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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. I voted Neita, club champion, CHB and CHF all Australian, only 300 game player and importantly, a one club player
  2. This is such an important, relevant comment to me. Playing copycat may pinch you a flag, doing something different and successfully can snag you more than one. I can imagine a triangular set up, for example, Weid in goal, TMac and Hoges as high half forwards and rotate the triangle, would be a nightmare for opposition coaches
  3. We need a back up ruckman, haven’t seen much of Preuss, but what little I have seen was good. That said, I can’t understand why he would come to us, as he must know he is coming to play for Casey unless big Max gets injured
  4. It isn’t often 3 big Tals can work, but with our three, I think it can. All of them have fantastic aerobic capacity, Weed doing duties as back up ruck and the A’s deepest forward, Hodges and Tmac roaming. Yes, they will need that connection not many have, but if they click, they will be very hard to stop
  5. Thanks Bernie. I hope, if you want, to see you stick around in a coaching role.
  6. For those interested, post 612 says: ”Sam Mclure on SEN confirmed Freo are not in race for Mcgovern as they are concentrating on a Hogan offer. Grain of salt, but there seems to be momentum building in the rumour”
  7. Except my original post was meant to say, Brayshaw and their first round pick.
  8. We are not far apart on opinions and I do enjoy the opinions here, though many I don’t respect ? (that is not a personal dig), personally, I think Frost is a much better player this year, I had him a long way behind Oscar before the season started, now I see the nucleus of a potentially fantastic defence with the pair of them, Lever to come in and our very, very good smaller size defenders.
  9. You and anyone else in a similar situation should invoice Ticketmaster for lost income due to gross incompetence. if anyone could mock up a genuine invoice that people could enter their details and send it to them (and the media) I would love to see their response, this is BS and I feel for all of you that got screwed over today
  10. Personally, I disagree with that truth. To me he is showing more composure and smarts than I have seen in him previously
  11. While that is probably true, there is also a good chance that picking Petty over Frost gave Sam the extra motivation to work harder on the areas he needed to and that decision could have been the spur for him to be playing as he currently is.
  12. Are people serious when suggesting Spargo be rested? He either stays in the team or is dropped, there is no such thing as resting a player in September, especially the week after a bye.
  13. Wow, Freo 4 on the trot, 1 goal lead Maybe miracles can happen
  14. Thank you for starting a thread on the importance of percentage. I must confess, after last year, I had been under the delusion that percentage was irrelevant
  15. Agree, Hardwick should be coach thinking about it, then Simpson, then maybe Buckley, who has been excellent this year but I find it ludicrous that someone like Slobbo who is the chief football writer for the Scum would make him coach
  16. Long going on about a good sign for Essenscum and how they have won 5of 6 outside of Victoria and it bodes well for the future, nice to heat considering we have won I think 6 of 7 outside the big V
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