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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. Then, if Port won tonight, how was the thought of finishing second a wet dream?
  2. Do you believe, playing near our best, we can win the next 3 games?
  3. Doesn’t matter how much you say it, it is too complicated for some
  4. Hey Saberfang, WCE vs Lions was irrelevant if Port won, get a clue
  5. GWS trail Crows at a home game, wow at half time, a top 8 team, they are certainties against us.... ??? PS, if you think I am ridiculing you, I am
  6. Fat side, has less players over there as all down the line, no idea where the term comes from
  7. Yeah, really far fetched beating an average Sydney, WCE missing 2 or 3 best players and GWS at home. Unbelievable how little it takes for so many to be satisfied.... by you theory, we are no chance in the finals, as we can’t beat top 8 teams. Play with yourself at the prospect of making the 8 mate, I am only interested in one result
  8. I think that playing our best football, we can easily win all 3.
  9. Seriously, how can people be so clueless. WC and Brisbane were irrelevant if WC lost today, a WC loss meant if we win our last three games we would have finished second. It really isn’t complicated! And you do realise that a team that finishes 2nd is a better chance than one from outside the top 4 (or even a team that finishes third) - can you grasp that or do you also need it explained to you?
  10. Mate you and so many others can cream your tweeds about making the finals, a Port win meant we had 2nd place in our own destiny, win 3, we had 2nd guaranteed, Port losing today means we have to rely on other results. I don’t give a rats clacker about making the 8, this is an open season, any team can make the Grand Final where anything can happen, I wanted us to have the best opportunity to do that, Eagles winning limits it.
  11. Brutal for us. Ah well, we will just have to beat Meth Coast twice in a month over there.
  12. Dumb play by Port, not holding possession
  13. These bloody injuries could save the Eagles and cost us dearly
  14. Great start for Port, need them to go on with it
  15. So you think the MFC don’t want to finish second. Again, it is not rocket science, if Port win at home, we then beat the Eagles (without a few of their stars - very feasible), then we have caught the Eagles, something you wrote as fact, not opinion...
  16. We can’t catch the Eagles hey. amazing, you spent so much time doing a write up on a topic you clearly have no idea about. Port, the we beat Eagles, we are above them. Do you need that repeated?
  17. Assuming we can win our final three games, which I believe we can, The is Port beat the Eagles today, we finish second, no ifs or buts. We go into the bye, chock full of confidence with every chance of making it to the big dance
  18. No real risky outcomes wanting us to finish second, it is simple, WC lose this week, we win our final 3 games - we finish 2nd
  19. Very keen to see Port beat the Eagles, opens a clear pathway for us to make a run for 2nd place.
  20. Alright, I feel dirty even putting this out there but..... Make a big play for Lynch, can’t see GC matching the bid, pick 3 better than what they will get IMO if Lynch chose to come to us. Then trade Hogan (who I love and this is the only scenario I would even consider trading him) to Fred for say, Andrew Brayshaw. If we could make it happen, then it would be hard not to do it. Need to wash my mouth out with soap now....
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