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Lord Travis

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Everything posted by Lord Travis

  1. Coaches responsibility to motivate, inspire and lead the players. He’s clearly not able to do that consistently even after 4-5 years now.
  2. That’s terrifying. 9 years, 2 rebuilds and 3 coaches later and we’re still a bottom team getting spanked. Us Melbourne supporters must be the most loyal people on earth to put up with this much disappointment.
  3. We had the run of the umpires in the first quarter. No point complaining about them. We are simply nowhere near good enough.
  4. Gawn and Petracca are basically the only thing saving us from certain bottom four at this point. The optimists here surely have to admit this team is going nowhere fast and needs significant list changes and coaching changes.
  5. Goalless half coming up in clear conditions in a game with little physical pressure against average opposition. Absolutely inexcusable. If Goodwin survives this year then the club may as well fold. What a disgrace.
  6. We are the easiest team to coach against. Play an extra behind the ball or flood back and we turn to water and just bomb it long to opposition into repeat. The current coaching group must be the worst strategically in the league by a fair margin.
  7. Oliver reported? As if this match couldn’t get any worse!
  8. [censored] this [censored]. Time to switch off. Wtf has happened to Tom McDonald. He’s gone from 50+ goal kicker to an absolute potato who’s lucky to have employment!
  9. Who’s our next coach? Who’s available? Ross Lyon?
  10. Smashing coming up. Pathetic defending. Rubbish kicking. Too many passengers. 2020 done.
  11. Thanks for the reminder Demon Head. Great positive way to start the day!
  12. Needs to sort out his kicking, but glad he'll be sticking around. Great strong mark for such a wirey player!
  13. Salem’s having a down year. Averaging 7 disposals less than last year. Less kicks. Less tackles. Less rebound 50s. It’s statistically his worst year since 2016. He’s definitely dropped off, but it’s less noticeable compared to say Brayshaw. It’s possible Salem’s another who’s struggling with his role this season. Agree that he, Brayshaw and Harmes are ones we need to get performing well. They’re in the age bracket where they should be peaking. 25 year olds shouldn’t struggle with their role and confidence.
  14. Rubbish. AFL need to get their head out of their [censored].
  15. Hopefully the no-stat highlights change and become actual highlights! Kossie is flashy, but he needs to starts contributing if he wants to retain his place in the team. He was the same at underage level, looked flashy and exciting, but ultimately contributed little. Forward coach needs to tell him to stop flying for marks and get front and centre for the crumb. He missed 3-4 goal opportunities last night because he made poor decisions. The skillset is there, now we need to give him a footy IQ lesson.
  16. I've previously banged on about our midfield being unbalanced and that we should look to trade either Brayshaw or Viney to address the issue. I'm usually shouted down, but seems others are starting to agree. We have too many see ball get ball inside types, and lack classy disposers and more rounded players. Our mids also don't kick enough goals. Brayshaw has been that player in the past (2018) where he shone both inside winning ball and outside linking up. That match against Adelaide where he had 39 touches and 3 goals is proof of that. Noone on our entire list has produced that sort of output before. For whatever reason, he's struggled since and is playing an unsuitable role. Most of our midfield has regressed since 2018, Petracca is the only ones who's improved not regressed. Back in 2018 Clarry kicked 12.11 too. He's regressed in scoring and impact since. Harmes has also struggled with his role being shifted around, though he's less talented than the others. He's getting less ball, making worse decisions and not scoring as much. Can we afford to send him back to being a permanent tagger? I still believe we need to trade one of them to re-balance and bring in the type of midfielder we need. I'm not talking about a pure outside Langdon type, I'm talking a rounded midfielder who performs both inside and outside depending on what the team needs. Viney is in hot form, so Brayshaw is the logical trade option. Do we trade him off to Freo to be with his family? What can they offer us?
  17. Gus played only 65% game time tonight, and was exclusively playing on the wings. He attended one centre bounce all night. Below is his heat map. Can’t help but think somethings not right with him at the moment seeing that.
  18. Agree Harmes has had a poor year. Was ineffective in defense and is now struggling to find his role again in our midfield. He did play more in the guts than Brayshaw though. Below is Brayshaw heatmap for tonight. Gus played only 65% game time and exclusively on the wings.
  19. He’s young and has time, but he’s definitely being overhyped. This was his output at underage level - looked flashy and exciting, but ultimately had low output. It’s why I wasn’t keen on him at such as high pick. He looks exactly the same at afl level, flashy but contributes little. Hopefully he learns to get to better crumbing positions, as he missed opportunities to crumb 3-4 goals due to flying when he shouldn’t have or being in the complete wrong position. Jackson on the other hand is getting to the right spots and with more strength could become a weapon. Really pleased with his development so quickly for a tall guy. Our mids got a touch up through quarters 2-3, but ruck the umpires cost us the match at the end. Absolutely corrupt [censored]. The club should stand up and demand a please explain. Also, why does Clarry not get more free kicks? He’s held at nearly every stoppage but never gets a free kick when warranted.
  20. Another poor game today. 9 disposals, 2 tackles. Only 65% game time. Perhaps there’s concussion or management issues? He looks unsettled, unhappy, unsure of his role and lacking confidence in everything he does.
  21. Will likely be at Carlton next season. Nominated them last trade period, Sydney requested first rounder, Carlton agreed but then deals fell over and they weren't able to get it done. They've already been in dialogue with him again and it's been in the news as recently as today. Either way, we'd need a first rounder for him and we don't have one this year. I wouldn't trade next years for another small forward either. No chance of being a Demon.
  22. Is this ranked as current output or potential output?
  23. I like some of the suggestions, but we don't have much currency to trade for a lot them as we don't have a first rounder this year and due to compromised draft our 2nd rounder will be worth bugger all and likely fall into the 30s. We'd need to target free agents, and a KPF is still the biggest gaping hole in our list. A quality KPF would IMO rocket us up the ladder 6-7 places. King would obviously be perfect for us as a KPF. Have to trade for him. Don't believe we have currency and don't believe Suns would let him go. He was taken at pick 6, has more than proven his worth, and likely cost two first rounders now. Laird would be a good get as a quality small for our backline. Again, would have to trade a first rounder for him and we don't have the currency. Saad, same as above. Good small rebounder for backline, but not free agent so would cost a first rounder we don't have. Williams would be good get as a half back/midfielder, though his body lets him down at times. He's a RFA, so if the price is right then he's a good target. Cameron would be a great KPF for us, but he is on the older side at nearly 30 years old. RFA, so if price is right then wouldn't be opposed to getting him across. He's probably the best target despite his age. Daniher as a KPF is also an option due to free agency status. His body & head may be shot though, so we can't afford to take a massive financial risk for a player who might rarely play. He should be a fallback option only IMO. There are other young stars out of contract like Bailey Smith and Harry Perryman who look like they're going to be elite, but we don't have currency to land them. I'd be open to trading a quality player to get Bailey Smith across though. He's the exact type of classy rounded goal kicking midfielder we are lacking. Dogs would never let him go though.
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