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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. If Garland is ready but Terlich is injured, then it takes away the need to make a tough decision. I can't see enough room for all of Garland, Georgiou, Pedersen, Howe and Terlich back there (in addition to "non-negotiables" McDonald and Grimes), but Col is easily the superior player of that lot so one will need to shift. None particularly deserve to go on recent form. I'd probably have dropped Georgiou with a heavy heart, or Terlich anyway. As has already been said, all eyes to Casey now!
  2. "Loveable spazzyness" - sums Spencer up perfectly. I've come to terms with the fact that he'll kick it straight to the opposition at least once a game, it's the tradeoff for his serious aggression and tackling. Up to the boys to make sure he has a better option; if he's forced to kick it, we've set up around him wrong.
  3. It gives us options, as well. It's not just Hogan coming in, but with Garland to come back, we're going to have at least one too many defenders in the side if we count Dunn, Frawley, Howe and Pedersen all as defenders. Once our injury list is bare (if it ever gets that way), I expect one or both of Georgiou and Pedersen to eventually make way, but for most weeks at least one and possibly two of those defenders will need to play forward; having Frawley as a viable option of one of them increases the range of possibilities. Dunn, Howe and Garland have all demonstrated ability as fowards in the past as well. Fascinating times ahead; can't wait.
  4. I got the feeling from Dawes's interview with Burgs up on the website that he had had a big say in his own selection as well. He's one player who can stand up and say "I'll play thanks - the team needs me even if I may be underdone" without leading me to think he is full of himself. It was obvious to all of us how desperately we needed him, it was obviously apparent to Roos and Dawes himself as well.
  5. Had 9 players I genuinely wanted to give votes to. I love it when it's hard for this reason. 6. Nathan Jones - exceptional game. I've come to expect nothing less. Seems to find a new gear every season. Pantsed Murphy. 5. James Frawley - absolutely huge as the CHF. Incredible game. I think he surprised himself on a few occasions when he found himself on the end of the ball when not expecting to and spilled a few marks. Who knew he had this in him? 4. Jack Grimes - was in everything. 3. Tom McDonald - has turned in to a super-reliable key defender. He's so quick and uses his body well; I'm at the point now where I'll trust him to win or at least neutralise most 1 on 1s. No real mistakes with the ball in hand today either. 2. Daniel Cross - I always knew what he was like as a player, but now that I'm able to watch him more closely than I ever did when he was at Footscray, I can't believe they got rid of him. A player who just wills himself to be first on the ball. Love it. 1. Matt Jones - for the ceaseless run two-way run. I don't reckon there is a player in our team who runs as hard "the other way". Not a polished user of the ball, but I expect the coach loves him. Bail, Spencer and Viney were the other ones I didn't have room for.
  6. Haha, yes, just saw that too. The timing of his comment seems a little suspicious doesn't it? Hi Jack, if you're reading this!
  7. Only glaringly wrong free kick decision I recall went in our favour (a holding the ball to McKenzie). You notice the umpiring a lot less when winning though. I learned a while ago that I'm unable to be objective about umpiring because my mood regarding the direction of the game influences how much poor umpiring decisions stick in my memory.
  8. Would love to hear Roos's thoughts on the impact Dawes had on the team. We moved forward with so much more purpose and confidence. Knowing that we posed a scoring threat seemed to give our mids a shot of confidence as well. As FD said it was probably the best 8 possession game you are likely to see.
  9. Last week I asked why I should watch. Thanks for the resounding answer.
  10. I don't know how to cope with being ahead and on top. I'm conditioned for being down by 50 at half time. I can't sit still, this is going to be the longest half time ever.
  11. 2 pts down. First bit of the quarter wad diabolical, much improved and started to get on top by the end of it.
  12. I wouldn't either, but I don't think it matters a fig what MFC people think when it's non-MFC people publishing the articles.
  13. It's an article on the AFL website that has also been published on our website. It's not "our" article per se.
  14. You know it's a sad state of affairs when rolling another 0-3 team would be upset of the round.
  15. What sort of question is that? Of course you can question someone's knowledge on a topic based on what they say about it.
  16. Yes, one symptom. I'm glad we can agree. People who suffer depression don't have to feel sad. You can have one without the other.
  17. *You* called Clark a coward! You are dead set unbelievable.
  18. Depression is not being sad. Being sad is not even a prerequisite to suffering depression. The fact that you keep saying stuff like that is just proving that you have no idea at all. Stop embarrassing yourself, seriously.
  19. Precisely. If the jaw was shattered in to a million pieces you might expect a result sooner.
  20. Great article, really captures the moment and how I feel. 15 games for the club. He's always been Hercules in my mind, it's hard to reconcile that against so few games. I wonder if a player has ever been so loved by his club with so few games.
  21. Funny how I could see this coming from a mile off and yet it's done little to soften the blow. I suppose I was in more than a little denial. I'm shattered for him, the club, and my own dismal morale. Best of luck Mitch. Hope you find your happy place.
  22. Indeed. My disillusionment has caused me to just hate the whole game. The day I stop supporting the MFC is the day I stop supporting the game altogether. I'm not there yet, but it is wearing more thin than I ever thought it could. Off topic for a bit, but I even find this when watching new sports that I haven't taken an interest in before. I've watched a bit of NFL and a small amount of ice hockey before, and the biggest problem is for me is that I don't connect with *any* of the teams - the "you can't change teams" thing seems to apply in my brain even when I haven't picked an initial team yet.
  23. From this article: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/melbourne-defender-james-frawley-puts-800000-bounty-on-his-head-to-switch-clubs/story-fni5f91a-1226877161611 You don't say!
  24. hah! What's the opposite of a harbinger of doom? A harbinger of joy?
  25. I hope Mitch stays purely to make all the harbingers of doom look stupid.
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