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Rod Grinter Riot Squad

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Everything posted by Rod Grinter Riot Squad

  1. All this talk about top 8, with a bit of help from Port, I have my eyes set firmly on 2nd
  2. How many times will they drop the ball until the maggots actually pay us one...
  3. Disgraceful non decision by the maggot there re holding the ball
  4. Second Salem got that handball, knew it was a goal, the kid has silky skills
  5. Was so happy to see Alex Johnson get through the game, just great to see him playing again after all he has gone through.
  6. They have Port next week in Port, I reckon they will lose (WC)
  7. Happy to have the swans find some form, much better to play some tough games heading into the finals, test ourselves, win all (or all but 1) and we will have a good ladder position and more importantly a lot of confidence going into the finals
  8. Think this is the first time ever that a round has had 5 games decided by less than a goal.
  9. I was adamant of it too, but on Ch7 I just saw and angle I hadn’t previously seen, on that it seems to go through goals and is clearest angle I have seen
  10. Just saw an angle that has me changing my mind (yes miracles can happen), I was wrong there, did go through goals
  11. Same here, glanced post on the point side, thought it was crystal clear from the replay. I am thrilled with the result, but would be sending death threats to AFL house is it happened to us!
  12. Definite point for Jenkins, what a farce the review system is
  13. We have the second best percentage in the league, we have to make sure it stays that way, beat the Suns by 20goals and we effectively have an extra game in hand on those chasing a spot in the finals.
  14. Recovery time from the Perth trip is more important to us, than before a final, if we make it, as there is a bye before the first round of the finals, so Saturday game or Sunday game in the last round is irrelevant with regards to finals
  15. Classless by the crows not to clap him off, but not surprising, that club makes the Pies seem classy!
  16. Great win, great third quarter, thrilled That said, I look back in some games and think we were hard done by, this game I feel like we stole it - not that I am complaining
  17. Opened the thread expecting to read about how good he has been and how great it has been to see Nibbler turn his season around after looking devoid of confidence and lost earlier in the year
  18. So am I, I just clicked on the link and it opened the article, strange
  19. Huge game with massive ramifications for the 8, my gut tells me we will win by 6 goals, hope like hell it happens
  20. Congratulations. there have been many ridiculous posts this year, some in this thread, but this one is going to take something miraculous to not win the worst post of the year award.
  21. Christian is a [censored]. that a comment has been made from him (if it has) says so much
  22. No, because we should have won by double that and after last year....
  23. Stretch was very good tonight, if he can convert, we will have a player
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