred for them has waned in recent years it will always be there Carlton. Just [censored] hate em. Cheats Essendon. And especially their grub supporters. Wish strawberry O'Dwyer could have another go at a bloodbath at windy hill Hawthorn... Played rep footy for them in the juniors in the late 80s and early 90s. Awesome times. Hate em with a [censored] passion - especially the arrogant supporters West Coast - hate em and all they stand for. Especially the arrogant supporters Geelong - felt sorry for them in the handbag decades... Then they got arrogant supporters. [censored] hate em St Kilda - hate them and their cold showers after games at moorabbin - just nongs. Hate em Norf. Nobodies. Why are their supporters arrogant tossers??? Just go to Tassie. Hate em Crows. Arrogant and Adelaidians is there a worse combination? Hate em. Had a wheelchair bound client (bombers fan) go to a crows game there - he had a Pie chucked at him for wearing abombers jacket (ok u understand the sentiment) but just no .. [censored] Port. Bogans from Adelaide. Nuff said Hate Em Bulldogs. How did these Bogans get arrogant... Hate Em Freo... Used to feel sorry for them. Don't now just wish they'd go back under the rock they came from and take there mining money with them. Hate em Sydney.... Just Hate and have done ever since the pink helicopter... Says it all about Sydney in 1 sentence.. Brisbane. Nothing club who won on the back of the merger and the money that went with it. Now their supporters are arrogant too.... Hate em GC..... Couldn't care less if they just disappeared... Nor could anyone else. Hate em GWS.... Do I need a reason. F L O G S Tigers.. Yep hate them too and their now arrogant supporters Seems to be a lot of arrogant supporters out there now I have put it down in words...
  9. Another episode Another teary eye (or 2) The HB story arc is really emotional. Fingers crossed he gets there. Would love for the club to bring out a few random extra episodes though the season and show some of the scenes of him getting back on the park - and winning games in September (no f word just yet though!!!)
  10. 21. D.Tyson anyone know how this bloke is tracking. I liked him as a Dee. Unfortunately for him completely over run by better inside miss here. Wish him well
  11. Yep can add another Niners fan here. Had the same letterman jacket as demonland since visiting in '84. Montana and Rice won me back then and haven't wavered since. Niners 76ers and Dees - good year for a trifecta ?
  12. Well I'd say that settles it Steve. Harley signed sealed delivered and playing 25 games with a NS medal guarantee for us this year ....?
  13. just like nev returned home and flash and wheels..... nah go home factor is generally bulltish. usually about opportunity rather than going 'home' we have a great history with indigenous kids from the west. Whiz only really left after the core group around him from the early years had gone. this kid looks like a young flash - the kid who changed forward pressure forever
  14. loved the tears from his grandma and serious look of pride from Goody in the wash up. we really wanted him and it means a huge amount to him and his family. can't love it enough. the follow up shepherd he laid in his highlights on tv was enough to say yep worth every cent
  15. 4 pages in and no one has blamed the true culprit here.... Jack bloody Watts it's his fault and we all know it
  16. my random incoherent thoughts name Green at 3 if GWS match take young. if not we get a beauty either way. at 8 take Jackson if he's still there if not I like the thought of Pickett scaring sh*t out of defenders. with Bennell and maybe brown and maybe Murray as mature age additions to go with Tomlinson and Langdon - looks not bhed trade season
  17. they would be that way that get 2 top 10 picks as they will match on Greene. stuff them I say - no deal on 3 regardless. bid on Greene and put them out of the rest of draft. take young at 3 and Jackson at 8 and walk away happy
  18. this bloke along with Karim Khan literally wrote the book on sports Medicine! it's called 'sports medicine' and is tge bible for anyone in the industry. he also started the Olympic Park Sports medicine centre. is a God in the sports med world!!!
  19. Wouldn’t it be nice to have options for different scenarios Wiseblood? If Bruce and/or Jenkins come in and they play well enough to justify a spot it doesn’t really matter who they keep out. The who must get better to overtake them
  20. just reading AFL website - GC using PSD against Adelaide in Greenwood deal. if GC are 100% locked in on Greenwood and going to shaft Adelaide. leaves us with PSD2 as a free hit for Langdon. would wait on dealing out 2nd rounder for him. just to [censored] you Bell
  21. just on demonland now to see what the hell he is on about - must have stunk up the commission interview but no information anywhere
  22. one of my dad's best mates played one game for the Dees back in the 60s. his favourite saying goes - I remember my last game for the dees..... ( a bus trip to the cattery....) - he never tells anyone it was also his first! hahaha Declan could follow along with these wise words
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