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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I dont wont to hear one word of "positive spin" come the after match presser...not one
  2. the lad aint got no ticker I'm afraid
  3. wow kept them goal less for nearly 8 mins
  4. some will deride me....its called mental weakness
  5. Theres a simple thing to understand, and when you come to terms with it it all just melts away into insignificance. that being: Its not a case of some of our list being NQR, its that about half of it is NFG , not at AFL level once you realise this and accept it it all just makes sense
  6. They need a "mercy" rule; so they can just stop games like this now.
  7. Me thinks our lil botties are going to get spanked the same colours as our jumpers. Not going to be pretty
  8. As alluded to much earlier ....someones going to come back to earth with a real thud today
  9. They're only 40 up at qtr time... were still in this by joves !!
  10. hmmm theres the cricket... and 2015.....lol
  11. you mean those that havent already started !!! lol I cant see it being happy hunting today....but its only footy
  12. Today might be a very Roos awakening for our coach.
  13. Whilst I somewhat understand the view I would ask is there no defacto agreement by effect between a player and his club that essentially goe to the idea that as a player, people will be interested in how that all goes.....or in Mitch's case, doesnt. Everyone is entitled to their privacy but its a bit like a actor having a go about publicity. Yes theres a line , but theres an expectation also. Anyone taking money to play footy at this level must expect scrutiny. It cant be all a one way street
  14. that even despite the comment by Roos.( yep same one ) ...very gracious for mine. "Watts was good with ball in hand"....in other words...thats the only time he was effective. thats not good enough these days not all capable of looking outside the square it seems Watts game is nowhere near a multidimentional effort thats needed. He has very little defensive game, he needs to get one.
  15. I think the overall enthusiasm ddropped in direct correlation to the withdrawl of one fwd after another.Funny that
  16. Interesting concept there....kicking more ( near double ) goals v points..
  17. I trust the MFC FD to tell me rubbish. Seldom disappointed.
  18. No one in football is exempt from tackling. Its a basic of the game.
  19. I have no particular wish to harp on re Watts as hes trying... I suppose...but 0 tackles for a mid is..'pick a word' It just always seems that the side of his game that requires abject ferocity and a demand to make opponents accountable is plainly missing. Some how we need to instill this. Im hoping as Bernie settles into his role his kicking will return to dangerous. In the absence of much of our attack his long goals will be gold.
  20. DeliciousBloody good with the stab pass ol Murray
  21. The win at all costs atitude is just as prevalent amongst those players who happily, blindly, enthusiastically or greedy of ambition participated without any further due dilligence of their own undertaking. Such caution is their resposibilty. The players whilst possibly not all through stupidity are culpable and therefore guilty. These players were happy enough to take whatever benefit or advantage this program offered. Well.. caveat emptor. I have no sympathy for cheats. They can be damned right alobgside their so called mentors.
  22. hes only 5'11 ....and pretty nippy by foot .........when he gets his skates on !!!
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