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Everything posted by Demonised

  1. Award winning, highly regarded and ground breaking author of books for young readers.
  2. Hard data vs opinion. Which will win? Who can tell?
  3. There are two questions that have the same answer. The questions are: 'Why do they?' and 'Why don't they?' and the answer is 'Money'.
  4. I was at the game last night and I'm afraid I didn't see lack of interest or effort. I saw that we were up against a talented team and our systems weren't working as they have been. They pressured us and we often fumbled or chose bad options while they were on song and very, very slick.
  5. We seemed to be outnumbered at every contest. And they had the skills to chip right through/around us.
  6. Wasn't it built in what turned out to be a rain belt? That is, one of the rainiest parts of Melbourne?
  7. Pies tanking for draft picks?
  8. I want to see more of this sort of language on Demonland. Egad. Zounds. Fie. Huzzah.
  9. A round that starts with a Melbourne loss and a Carlton win is a glum one indeed.
  10. And oh what heights we'll hit! On with the show, this is it!
  11. Steven Stretch loved a goal.
  12. 10-12 weeks, realistically, means 2025 for him 😞.
  13. He can also be heard on the recording. From Wikipedia: 'an ominous spoken-word "buyer beware" message (suggestive of the LSD 'trip' experience) which was, in fact, Meldrum's heavily filtered voice reading aloud from the product disclaimer on an Ampex recording tape box.'
  14. Footy is coming.
  15. A lot of media people are surprised when you tell them that not all smartphones are iPhones.
  16. I love the enthusiasm for new inclusions but I suggest, with respect, that any time we nominate a new face we also have to say who this new player will displace. Otherwise it looks like we'll have about 22 players on the field for Round 1, which would be handy but I suspect might be objected to.
  17. Rarely plays a terrible game. Sometimes plays a very, very good one.
  18. 'Sermocination' is when someone poses a question and immediately answers it themselves.
  19. Not wanting to split hairs, but Google says 12k from Melbourne Town Hall to Caulfield Racetrack, and 13k from MCG to same destination - with $6 in tolls!
  20. Just to add to the discussion, for some years the geographic centre of Melbourne has been moving north and west, a trend that's set to continue.
  21. What about James Brown?
  22. I remember that.
  23. As a very young youngster I remember him as a very earnest presenter of a kids' show on (black and white) TV, and the Barassi plastic football boots that were my first ever, even though they were hand me downs. He was charismatic, a presence, no wonder I went for the dees and no wonder I was devastated when he went to Carlton. My three brothers followed him and dumped the MFC. I stuck.
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