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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Apart from the first 15 minutes, there was SFA to cheer about. I reckon most were gob-smacked with how unfit our entire team is. Then there’s the OMAC and Frost debacle, Viney and Gawn’s very poor form, followed by the worst dropped mark in AFL history. Any cheering last Saturday should’ve only been ironic. Seriously, what did we do for 6 months? Coaches and playing group must have listened to all the press and didn’t think training intensity to be that important? I hope Goody plucked his head out of the sand long enough to send an absolute rocket up the playing group. Whose fight, our fight? On Saturday’s performance it was like a toddler up against an MMA fighter. There bloody well better be a response from the playing group this Saturday night. Stick Petracca on Jenny Craig and a treadmill, feed the rest concrete so they can all harden the phark up
  2. The sooner Petty is ready for AFL the better. His disposal and decision making already appear to be far superior to OMAC and Frost's. A back-line with May, Lever and Petty looks so much more appealing (purely for the fact that there is no OMAC or Frost in sight).
  3. So was Dean Kent, imo. He'd have given more pace and pressure up forward yesterday
  4. Sorry DS but whilst there were many who played poorly today, we are crying out for a small forward who can apply pressure when the ball hits the deck. This is the role Spargo is in the team to play, yet he continually refuses to do it. Tubby needs to get his ar$e into gear pretty quickly too, otherwise i'll be barking for him to be sent back to the magoos until he learns how to play his role. All the talent in the world..................not much point if you don't get it enough and then don't do enough with it when you do.
  5. Pakenham, Cranbourne and Frankston trains were all not running today (at least from Caulfield into the City). The Bus replacement service was an absolute joke. Given it was an overall dismal day, you made the right choice not coming in MNIL.
  6. Like the look of Butters. Small, nimble, physical, tough, chases, bobs up for a goal or 2.
  7. Thought you were very rough on Wagner Praha. At least he chased aplied some pressure on the ball carrier in our front half. On today's performance i 'd drop Spargo way before i would Wagner.
  8. 6 - Salem 5 - The bloke that managed to kick a goal at 1/4 time after the Haymes bucket spin. 4 - The enthusiasm shown by 4 blokes who came and supported us as a result of the welcome game. They had NFI, but i found their insights entertaining throughout the game. 3 - The weather, it was a bonza day. Got way too sunburnt, but a lovely day nonetheless. 2 - Deciding to walk half an hour to Chapel St/Alexandra Av instead of waiting at Richmond station with 500 other schmucks for the train replacement bus. That move outdid any of Goodwin's today. 1 - The coke i had at half time. It was very satisfying quenching my thirst. Went down beautifully P.S - Mods, i feel that i am truly worthy of receiving those 2 votes, as i am quite chuffed with how that one turned out. I would probably be still waiting in line
  9. Sorry loges, but you're only starting to realise this? They are only made to look half decent by our midfield. When we fail there, like we did today, they are exposed big time. OMAC is a more uncoordinated version of Garland (which i previously thought impossible) Frost is simply a dumb footballer, with loads of athleticism that is let down by his mere stupidity. The frightening thing is, he doesn't play to his strengths but his weaknesses.
  10. Totally agree buck_nekkid. If we wait 4 weeks, our season will be over. Would need to play way too much catch up. Need to be ready right from the get-go. None of this 'we're working our way into the season' carp. The season will be lost with that attitude.
  11. I know it's a very early call, but this team is still not 100% mentally there. They seemed to be satisfied with the effort from last year and can't be stuffed repeating it for a whole year to again earn the right to qualify for finals. I'd be furious if it eventuated this way, but this club needs a massive wake-up call (coaching department too), that last year's efforts mean SFA to this year's results. I hope that wake-up call doesn't come in the form of missing finals this year. Do they think it's just going to happen for them? Our 22 that took the field in the QF and SF would've done an absolute number on us today.
  12. Might seem strange, but i'd give him Spargo's spot for the forseeable future. Goes in hard, puts his head over it, doesn't take his eye off it and provided more pressure today than Spargo could ever dream of applying. He would definitely be out of position playing there, but god we need some physicality in the forward line. Charlie is only effective when he is given it on a silver platter. Sparrow has just as much pace as Spargo, but seems way more explosive too. Spargo back to the Magoos until he learns that he is in the side to play a crumber's role, and becomes sufficient at it.
  13. He was the only small who presented and applied pressure all game. Also what's with Melksham, i know he loves a snap, but when you're 40 out directly in front you take it on yourself to kick a seemingly easy goal.
  14. Totally agree Redleg. We kick it long down the line to a contest. Common sense dictates the necessity of having crumbers waiting for the ground ball, we had none for the entire game.
  15. My god what a day. After about 20 minutes into the first, we looked absolutely stuffed. Just some observations: Frost has gotten even dumber. Let's just run ourselves into trouble shall we! Then kick the ball away when it's obvious you are caught.............dumb MF. Spargo is simply useless. Must suffer from small man syndrome as he plays like he wants to be 195+cm tall. Provides next to no pressure. Jones.................................A blind man could've marked that ball. Huge swing in momentum there Hibberd is suffering from drinking too much bathwater. Just slams it on the boot with no care where it goes Gawn has to be underdone, with the numerous one handed attempts and effort he put in today. He was bullied, had to be the other way around. Not good enough from our VC. Poor coaching decision not to play Preuss = fail by the selection committee. Petracca needs to pull his finger out, either that or stick it in his gob to stop him eating. extremely unfit and overweight. My god we were murdered through the middle with link up play. Handball is the way to get through our zone (if you can even call it that). They have numbers everywhere outside the contest and when they went out wide before bring it back through the middle Our defensive game ground wide for the entire pre-season was a real worry, it's panic stations now. Goodwin/coaching staff - after 20 minutes in the first (where we seemingly tired ourselves out) they figured out how to play against us, and we just kept on playing into their hands??? We had no answers to counteract it. We didn't even try to change tack. Extremely poor coaching effort today. Goody, like the rest of the team, must've been reading his own press over the off-season. Gameplan A looks good when it works, abhorrent when it doesn't, and we still have no plan B. Sure we had surgeries and a delayed start to pre-season, but what exactly have we been doing over the off-season? We are so far off the required fitness levels, it's not that they didn't choose to run, they simply couldn't (and it became apparent 20 minutes in to the game ?. Maybe it's a good thing that Misson is leaving at year's end? What i found surprising was that we won the free kick count 28 - 20.
  16. Throw in Gawny's 100th game. God i just hope we win, just to see who it is that puts him on their shoulders! Game day baby!!!!!!!
  17. Either way, it's all on Goodwin's shoulder's.
  18. Jaguar should chauffeur all MFC members to and from the ground.
  19. I'd plonk him on a wing where he can run or in forward line for some added speed and pressure
  20. That's about as blatant a ban-able offense as there is Clint.
  21. I went on to ptv trip planner and it seems to say that they are, i think i've got to get off at caulfield and board a different train.
  22. Yep, he's definitely one out of the James Frawley Academic Factory. We could use him as our forward crumber though.
  23. Walsh is taking to it like a duck to water. Gets plenty of it, just needs to tidy up his disposal
  24. Yep, only good when he is able to zone off and be the 3rd man up. Make him accountable and he starts to look like OMAC...................................ok, maybe not quite
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