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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. Love this line from the article, though I suspect it has resulted in the author getting death threats: ”West Coast’s infantile supporters were whinging and booing and carrying on.”
  2. I don’t mind Slobbo from what I see of him on 360, but he really is a moron!
  3. A Friday night in Alice, always a lot of shouting from the drunks in Todd river, well tonight I reckon I am going to put them to shame, I pity anyone wanting to go to sleep living within a 100m radius
  4. The biggest game of the last dozen years, calls for an early thread... I see us winning and comfortably, but can’t help but feel that accuracy will be the difference between setting up a meeting with Hawthorn or ending our season early.
  5. I pretty much agree with everything you say, I just have no faith in the umpires
  6. Well then how can you not see Mitchell having the inside running, is voted on by umpires just after games, the umpires are not looking at or seeing the bigger picture, just Mitchell accumulating possessions. There is a reason why Blight was right in his criticism of the MVP, a similar case can be made for the Brownlow, it is why I rate the coaches award as being the best.
  7. Are you forgetting who votes for the Brownlow?
  8. No, he has earnt a two year extension, may not be in our first 22, but is getting there and has improved enormously
  9. Ch.7 promoting our game “one of the oldest rivalries in football”, Sorry you muppets, considering we are the two oldest teams, do tell, which is the oldest rivalry?
  10. I know. That is the point I was making, see the quote I had in my post...
  11. I have heard Neeld defend the selection of captains, talking about the assessment, it was an in depth answer to a direct criticism, he said the coaching staff chose Grimes and Trenners from the assessment AT NO STAGE DID HE MENTION A PLAYERS VOTE.
  12. So either the Hawks or Tigers get an extra two days rest before we play them in a semi final? Thanks AFL, for actually being fair to us for once.
  13. Those from our last two weeks, thought overall both games were umpired fairly and quite consistently. Nicholls, if the umpiring department is serious, should be on holiday in Bali for the month
  14. Definitely correct, if not for some of the decisions, we wouldn’t have got Roos?
  15. Lucky you didn’t bump into him, he would have chased after you and slammed into you back when you had no idea he was coming. Dog of a human being.
  16. He has it, definitely of MCC, so assume MFC as well
  17. There is a reason I (and many others) would be happy for Bernie to remain at the club in a coaching role or runner or even as captain at Casey, not sure where, but I would be very happy to have Bernie remain a Demon
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