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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Can’t believe I voluntarily give up hours of my life for this. Sigh.
  2. BT can’t tell Langdon and Hunt apart. The confused silence when Langdon got it, he called Hunt, and then Langdon passed it TO Hunt was pretty funny. I’d be mad but I’ve got to admit that on the far camera angles I’m struggling too.
  3. Sensible move, which is within a bee’s appendage of being too late. The only alternative is to abandon the season; to have waited any longer would have meant the inevitable marooning of the Victorian clubs in Victoria. This way, they get out while they still can. GF should be played at the home ground of the highest ranking team. Hopefully that becomes a lasting change, in the era of a supposedly national competition, there is no reason for the MCG to have dibs on every grand final and this is proof.
  4. I do know someone who legitimately did go through the wrong door while drunk and naked, it was in a hotel though, he was looking for the bathroom door and found the exit instead, and the door slammed behind him. It was a very embarrassing visit to the foyer to get another key.
  5. I didn’t attempt to bypass the profanity filter, I attempted to hit it and accidentally typed a word that isn’t a swear word at all. It was an MFCesque miskick. That’s different to putting in an ! in place of an I so you can say the S word without it being bleeped. Anyway Andy is free to ban me if he likes, I’m not exempt from the rules ?
  6. Sorry mate, my new policy is not to log on for a few days after a loss. I know people think I’m a cheerleader but emotions swamp me when we lose. Attempting to reason calms me down a lot, but it’s impossible when everyone here has clearly let their emotions trump all reason. As I’m getting older my tolerance for adults throwing tantrums has depleted. It was a horrible game, but we bloody nearly snaffled it. The game was high intensity but both teams looked to be running on the spot. If we’d have won it would be one you’d bank and never speak of again. Was very pleased with the game of Lever, May and Pickett, and Hibberd looked like the 2018 version. Looked in the last quarter like he was trying to carry the team over the line. Good signs I thought.
  7. Yep. And pretty early in the morning. I won’t speculate any further but it sounds like a bit more than beers. If I’d written myself off on beer I’d still be asleep on the mate’s couch at 11am.
  8. Hehe, it was a typo but I decided to keep it. I like it as a non-sweary swear.
  9. I know things have escalated further since this post, but even when we thought it was just an uber home after a few beers, it is in no way understandable and is beyond stupid. There is no grey area here whatsoever. If I lived in a city where the plague is on the loose, had an employer who made the boundaries *very* clear AND had enforced it on other players already, I’d be able to find a way home other than an uber. I’d ring my wife, or my mum, or my best mate, or frogging anyone I knew. I’d walk if I had to. It is not. That. Hard.
  10. That quarter sucked, but I thought it was just like the first quarter. If the last quarter is like the second, we could claw that lead back. Only one goal has been scored down the end Geelong are going.
  11. He is one clunk away from getting going I reckon. He is doing all the right things so far.
  12. My eyes are bleeding. Jesus. Lots of positives though. Have liked Hannan’s game so far - he adds plenty when he is fit and going.
  13. I think that’s the point. We might all mentally put an asterisk next to the 2020 premiership, but in 30+ years time, nobody will care and the 2020 premier will be written in to history in the same way as all the others. Not that we’re going to win anyway, but I’d rather cop a bit of stick from other supporters for a compromised premiership, where the “compromised” bit gets forgotten in time, than not have it at all.
  14. I actually quite like that blue jumper.
  15. Despite the scores, feels like a loss. I’m furious. Sack Goodwin immediately.
  16. If he trained this morning, Essendon are culpable. If he didn’t, the whole thing is just rotten bad luck. It’s an important fact to get to the bottom of.
  17. Far out. Just disband the season already. What an absolute farce.
  18. If I didn’t know the score and just judged off the comments from both groups, I’d conclude that both teams lost somehow.
  19. It’s a 0%er, so it adds up to zero. Usually the blokes wait on the field and chuck footies in to the crowd and stuff while the skip or BOG does a post match interview on the ground, then they all go off together. No crowd to speak of so they all went off without Gawn while he did the interview, and forgot. It was clearly an honest mistake.
  20. Out: Jackson, Jones, Smith In: Weideman, Pickett, Hibberd
  21. It was frustrating and terrifying as all hell, but I don’t know how you could draw any conclusions from it. It has been the single weirdest round of footy I have ever seen. I’m more than happy to just take the win and be happy with that given how flat some teams have come out of this break.
  22. Rivers putting it down Hunt’s throat the definite highlight for me in that Q. Goosebumps.
  23. Disappointing to lose Kozzie in particular, but other than that it’s a bit nothing to see here. Two young men screwed up, cause the club and AFL a bit of minor embarrassment, get a minor sanction. On with life.
  24. Some doors are best left shut, surely.
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